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Numerous Life Cycle Analysis of bread pointed out that wheat production and transportation have important impacts on the environment. But wheat is grown all around the world and it is not always consumed where it is produced. In this paper an analysis of the wheat movements around Europe is done, taking special attention on the Spanish situation. An optimization of wheat exchanges is done eliminating the import–export overlapping. This optimization entails a reduction of the number of trips by 34% and the CO2 emissions reduction due to transportation is calculated to be 121.175 tones. Consequently less trips, fewer trucks, less traffic and lower emissions that brings economic, social and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

Valuation of externalities is a condition for correct investment and pricing decisions in transport. This paper provides a brief survey of the main studies achieved in OECD countries in order to get these valuations. Numerical values for the average social cost of transport are presented. The procedures according to which environment is taken into account in France and Italy are analyzed, and the importance of valuation in these procedures is assessed. Finally, prospects for further research and new developments are expressed.  相似文献   
Biodiesel use in local public transport could be especially significant in improving air quality in cities. The purpose of the experiments described in this paper was to evaluate the various (10, 20 and 50%) blends of biodiesel with diesel in the context of the engine and pollution aspects. As regards the experimental use of these findings on municipal buses, these experiments were the first reference in Hungary. The ages (15–20 years) and types of buses (Ikarus-280, Ikarus-260) used in the experiments are still common vehicles in Hungarian public transport. During our measurements, there was a significant difference between the change in fuel consumption of articulated and solo buses in traffic when compared to test bench measurements. The proportion of the engine performance reduction is nearly the same as that for biodiesel share in the blends. Most pollutants were decreasing (both at idle and full rpm), but this reduction is not directly proportional to the increase of the blending percentage. However, as for CO2, emission increase was observed in the case of idle rpm in comparison to normal diesel operation, even though this phenomenon was not due to biodiesel use, but the catalytic converter and the fact that biodiesel was used for the first time in the engine concerned.  相似文献   
“十五”期间,铁路在路网建设、装备现代化、既有线提速扩能改造、投融资改革、节能、环保等方面均取得了重大成就。本世纪头20年是我国发展的重要战略机遇期,在实现区域经济协调发展、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和建立现代化综合交通运输体系中,铁路将充分发挥骨干作用。在“十一五”规划目标下,铁路面临着加快快速客运网络建设、强化煤炭运输通道、扩展西部路网、优化东中部路网等建设任务。2006年是“十一五”开局之年,要抓住机遇,提高计划管理水平,重点完成项目前期工作、落实建设资金、基建任务以及装备现代化等方面的工作,为实现铁路跨越式发展目标做出贡献。  相似文献   
概括介绍了环境岩土工程的应用领域。通过环境科学与土力学的结合,改变运用传统的方法解决各种岩土工程问题。对城市建设中的若干环境岩土工程问题及桩基施工与工程降水所产生的工程问题等方面作了探讨。  相似文献   
IntroductionMobile Agents equipped with intelligence,of-fer new technology that helps automate NetworkManagement activities,which are increasingly be-coming complex due to exponential growth of in-ternet users,and thus demanding higher levels ofhuman manager expertise and involvement.Well-known network management protocols that areused to monitor and manage network devices in-clude Simple Network Management Protocol ( SN-MP) and Common Management Information Proto-col ( CMIP) ,SNMP be…  相似文献   
针对农村公路的特点,论述了农村公路建设对环境的影响。本文从设计、施工和绿化三个方面采取相应的措施使农村公路建设对环境的影响降到最低限度,实现农村公路建设与环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
TB/T3152-2007《铁路环境振动测量》,以GB/T10071-1988《城市区域环境振动测量方法》作为主要依据,针对GB/T10071-1988中有关铁路环境振动测量方法中不明确的地方,如铁路环境振动的定义、标准的适用范围、测点的布设以及铁路环境振动的测量方法等,适当作了补充性规定,以满足实际测量工作的需要。  相似文献   
论述骏威公司二级踏步LPG城市客车底盘的开发、产品结构特点及主要技术性能参数.  相似文献   
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