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Tomohiro Nakamura Susumu Ota Yoshiyuki Nakajima 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》2001,6(1):3-12
The appearance of a number of large container ships in the 8000 TEU range raises the importance of a plan for container lashing
arrangements on deck in relation to the design of the ship. Therefore, it is expected that a new method for evaluating the
lashing arrangements on deck will be introduced which is applicable regardless of the ship's size and the lashing pattern,
instead of using the standards of several different societies, as happens at present. To evaluate the lashing arrangements
on deck, the expected maximum values of the forces acting on the containers and lashing rods should be evaluated. This paper
presents a new method of evaluating the container lashing arrangements on a container ship using an "acceleration ellipsoid."
The applicability of the acceleration ellipsoid to an evaluation of the expected maximum values of the forces was examined
by comparing the expected maximum values of the forces calculated by the long-term distribution calculation known as the "Fukuda
method," to those calculated using the acceleration ellipsoid. By comparing these results, it was confirmed that the expected
maximum values of the forces calculated using the acceleration ellipsoid were not less than those calculated through by the
long-term distribution calculation. It is concluded that the acceleration ellipsoid can be used to evaluate the expected maximum
values of the forces acting on containers and lashing rods.
Received: December 14, 2000 / Accepted: March 22, 2001 相似文献
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[目的]针对“适配于螺旋桨的船尾线型+泵喷推进器”构成的船舶泵喷推进系统,提出一种基于统计学习的实船快速性预报新方法。[方法]以某大型水面船舶泵喷推进系统为对象,通过神经网络学习典型推进泵的推力系数图谱曲线,综合运用船-桨配合时的K_(T)-J曲线和船体-喷泵配合时的推力特性曲线,建立“仅需船舶阻力曲线就能实现船舶泵喷推进系统实船快速性预报”的新方法,并基于船模阻力试验、泵喷模型敞水试验及船体-泵喷自航试验的测量换算结果对实船推进性能的预报结果开展精度校验。[结果]校验结果表明:在航速18~30 kn范围内,船舶泵喷推进系统的自航转速、推力和功率的预报误差可控制在5.4%以内,其中设计航速附近的误差甚至小于2%;船体-泵喷的相互作用程度介于船-桨与船体-喷泵之间且幅值相对较小,推力减额系数为趋向于0的极小值,故船舶泵喷推进系统是介于桨轴推进系统和喷水推进系统之间的产物。[结论]该预报方法有利于提升船舶泵喷推进系统实船快速性预报的能力,可为新型舰艇泵类推进系统总体设计/研究提供参考。 相似文献
船舶薄层气膜减阻技术的试验和应用 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
作者自1982年起研究薄层气膜形成规律和船舶薄层气膜减阻技术,利用该技术能有效形成船底薄层空气膜,使船舶减阻15~30%「1,2」。本文介绍了船舶薄层气膜减阻技术的模型试验研究和1000t甲板驳应用薄层气膜技术的实船试验结果「3」。 相似文献