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新时代背景下,劳动教育拥有着丰富内涵和重要意义,是马克思主义教育思想的重要组成部分,是贯彻党的教育方针的必然要求,也为培养高素质技术技能人才提供必要支撑.当前高职院校劳动教育存在着教育内容难以满足学生成长的需要,教育形式难以贴近学生的兴趣,教育管理缺乏有效的评价激励机制等现实问题.对此,我们应从优化劳动教育的课程体系,...  相似文献   
This study examines workers’ mode-choice responses to a typical job decentralization policy implemented in China’s urban development – government job relocation (GJR) to new towns in the urban periphery. Broadly, the literature suggests that job decentralization tends to increase car commuting; however, little is known about the effects of China’s GJR initiatives on individuals’ commuting mode choices. Using Kunming as a case study, this study examines how workers’ commuting mode choices have shifted in response to the GJR policy. Our study analyzes two travel survey datasets that span the job relocation process: (1) stated preference (SP) data on workers’ anticipated mode choices after a move of workplace to a planned new town; and (2) revealed preference (RP) data on workers’ actual choices of commuting mode after their jobs were moved. The findings suggest that after job relocation, workers’ actual commuting modes shift from more sustainable modes towards cars. The determinants of workers’ mode choices differ substantially between the hypothetical and actual setting of job relocation. The anticipated mode choices are largely determined by socio-demographic characteristics whereas the actual mode choices are strongly influenced by travel time and housing locations. The evidence from this study offers two important implications for future planning practice of job decentralization. First, planners and policy-makers should be skeptical about the transportation benefits of job decentralization. Second, while SP surveys can assist planners to predict individuals’ mode-choice responses, the robustness of SP results should be carefully assessed before translating into the evidence base for informing job decentralization policy-makings.  相似文献   
在软土地基上兴建港口等工程建筑物,必须对软土或超软土地基进行改良处理.针对天津滨海新区建设,介绍滨海新区使用过的真空预压法、联合堆载预压法、强夯法、置换法、深层水泥拌合法(MDM法)、直排式真空预压法等软土地基处理技术的开发与应用历史,可为软土地基处理技术的开发提供思路.  相似文献   
文章针对目前公路中空心板桥拓宽改造的新旧空心板横向间连接问题,提出一种新连接设计方法,并结合信阳市杜河桥施工实践,对成桥后的现场静载测试进行分析,结果表明此新连接设计取得了较好的实用效果,可为同类桥梁扩建工程提供参考。  相似文献   
A new approach in recognizing travel mode choice patterns is proposed, based on the Support Vector Machine classification technique. The tour-based travel demand dataset that is analysed is for New York State, derived from the 2009 U.S. National Household Travel Survey. The main features characterizing each tour are the means used, travel-related variables and socioeconomic aspects. Results obtained demonstrate the ability to predict to some extent, in real settings where car use dominates, which tours are likely to be made by public transport or non-motorized means. Moreover, the flexibility of the technique allows assessing the predictive power of each feature according to the combination of travel means used in different tours. Potential applications range from activity-based travel choice simulators to search engines supporting personalized travel planners – in general, whenever ‘best guesses’ on mode choice patterns have to be made quickly on large amounts of data prejudicing the possibility of setting up a statistical model.  相似文献   
船舶与海洋工程产业是舟山全市工业的支柱产业。结合浙江省舟山群岛新区正式获批、暨"十二五"规划开局之年的背景,在分析舟山发展该产业的优势、弱势、机会和威胁的基础上,提出了发展的战略定位、目标和布局规划。详细阐述了在当前造船业国内低端产能过剩和国际竞争日益激烈的环境下,应如何针对市场趋势选择有发展前景的产品和服务作为重点建设项目,并给出了保障措施方面的若干建议。  相似文献   
该文以兰州新区规划的快速通道-安秦路为例,论述了城市快速路规划设计的总体思路和设计原则,同时重点阐述了快速路的线形、出入口设计、断面结构形式及与沿线生态环境的自然和谐。  相似文献   
加快天津市滨海新区的开发、开放,已经纳入国家的"十一五"规划。由于其特殊的功能定位,独特的交通特性,而区别于旧城区。该文对天津市滨海新区道路的设计理念进行了总结、介绍,可供道路设计人员参考。  相似文献   
"奥威"重型系列柴油机是为满足国内市场对重型载货汽车需求迅猛增长而自主开发的具有国内领先、国际先进水平且真正适合我国国情的重型车用发动机。阐述了"奥威"重型系列柴油机的总体设计目标,从高强化技术、核心部件设计技术、节能环保燃烧技术、电控系统集成技术、电控系统产品生产检测与维护技术、三代机械开发与可靠性增长技术等主要方面,论述了"奥威"重型系列柴油机的自主创新成果。总结了"奥威"重型系列柴油机成功研发对行业技术进步起到的推动作用.  相似文献   
泡沫轻质土在盐渍化软土地区桥头路基的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从桥头跳车现象产生原因分析泡沫轻质土修筑桥头过渡段减少桥头跳车现象的可行性.以典型的盐渍化软土地区—天津滨海新区轻纺经济区的道路工程为例,分析轻纺经济区的地质、含盐量;对采用泡沫轻质土的路基处理结构进行室内回弹模量以及CBR测试,结果表明,泡沫轻质土均能满足路基相关规范对路床范围内的要求.  相似文献   
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