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在交通标志识别问题上,提出了一种基于融合式的空间塔式算子和直方图交叉核支持向量机(HIK-SVM)的分类方法.在该方法中,通过提取图像的灰度塔式词袋直方图(Gray-PHOW)特征、颜色塔式词袋直方图(Color-PHOW)特征和塔式边缘方向梯度直方图(PHOG)特征来对交通标志的外观、颜色和轮廓信息进行描述.通过提取空间塔式直方图特征,能很好地对图像各种特征的空间分布状况进行描述.提取到图像的外观、颜色、轮廓和特征的空间分布信息后,对其进行融合,最后得到的融合式的空间塔式特征具有很强的鲁棒性.将该融合式特征送入HIK-SVM进行训练和分类,取得了极其高的识别效果. 相似文献
For the purpose of identifying the stern of the SWATH(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) availably and perfecting the detection technique of the SWATH ship's performance, this paper presents a novel bidirectional image registration strategy and mosaicing technique based on the scale invariant feature transform(SIFT) algorithm. The proposed method can help us observe the stern with a great visual angle for analyzing the performance of the control fins of the SWATH. SIFT is one of the most effective local features of the scale, rotation and illumination invariant. However, there are a few false match rates in this algorithm. In terms of underwater machine vision, only by acquiring an accurate match rate can we find an underwater robot rapidly and identify the location of the object. Therefore, firstly, the selection of the match ratio principle is put forward in this paper; secondly, some advantages of the bidirectional registration algorithm are concluded by analyzing the characteristics of the unidirectional matching method. Finally, an automatic underwater image splicing method is proposed on the basis of fixed dimension, and then the edge of the image's overlapping section is merged by the principal components analysis algorithm. The experimental results achieve a better registration and smooth mosaicing effect, demonstrating that the proposed method is effective. 相似文献
针对目前全景漫游系统在切换视点时产生跳跃感的问题,提出了一种基于图像变形的平滑漫游算法.首先采用SIFT特征提取方法对过渡图像进行特征提取,同时采用图像区域划分的方法对特征点进行筛选,建立特征点集的映射关系;然后,构造特征点集的Delaunay三角剖分,在三角剖分的基础上,计算对应三角形区域的仿射变换参数;最后,对图像进行插值和生成中间过渡图像.实验表明该方法实现了特征点集的自动对应,提高了全景漫游系统的交互性和沉浸感,算法实用、高效,对于有诸多不确定性因素的过渡图像有较好的自适应性. 相似文献
基于SIFT的图像匹配算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于SIFT的图像匹配算法通过尺度空间检测特征点,计算特征点邻域的梯度方向直方图生成SIFT特征向量,然后采用SIFT特征向量的欧式距离来作为两幅图像中关键点的相似性度量.从不同阈值设置、视角变化及遮挡、添加噪声等几个方面对基于SIFT的图像匹配进行了研究和探讨.实验结果证明,本算法对图像尺度、视角变化、目标遮挡、噪声影响等方面有较好的鲁棒性,适用于在海量特征数据库中进行快速、准确的匹配. 相似文献
随着火车票实名制的不断推广,人工核实身份的验票方式已不能满足实际需求,鉴于此本文提出一种基于词包模型的人脸身份认证算法,通过人脸比对自动完成身份核实.首先提取每幅图像的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)描述子;其次利用词包模型(BOVW)构建人脸的典型特征;随后训练SVM分类器,将同一人不同年龄段的图像作为同一类,针对同一人的类内相似性和不同人的类间差异性进行建模;最后通过SVM分类器分别对旅客图像和其身份证图像进行分类,根据所属类别的一致性判断是否属于同一人.实验结果表明,本算法能有效地进行身份认证,并且针对图像质量较低、光照情况不可控的情况仍可达到比较高的准确率. 相似文献
SIFT由特征提取,特征描述符描述和特征匹配3部分构成,该算子特征提取数目庞大,建立特征描述符运算量高,导致算法效率低.提出了一种SEC (SIFT-Edge-Corner)算法,在图像尺度空间提取角点代替SIFT特征点,并根据角点是边缘曲率极值理论,预先采用Canny算子得到高斯边缘图像金字塔,再提取角点并进行尺度选择.实验结果表明:该算法在保障高准确率的前提下大幅度提高特征提取效率. 相似文献
For the purpose of identifying the stern of the SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) availably and perfecting the detection technique of the SWATH ship's performance, this paper presents a novel bidirectional image registration strategy and mosaicing technique based on the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm. The proposed method can help us observe the stern with a great visual angle for analyzing the performance of the control fins of the SWATH. SIFT is one of the most effective local features of the scale, rotation and illumination invariant. However, there are a few false match rates in this algorithm. In terms of underwater machine vision, only by acquiring an accurate match rate can we find an underwater robot rapidly and identify the location of the object. Therefore, firstly, the selection of the match ratio principle is put forward in this paper; secondly, some advantages of the bidirectional registration algorithm are concluded by analyzing the characteristics of the unidirectional matching method. Finally, an automatic underwater image splicing method is proposed on the basis of fixed dimension, and then the edge of the image's overlapping section is merged by the principal components analysis algorithm. The experimental results achieve a better registration and smooth mosaicing effect, demonstrating that the proposed method is effective. 相似文献