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本文针对目前小型散货船安全监督管理的现状及其存在的问题,对小型散货船实行安全诚信管理的可行性分析提出了船舶安全诚信管理实施过程中需要把握的几个原则。  相似文献   
3D打印是一种增材制造的新型工艺方式,它以材料层层堆积的形式加工零部件,提高了材料利用率,节省了模具费用,适用于小批量复杂零件的生产加工。3D打印在汽车行业主要应用在底盘、总成及内外饰件,如仪表板、护板等,除此之外,还可以打印工装夹具、检具,或用作设计验证、造型评审用件。  相似文献   
文章通过对“热风炉”及“锅炉+换热器”两种采暖方式的, 在翅片式换热器制造工艺及技术进步的前提下,对于小型船舶采用“锅炉+换热器”采暖方式代替“热风炉”采暖方式是完全可行的,运行结果表明“锅炉+换热器”采暖方式为小型船舶采暖方式提供了一种非常好的选择。  相似文献   
Increasingly, stations are being extended to tunnels due to the effects of topography on mountain rail-ways and the requirements of the stations. A forked tail tunnel arrangement is the most popular one, but the concomi-tant effect of the following tunnel on the antecedent tunnel during construction of a tunnel with small spacing causes cracking of the primary support and secondary lining as well as heaving of the invert, which continues to trouble en-gineers. Different problems are encountered by different tunnels because of the complexities and variations of geo-logical environments. Using the construction of two single-line sections with small spacing for the Xinchengzi tunnel on the Lanzhou-Chongqing railway as an example, the support form for a soft rock tunnel with small spacing and high geostress and deformation, as well as the invert construction sequence of the left and right lines and secondary lining, are analyzed and discussed. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Internet网上的船舶工程技术信息资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代最热门的技术是网络技术,而网络技术最激动人心的应用是Internet。作为一门传统的工程技术学科,船舶工程技术也正在日益紧密地与信息高速公司联接起来,World Wide Web,也称为WWW,是Internet上发展最快的领域。Internet网上的航船肛程技术资源主要是以WWW方式发布的,本文将对Internet网上的船舶工程技术网站进行分类介绍。  相似文献   
容规敏 《公路》2001,(6):84-87
中国加入WTO后,将给中国施工企业带来哪些利和弊,它们应采取哪些趋势避害的对策。  相似文献   
为探究小净距隧道群洞穿越不同地层施工引起的力学响应,基于青岛地区土岩复合地层特殊地质条件,通过数值计算并结合现场测试数据,分析小净距地铁隧道群洞施工引起的地表沉降、应力特征、拱顶变形规律。结合工程实际,将隧道群洞施工划分为4个不同阶段并依此分析,结果表明:隧道群在其阶段Ⅳ施工后引起地表沉降变形较大,其他阶段地表沉降无明显变化;不同开挖阶段对夹岩的扰动程度存在差异,阶段Ⅳ施工使夹岩主应力出现剧烈变化,且夹岩最薄弱处最不利状态发生于阶段Ⅳ,但无剪切破坏现象;隧道拱顶沉降最大增量在该条隧道开挖后出现,上线隧道施工显著影响其他隧道拱顶沉降,且能够引起中线隧道拱顶抬升。研究成果为同类工程的施工稳定性分析提供了现场指导和技术支持。  相似文献   
Research purposes: At present, the urban subway is developing rapidly in our country, among which there are many problems. This paper takes a seven-story frame structure office building as research object. In view of the phenomenon that the dome subsidence and the land subsidence rate exceed the early warning in the field construction of the left line tunnel, combing theoretical analysis with the MIDAS-GTS numerical simulation, we took the "building-stratum-tunnel" as the research object, analyzed the influence of small distance tunnel construction process of mine method on the adjacent buildings, and analyzed the influence difference of the construction sequence of the left and right lines. Finally we put forward the relevant engineering technical measures. Research conclusions:(1) The tunnel construction makes the building in the tensile zone, and the structure is easy to be damaged. When the structure is far away from the influence of the excavation, the order of tunnel excavation is not significant. (2) When the surrounding rock is broken and close to the building, it is better to excavate the tunnel far away from the side of the building. At the same time, we should pay attention to taking the reinforcement measures near the side of the building and the intermediate rock column. (3) The research results can be applied to the field of shield construction in subway, and have a good guiding effect on the shield tunnel passing through buildings at close distance. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
以100 m长钢轨采用换长1.5和1.3普通平车装载加固方案为例,建立长钢轨运输动力学仿真模型.对车组以不同速度侧向通过9号和12号道岔,以及通过半径为300 m曲线的工况进行动力学仿真计算.结果表明,车组的各项动力学指标均满足运输安全要求;各工况下动力学指标随着车辆运行速度的提高而增大,但脱轨系数最大值与速度关系不大...  相似文献   
以大瑞铁路澜沧江特大桥主跨342 m上承式劲性骨架钢筋混凝土拱桥为背景,选取拱顶截面构造直杆短柱构件.依据弹塑性力学原理,考虑材料非线性,建立内填外包钢管混凝土小偏心受压短柱构件的截面极限承载力数值迭代算法.运用该算法和ANSYS块体单元有限元法分析构件极限承载力.结果表明:内填外包钢管混凝土偏心受压构件的承载力由外包混凝土控制,内填混凝土的强度虽有一定的提高,但纯钢管混凝土的套箍效应未充分发挥;荷载不变时,构件极限承载力随偏心距增加(保持小偏心受压不变)呈下降趋势,但该结构抗弯矩变化的能力较强;桥拱顶截面极限荷载系数在3.0以上,远高于规范要求的2.0安全系数要求,表明该桥拱顶截面具有足够的安全性;两种算法的误差小于6%,截面极限承载力数值迭代算法的结果略小,但完全能满足工程精度要求,因此,工程应用中完全可以采用截面承载力分析法计算该类构件的承载力.  相似文献   
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