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Strict limits on the maximum sulphur content in fuel used by ships have recently been imposed in some Emission Control Areas (ECAs). In order to comply with these regulations many ship operators will switch to more expensive low-sulphur fuel when sailing inside ECAs. Since they are concerned about minimizing their costs, it is likely that speed and routing decisions will change because of this. In this paper, we develop an optimization model to be applied by ship operators for determining sailing paths and speeds that minimize operating costs for a ship along a given sequence of ports. We perform a computational study on a number of realistic shipping routes in order to evaluate possible impacts on sailing paths and speeds, and hence fuel consumption and costs, from the ECA regulations. Moreover, the aim is to examine the implications for the society with regards to environmental effects. Comparisons of cases show that a likely effect of the regulations is that ship operators will often choose to sail longer distances to avoid sailing time within ECAs. Another effect is that they will sail at lower speeds within and higher speeds outside the ECAs in order to use less of the more expensive fuel. On some shipping routes, this might give a considerable increase in the total amount of fuel consumed and the CO2 emissions.  相似文献   
The problem of optimal container vessels deployment is one of great significance for the liner shipping industry. Although the pioneering work on this problem dates back to the early 1990s, only until recently have researchers started to acknowledge and account for the significant amount of uncertainty present in shipping demand in real world container shipping. In this paper, new analytical results are presented to further relax the input requirements for this problem. Specifically, only the mean and variance of the maximum shipping demand are required to be known. An optional symmetry assumption is shown to further reduce the feasible region and deployment cost for typical confidence levels. Moreover, unlike previous work that tends to ignore stochastic dependencies between the shipping demands on the various routes (that are known to exist in the real world), our models account for such dependencies in the most general setting to date. A salient feature of our modeling approach is that the exact dependence structure does not need to be specified, something that is hard, if not simply impossible, to determine in practice. A numerical case study is provided to illustrate the proposed models.  相似文献   
We solve the problem of tactical supply vessel planning arising in the upstream offshore petroleum logistics. Supply vessels deliver all the necessary materials and equipment to offshore installations from an onshore supply base according to a delivery schedule. The planning of supply vessels should be done so that their number is minimized and at the same time provide a reliable flow of supplies from the base. The execution of a weekly sailing plan is affected by weather conditions, especially in winter time. Harsh weather conditions increase the number of vessels required to perform the operations as well as the service times at the installations, and thus disrupt the schedule, leading to additional costs and reduced service level. We present a methodology for robust supply vessel planning enabling a trade-off analysis to be made between the schedules’ service level and vessels’ cost. The methodology involves the generation of multiple vessel schedules with different level of robustness using an adaptive large neighbourhood search metaheuristic and a subsequent discrete event simulation procedure for the assessment of the service level. To control the level of robustness we developed a concept of slacks and incorporated it into the metaheuristic algorithm.  相似文献   
随着社会发展的专业化、技术化以及社会关系的复杂化,行政权的强化和扩张已经成为发展的趋势,这就必然要求行政自由裁量的扩张,但是这也必然导致行政处罚可能和法治精神的背离。根据授权,海事管理机构具有的海事行政处罚是一种较严厉的制裁性行政行为,其自由裁量权若被滥用必将侵犯行政相对人的权利,影响我国的航运事业的发展。本文对海事行政处罚自由裁量权存在的合理性、如何限制行政处罚自由裁量权的行使等方面加以探讨,以期有利于海事管理机构依法行政,切实保障行政相对人的合法权益,使航运更安全、使海洋更清洁,更好地为繁荣航运经济保驾护航。  相似文献   
文章旨在分析海事部门灯塔内部AIS基站组成设备及其特点、拓扑结构等,并结合AIS基站所处的气象环境、地理位置等因素对AIS基站作出雷击风险评估,从而对AIS基站提出综合雷电防御措施,为海事活动的正常进行提供可靠保障。  相似文献   
李波  黄明 《中国航海》2004,(4):19-22
近年来,提高高等学校教学质量已成为世界高等教育的共同主题。按照国际海事组织的公约规定,所有从事航海教育培训的院校和机构缔约国各方要按照1995年修正的(1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》要求,建立质量标准体系,进行有效的过程控制以提高学校的教学质量。本文旨在探讨我国从事海员培养的院校和机构在实施船员教育和培训质量体系中质量文化建设方面的问题,对其质量体系的完善提出建议性意见,促使质量体系真正成为一个适用、有效的质量保证机制,提高教育管理水平,为我国的航海事业培养出更多有竞争力的高素质人才。  相似文献   
海巡艇远程调度指挥系统建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了基于北斗导航卫星系统的海巡艇远程调度指挥系统的组成及其功能,该系统的应用实现了对我国全海区海巡艇的无缝隙有效调度指挥,以及船舶之间、船岸之间的快速信息传输,提高了海事监管的快速反应能力和海上搜寻救助成功率。  相似文献   
赵刚 《中国水运》2007,7(9):153-154
本文就海事管理中水上交通事故调查处理机制相关问题谈一些粗浅的看法。海事调查是一个科技含量较高,较侧重经验积累的系统工作,研究和借鉴国外发达国家的成熟经验,并结合我国实际情况,不断完善中国海事调查体制,提高海事调查水平。  相似文献   
梅春英 《中国水运》2007,7(11):61-63
详细分析了海事执法部门行业不正之风产生的原因,并提出了对策。  相似文献   
钟玉兰 《中国水运》2006,6(8):243-244
海事行政许可与其他行政许可一样,它是贯彻执行《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,为进一步规范和完善海事政务公开制度,体现公开、公平、公正和便民、利民原则,提高海事管理效能、办事效率,更好地为船舶船员和船舶单位服务。  相似文献   
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