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通过构建监控网元的特殊数据结构,将基于RS-485现场总线、嵌入式技术和以太网技术的舰船损管仿真综合训练自动化监测与控制系统中的软、硬件设计融为一体,使系统具备良好的电气特性、高效的传输速率和稳定的工作性能,较好地实现了模拟灾害设置、训练实时监控和训练动态管理等功能.  相似文献   
谭文 《都市快轨交通》2011,24(3):79--83
介绍广州市轨道交通5号线区庄站多层立体交叉隧道工程概况,系统总结重叠段隧道施工工况及关键控制技术;对交叉重叠段地面沉降、5、6号线隧道拱顶沉降数据进行分析,验证主要关键施工技术;最后提出近接群洞隧道施工安全距离、下层隧道初支完成后,即可进行上层隧道施工等关键结论.  相似文献   
Modeling capacity flexibility of transportation networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flexibility of the transportation system is one of the important performance measures needed to deal with demand changes. In this paper, we provide a quantitative assessment of capacity flexibility for the passenger transportation network using bi-level network capacity models. Two approaches for assessing the value of capacity flexibility are proposed. One approach is based on the concept of reserve capacity, which reflects the flexibility with respect to changes in terms of demand volume only. The second approach allows for variations in the demand pattern in addition to changes in demand volume in order to more fully capture demand changes. Two models are developed in the second approach to consider two types of capacity flexibility. The total capacity flexibility allows all users to have both route choice and destination choice when estimating capacity flexibility. The limited capacity flexibility estimates how much more demand volume could be added to a fixed demand pattern by allowing the additional demand to deviate from the fixed demand pattern. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the different concepts of capacity flexibility for a passenger transportation system under demand changes.  相似文献   
Multi-objective optimization of a road diet network design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study focuses on the development of a model for the optimal design of a road diet plan within a transportation network, and is based on rigorous mathematical models. In most metropolitan areas, there is insufficient road space to dedicate a portion exclusively for cyclists without negatively affecting existing motorists. Thus, it is crucial to find an efficient way to implement a road diet plan that both maximizes the utility for cyclists and minimizes the negative effect on motorists. A network design problem (NDP), which is usually used to find the best option for providing extra road capacity, is adapted here to derive the best solution for limiting road capacity. The resultant NDP for a road diet (NDPRD) takes a bi-level form. The upper-level problem of the NDPRD is established as one of multi-objective optimization. The lower-level problem accommodates user equilibrium (UE) trip assignment with fixed and variable mode-shares. For the fixed mode-share model, the upper-level problem minimizes the total travel time of both cyclists and motorists. For the variable mode-share model, the upper-level problem includes minimization of both the automobile travel share and the average travel time per unit distance for motorists who keep using automobiles after the implementation of a road diet. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is mobilized to solve the proposed problem. The results of a case study, based on a test network, guarantee a robust approximate Pareto optimal front. The possibility that the proposed methodology could be adopted in the design of a road diet plan in a real transportation network is confirmed.  相似文献   
Macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD) of traffic for some networks have been shown to have similar shape to those for single links. They have erroneously been used to help estimate the level of travel in congested networks. We argue that supply curves, which track vehicles in their passage through congested networks, are needed for this purpose, and that they differ from the performance curves generated from MFD. We use a microsimulation model, DRACULA and two networks, one synthesizing the network for Cambridge, England, and one of the city of York, England, to explore the nature of performance curves and supply curves under differing patterns of demand.We show that supply curves differ from performance curves once the onset of congestion is reached, and that the incorrect use of performance curves to estimate demand can thus seriously underestimate traffic levels, the costs of congestion, and the value of congestion relief measures. We also show that network aggregated supply curves are sensitive to the temporal distribution of demand and, potentially, to the spatial distribution of demand. The shape of the supply curve also differs between origin–destination movements within a given network.We argue that supply curves for higher levels of demand cannot be observed in normal traffic conditions, and specify ways in which they can be determined from microsimulation and, potentially, by extrapolating observed data. We discuss the implications of these findings for conventional modelling of network management policies, and for these policies themselves.  相似文献   
华蓥山特长隧道洞身穿越区域性含油地层,残余油气藏的原油在热作用下产生具有较强毒性和臭鸡蛋气味的硫化氢气体,透过衬砌裂缝或渗漏水进入隧道,影响隧道内的卫生标准和洞内行车的舒适性.通过隧道内渗漏水中硫化物和挥发性物质成分的测定,得出渗漏水是带出硫化氢气体的重要通道之一;检测隧道内硫化氢气体浓度的分布,确定硫化氢气体涌出的主要段落.基于隧道内硫化氢气体的涌出通道,制订采用地下水封闭引排、裂缝封堵和加强隧道内运营通风相结合的综合治理措施.参照国内外其它行业有关硫化氢气体浓度控制标准,制订了隧道内硫化氢气体的卫生标准和舒适性标准,在无现行规范可循的情况下,具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   
把城市公交线路站点进行线性回归,将其归纳为纵线、横线、左斜线、右斜线和环(含弧)线,并对社区公交提出新的见解.同时采用了分线形按方位区间分别对位编码的方法,对普通的公交线路番号的每个代码赋予特定的含义,使其具有明确的线路走向和方位识别功能.还对“线形布线及对位编码法”在实施中可能出现的问题及应对措施提出了自己的意见.该...  相似文献   
王海龙 《隧道建设》2011,(Z2):132-137
采用隧道掘进机(以下简称TBM)是目前城市轨道交通隧道开挖施工的主要方法之一,考虑到TBM自身荷载大,可能对隧道及地铁车站结构造成变形,影响结构稳定性。以重庆轨道交通6号线一期大龙山及冉家坝车站监测实践为例,研究TBM过站的隧道及车站结构变形特征和主要影响因素,提出TBM过站监测方面的见解,从而降低TBM过站安全风险,确保结构安全稳定,为类似工程的变形监测提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
杨建章  张玮  尚静国 《隧道建设》2011,31(1):144-148
为做好隧道监控系统的防雷工作,通过防直击雷、防雷电感应和雷电波侵入、等电位连接、屏蔽、合理布线等有效措施,形成层层保护结构,防止雷电侵入,确保监控机房设备、隧道视频终端设备及工作人员的安全。依据GB 50057-1994 2004《建筑物防雷设计规范》和GB 50343-2004《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》,根据监控系统的网络构架及监控系统防雷要求进行设计,指出防雷器选型应注意的问题,重点阐述隧道监控系统防雷设计方案的具体内容:摄像机防护、控制器防雷、监控中心设备的防雷等。1年多来,栾川长青公司隧道监控系统没有发生监控设备被雷击的事故,该方案可在类似工程中推广应用。  相似文献   
在当前能源供应趋紧、城市交通拥堵加剧的背景下,规划完善的慢行交通系统,对于促进城市综合交通体系的可持续发展具有重要意义。基于黄山市慢行交通现状,明确黄山市慢行交通的功能定位和发展策略,构建主次搭配的分级慢行交通网络,并提出慢行设施的设置标准。  相似文献   
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