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混合交通信号交叉口右转机动车通行能力及其灵敏度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决信号交叉口右转机动车受自行车干扰严重的问题,运用间隙理论和车流波动理论研究干扰环境下右转机动车的通过数量,以度量混合交通环境下右转机动车的通行能力。在分析大量调研数据的基础上,探讨了无信号控制的右转机动车和自行车在二相位信号控制交叉口运行的微观行为,提出了混合交通环境下信号交叉口右转机动车的通行能力模型,结合典型路口对该模型的有效性进行了验证,并开展了右转机动车通行能力相对于自行车流量的灵敏度分析。结果表明:当自行车到达量在500~1500 bic.h-1情况下,自行车到达量的变动对右转机动车通行能力的影响较大。  相似文献   
The speed-density or flow-density relationship has been considered as the foundation of traffic flow theory. Existing single-regime models calibrated by the least square method (LSM) could not fit the empirical data consistently well both in light-traffic/free-flow conditions and congested/jam conditions. In this paper, first, we point out that the inaccuracy of single-regime models is not caused solely by their functional forms, but also by the sample selection bias. Second, we apply a weighted least square method (WLSM) that addresses the sample selection bias problem. The calibration results for six well-known single-regime models using the WLSM fit the empirical data reasonably well both in light-traffic/free-flow conditions and congested/jam conditions. Third, we conduct a theoretical investigation that reveals the deficiency associated with the LSM is because the expected value of speed (or a function of it) is nonlinear with regard to the density (or a function of it).  相似文献   
In this paper, the effects of a inter-urban carsharing program on users’ mode choice behaviour were investigated and modelled through specification, calibration and validation of different modelling approaches founded on the behavioural paradigm of the random utility theory. To this end, switching models conditional on the usually chosen transport mode, unconditional switching models and holding models were investigated and compared. The aim was threefold: (i) to analyse the feasibility of a inter-urban carsharing program; (ii) to investigate the main determinants of the choice behaviour; (iii) to compare different approaches (switching vs. holding; conditional vs. unconditional); (iv) to investigate different modelling solutions within the random utility framework (homoscedastic, heteroscedastic and cross-correlated closed-form solutions). The set of models was calibrated on a stated preferences survey carried out on users commuting within the metropolitan area of Salerno, in particular with regard to the home-to-work trips from/to Salerno (the capital city of the Salerno province) to/from the three main municipalities belonging to the metropolitan area of Salerno. All of the involved municipalities significantly interact each other, the average trip length is about 30 km a day and all are served by public transport. The proposed carsharing program was a one-way service, working alongside public transport, with the possibility of sharing the same car among different users, with free parking slots and free access to the existent restricted traffic areas. Results indicated that the inter-urban carsharing service may be a substitute of the car transport mode, but also it could be a complementary alternative to the transit system in those time periods in which the service is not guaranteed or efficient. Estimation results highlighted that the conditional switching approach is the most effective one, whereas travel monetary cost, access time to carsharing parking slots, gender, age, trip frequency, car availability and the type of trip (home-based) were the most significant attributes. Elasticity results showed that access time to the parking slots predominantly influences choice probability for bus and carpool users; change in carsharing travel costs mainly affects carpool users; change in travel costs of the usually chosen transport mode mainly affects car and carpool users.  相似文献   
文章以博弈论为理论基础,分析了养护施工总承包模式下业主与总承包商的博弈关系,提出了引导双方采用合理的策略以获得最大利益及保证工程产品达到较高质量水平的博弈对策,为养护施工总承包工程的管理和施工提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   
文章针对城市交通信号控制中的动态路径优化问题,综合考虑相邻交叉口间距和路段交通饱和度两个参数的影响,提出了一种基于蚁群算法和群决策理论的动态路径优化算法模型,并通过仿真实验,对比分析了该算法模型的有效性。  相似文献   
文章基于结构-荷载理论对城市下穿式矩形框架隧道进行结构模型简化,同时利用有限元软件ANSYS对隧道进行了结构力学分析。分析结果表明矩形框架隧道在拐角处受力最不利,需在结构的设计及施工中根据结构截面强度验算进行配筋加厚处理,以保证隧道结构的安全。  相似文献   
In this paper a new traffic flow model for congested arterial networks, named shockwave profile model (SPM), is presented. Taking advantage of the fact that traffic states within a congested link can be simplified as free-flow, saturated, and jammed conditions, SPM simulates traffic dynamics by analytically deriving the trajectories of four major shockwaves: queuing, discharge, departure, and compression waves. Unlike conventional macroscopic models, in which space is often discretized into small cells for numerical solutions, SPM treats each homogeneous road segment with constant capacity as a section; and the queuing dynamics within each section are described by tracing the shockwave fronts. SPM is particularly suitable for simulating traffic flow on congested signalized arterials especially with queue spillover problems, where the steady-state periodic pattern of queue build-up and dissipation process may break down. Depending on when and where spillover occurs along a signalized arterial, a large number of queuing patterns may be possible. Therefore it becomes difficult to apply the conventional approach directly to track shockwave fronts. To overcome this difficulty, a novel approach is proposed as part of the SPM, in which queue spillover is treated as either extending a red phase or creating new smaller cycles, so that the analytical solutions for tracing the shockwave fronts can be easily applied. Since only the essential features of arterial traffic flow, i.e., queue build-up and dissipation, are considered, SPM significantly reduces the computational load and improves the numerical efficiency. We further validated SPM using real-world traffic signal data collected from a major arterial in the Twin Cities. The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the model. We expect that in the future this model can be applied in a number of real-time applications such as arterial performance prediction and signal optimization.  相似文献   
以某下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥为背景,建立该桥的三维有限元模型,采用有效横截面积减小率模拟吊索损伤,通过仿真计算分析单根吊索和多根吊索发生不同程度损伤时,吊索系统静拉力重分布规律.结果表明,损伤吊索系统的静拉力重分布只在损伤吊索与其两侧相邻吊索间进行,多根吊索损伤引起吊索系统静拉力重分布近似等效于各单根损伤吊索引起静拉力重分布的线性叠加.该结论对于系杆拱桥吊索系统力学分析与评估具有较大的工程实用价值.  相似文献   
交通需求管理是通过削减潜在的交通需求,使路网达到供需平衡的一种有效策略。运用经济学博弈论的理论观点,分析了城市道路交通拥挤发生的原因以及相应交通需求管理方式的作用机理,从经济学的角度诠释了交通需求管理的有效性。  相似文献   
公路沥青路面使用性能灰色综合评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
公路在交通荷载和自然环境的共同作用下,路面使用性能会随着时间推移而日益衰减,从而直接影响车辆的行驶速度和运输的安全性、经济型和舒适性。为了评估和预测路面使用性能状况,便于进行科学地养护和管理,文章系统地提出了公路沥青路面使用性能评价的指标体系和分级标准,建立了沥青路面使用性能灰色综合评价模型。最后,结合选取路段的实测数据与规范推荐评价方法进行了应用与对比分析。  相似文献   
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