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文章结合张唐铁路工程燕山隧道下穿公路出口段,采用三维有限差分程序,研究分析了其施工过程中的地层变形特性、力学响应、能量积聚及塑性区分布特征.研究结果表明:公路最大沉降量小于规范要求,围岩竖向最大变形为20 mm,水平变形为16 mm;掌子面前方挤出变形明显,最大值为38 mm;边墙能量密度集中现象较显著,位于距洞壁5 m深部围岩处;掌子面前方6 m左右围岩处出现能量积聚,为掌子面稳定关键部位:塑性区主要集中在掌子面前方、拱肩、边墙及墙脚.为此,建议对掌子面进行预加固,保证墙脚和拱肩部位配筋,提高结构整体稳定性.  相似文献   
在自行搭建的销-盘试验机上进行自激励振动条件下的滑动摩擦试验, 通过销-盘的摩擦运动来模拟轮轨间的平均接触应力。利用激光位移传感器测量盘试件摩擦面的波状磨耗尺寸, 得到了不同试验条件下盘试件摩擦面的波状磨耗曲线。运用功率谱法对摩擦面的波状磨耗进行分形描述, 根据功率谱指数与分形维数的关系计算不同试验条件下波状磨耗的分形维数, 分析了分形维数与转速、法向载荷、转数等参数的关系。试验结果表明: 在相同法向载荷下, 利用功率谱法求得的分形维数随转速的增加而增大; 在相同转速下, 分形维数随法向载荷的增加而增大; 在相同转速和法向载荷下, 分形维数随转数的增加而减小; 盘试件摩擦面波状磨耗的分形维数为1.79~1.92, 分形特征显著, 分形维数越大, 盘试件摩擦面波状磨耗越严重, 波状磨耗波长越长。利用功率谱法求得的结果与试验结果一致, 可用分形维数定量描述摩擦面的波状磨耗。  相似文献   
为研究货运繁重公路的车辆荷载谱和疲劳车辆模型, 基于佛山平胜大桥的动态称重系统采集的多时段车流数据, 归类出了车辆荷载谱的10类代表车型, 分析了代表车型的轴距、质量、轴重和超载数据, 以及沿不同车道的车辆和轴重分布特性, 提出了可用于钢桥疲劳评估的车辆荷载谱; 以疲劳加载率最大的六轴车辆为原型, 基于疲劳损伤等效原则分别提出了桥梁单向重载车道的疲劳车辆模型和简化疲劳车辆模型。计算结果表明: 平胜大桥呈现货运繁重公路的典型特征, 车辆日均通行总量达到了45 065veh, 约为《AASHTO LRFD》定义的日均通行量20 000veh的2.3倍; 疲劳车辆在全部交通流中的比例为51.6%, 为《AASHTO LRFD》定义的20.0%的2.6倍; 货车占疲劳车辆总数的45.2%, 主要分布于重载车道, 而且通行货车超载比例占到相应车型的30%70%, 最大超载货车达到了132.5t;两轴货车超载率为29.0%, 等效质量达到17.5t, 后轴等效轴重达到12.1t, 因而不能忽略两轴货车的疲劳加载贡献。对比《AASHTO LRFD》五轴标准疲劳车辆模型(前轴轴重为2.6t, 中间双联轴和后面双联轴的单轴轴重均为5.4t) 和简化标准疲劳车辆模型(前轴为2.6t, 中轴和后轴均为10.8t), 提出的六轴单向疲劳车辆模型总质量为33.1t, 前轴轴重为3.6t, 中间双联轴和后面三联轴的单轴轴重均为5.9t;简化单向疲劳车辆模型的前轴轴重为3.6t, 中轴和后轴分别为11.8、17.7t;针对重载车道提出的六轴疲劳车辆模型总质量达到了36.5t, 前轴轴重为4.0t, 联轴中的单轴轴重均为6.5t;对应的重载车道简化疲劳车模型的前轴轴重为4.0t, 中轴和后轴轴重分别为13.0、19.5t。  相似文献   
近几年,随着国家倡导绿色发展,新能源汽车产业发展迅速,我国新能源汽车保有量的快速增长,新能源汽车安全问题愈发得到人们的重视。要保证汽车在任何环境和条件下都能正常运行,这对汽车所有零部件的质量和性能提出了更高的要求,新能源汽车高压连接系统中,往往都应用大量了高压连接器,每一辆新能源电动汽车上所使用电连接器数量将达到600~1500只,故连接器对整个新能源汽车的质量保证起着举足轻重的作用。连接器一旦失效,后果十分严重,汽车温度局部升高或发生燃烧事件,甚至出现交通意外。本文从新能源汽车用的高压连接器发展现状及趋势基础上,对高压连接器的失效分析和性能指标做了概述,为后续研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   
针对一款串联型插电式混合动力公交车,文章基于MTLALB建立整车和各部件数值模型。在中国典型城市公交工况下,建立基于全局优化的DP策略,并与CD-CS策略和PMP策略进行能耗对比分析。结果表明:(1)基于CD-CS策略的后期SOC在一定范围内波动,DP策略与PMP策略的SOC轨迹近似呈线性变化。(2)CD-CS策略较DP策略的能耗成本高22.68%,PMP策略比DP策略的能耗成本高0.30%。DP策略与PMP策略可以合理分配能量源,实现全局最优,但DP策略相比PMP策略计算量大。  相似文献   
This paper analyses transport energy consumption of conventional and electric vehicles in mountainous roads. A standard round trip in Andorra has been modelled in order to characterise vehicle dynamics in hilly regions. Two conventional diesel vehicles and their electric-equivalent models have been simulated and their performances have been compared. Six scenarios have been simulated to study the effects of factors such as orography, traffic congestion and driving style. The European fuel consumption and emissions test and Artemis urban driving cycles, representative of European driving cycles, have also been included in the comparative analysis. The results show that road grade has a major impact on fuel economy, although it affects consumption in different levels depending on the technology analysed. Electric vehicles are less affected by this factor as opposed to conventional vehicles, increasing the potential energy savings in a hypothetical electrification of the car fleet. However, electric vehicle range in mountainous terrains is lower compared to that estimated by manufacturers, a fact that could adversely affect a massive adoption of electric cars in the short term.  相似文献   
Traffic congestion and energy issues have set a high bar for current ground transportation systems. With advances in vehicular communication technologies, collaborations of connected vehicles have becoming a fundamental block to build automated highway transportation systems of high efficiency. This paper presents a distributed optimal control scheme that takes into account macroscopic traffic management and microscopic vehicle dynamics to achieve efficiently cooperative highway driving. Critical traffic information beyond the scope of human perception is obtained from connected vehicles downstream to establish necessary traffic management mitigating congestion. With backpropagating traffic management advice, a connected vehicle having an adjustment intention exchanges control-oriented information with immediately connected neighbors to establish potential cooperation consensus, and to generate cooperative control actions. To achieve this goal, a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme is developed accounting for driving safety and efficiency. By coupling the states of collaborators in the optimization index, connected vehicles achieve fundamental highway maneuvers cooperatively and optimally. The performance of the distributed control scheme and the energy-saving potential of conducting such cooperation are tested in a mixed highway traffic environment by the means of microscopic simulations.  相似文献   
Driver advisory systems, instructing the driver how to control the train in an energy efficient manner, is one the main tools for minimizing energy consumption in the railway sector. There are many driver advisory systems already available in the market, together with significant literature on the mathematical formulation of the problem. However, much less is published on the development of such mathematical formulations, their implementation in real systems, and on the empirical data from their deployment. Moreover, nearly all the designed driver advisory systems are designed as an additional hardware to be added in drivers’ cabin. This paper discusses the design of a mathematical formulation and optimization approach for such a system, together with its implementation into an Android-based prototype, the results from on-board practical experiments, and experiences from the implementation. The system is based on a more realistic train model where energy calculations take into account dynamic losses in different components of the propulsion system, contrary to previous approaches. The experimental evaluation shows a significant increase in accuracy, as compared to a previous approach. Tests on a double-track section of the Mälaren line in Sweden demonstrates a significant potential for energy saving.  相似文献   
Emissions of GHG from the transport sector and how to reduce them are major challenges for policy makers. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships while in port based on annual data from Port of Gothenburg, Port of Long Beach, Port of Osaka and Sydney Ports. Port call statistics including IMO number, ship name, berth number and time spent at berth for each ship call, were provided by each participating port. The IMO numbers were used to match each port call to ship specifications from the IHS database Sea-web. All data were analysed with a model developed by the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute for the purpose of quantifying GHG emissions (as CO2-equivalent) from ships in the port area. Emissions from five operational modes are summed in order to account for ship operations in the different traffic areas. The model estimates total GHG emissions of 150,000, 240,000, 97,000, and 95,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents per year for Gothenburg, Long Beach, Osaka, and Sydney, respectively. Four important emission-reduction measures are discussed: reduced speed in fairway channels, on-shore power supply, reduced turnaround time at berth and alternative fuels. It is argued that the potential to reduce emissions in a port area depends on how often a ship revisits a port: there it in general is easier to implement measures for high-frequent liners. Ships that call 10 times or less contribute significantly to emissions in all ports.  相似文献   
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