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介绍了2动1拖内燃电传动动车组网络拓扑结构、列车故障诊断系统,故障分类等级及应用C-均值聚类算法准确识别列车故障评估方法,阐述列车诊断系统收集并处理故障信息后,根据聚类核心及数据样本形成平方和聚类准则,对数据样本进行决策分析并输出诊断结果。人机接口设备可存储并及时显示列车故障。列车故障诊断系统增强了动车组运行的可靠性,减少维护人员的工作量,有助于列车长期稳定运行。 相似文献
以CRH3C型动车组逆变器中的绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT,Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)双管开路故障为研究对象,提出了一种基于非洲秃鹫算法(AVOA,African Vultures Optimization Algorithm)和优化的反向传播(BP,Back Propagation)神经网络的逆变器故障诊断方法。在Simulink中搭建列车逆变器的控制模型,取得故障电流;采用经验模态分解(EMD, Empirical Mode Decomposition)对电流信号进行去噪和故障特征提取,再利用AVOA对BP神经网络进行优化,实现了对列车逆变器IGBT双管开路故障的诊断。与传统方法进行对比可知,该方法具有更高的精准度,在测试集中其精准度达到100%。
纯电动汽车动力电池容量有限,这是困扰其大力推广关键因素之一,若一味提升电池容量将大大提高整车成本。因此,在纯电动汽车动力电池容量不变和保证车辆行驶舒适安全前提下,提出续航里程提升策略至关重要。文章提出通过搭载风力发电机和制动回馈电机发电策略有助于续航,分析风力发电与制动能量回馈影响因素并研究纯电动汽车风力发电与制动能量回馈系统控制模型结构后,充分考虑汽车所受阻力,电能转换效率提升方法,建立智能发电能量模型。最后采用遗传算法将空气湿度,制动强度,电池荷电状态,行车速度等因素作为决策变量,并在 Matlab 软件中仿真,得出了随着风力发电机与制动回馈电机平稳运转后,风力发电与制动能量回馈之和处于最佳发电值,验证了发电策略可提升动力电池的充电量,增大纯电动汽车的续航里程。 相似文献
Composite marine propellers improve hydrodynamic efficiency by inducing bend-twist coupling and allowing for passive pitch changes. One critical limitation, however, is the extent to which a composite propeller blade can deform and cause a pitch change without incurring structural failure. Recent numerical studies showed that curvilinear tows could improve the structural response of a composite blade by lowering its deflection or stress and strain required to induce a pitch change, but no experimental validation has been carried out before. The current study, thus, presents the manufacture of composite sandwich hydrofoils made with steered tows using automated fibre placement and validates the curvilinear tow benefits. Two hydrofoils were optimised with straight and curved fibre path layups, respectively and were manufactured for mechanical testing. The manufacturing complications arising from steering curvilinear tows in a three-dimensional convex mould are also discussed in the paper. The study found that significant tow buckling occurred near the tool cavity edge due to excessive steering radius during manufacture. The follow-up structural cantilevered tests showed that the experimental results were consistent with the FE predictions despite the presence of some manufacturing defects. The experiment agreed that the hydrofoil manufactured with curved tows achieved a similar tip twist but a significant reduction in deflection and critical principal strains compared to the hydrofoil made with straight tows. The use of a foam core reduced the overall weight of the sandwich hydrofoils by about 25% compared to that of a fully-carbon composite hydrofoil, and the numerical analysis showed that the core shear failure induced by transverse shear stresses was unlikely to occur. 相似文献
蚁群算法良好的离散性,并行性,正反馈性和鲁棒性,非常适合于图像分割。但基本蚁群算法蚂蚁的搜索是随机的,计算量大,不利于算法的收敛,为此,本文提出了设置初始聚类中心的设想,并以小窗口为对象实施算法,由此大大减小了计算量。另外基本蚁群算法中挥发系数固定,会导致算法可能过早收敛或停滞,针对这一不足,本文将其修改为随蚂蚁通过可行路径个数动态变化,使其收敛性和稳定性有了一定提高。实验证明了方法的有效性。 相似文献
文章基于均质土坡旋转椭球形滑动面的假设,提出了一种用遗传算法确定均质土坡三维最危险滑动面及其对应的最小稳定系数的方法。该方法模拟了生物遗传进化的过程,克服了传统方法容易陷入局部极小值的缺点,是一种全局优化算法。 相似文献
在保障资源损毁后,将现有保障资源整合成机动保障小组,按照一定的机动路线巡回实施支援保障,可以最大限度的节省现存保障资源,提高保障效能。实施机动巡回的资源调度,需要确定机动保障小组的数量以及机动的路线,这类问题可归结为带约束条件的组合优化问题。应用蚁群算法建立了机动巡回保障优化数学模型,给出了算法的实现步骤。案例结果表明,该算法可以快速、有效求得巡回保障的优化解,得到巡回保障过程中的较优方案。 相似文献