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The many varied views on resilience indicate that it is an important concept which has significance in many disciplines, from ecology to psychology to risk/disaster management. Therefore, it is important to be able to quantifiably measure the resilience of systems, and thus be able to make decisions on how the resilience of the system can be improved. In this paper we will work with the definition, due to Pimm (1991), that resilience is “how fast a variable that has been displaced from equilibrium returns to it.” We will think of a system as being more or less resilient depending on the speed with which a system recovers from disruptive events or shocks. Here we consider systems which revert to an equilibrium state from shocks, and introduce a measure of resilience by providing a quantification of the rapidity of these systems’ recovery from shocks.We use a mean-reverting stochastic model to study the diffusive effects of shocks and we apply this model to the case of the London Underground. As a shock diffuses through the network, the human-flow in the network recovers from the shock. The speed with which the passenger counts return to normal is an indicator of how quickly the line is able to recover from the shock and thereafter resume normal operations.  相似文献   
This paper aims to improve the understanding of the drivers of customer satisfaction with public transport (PT). The methodology provides a relevant contribution to the previous studies since it highlights the complex interaction between the level and composition of satisfaction, negative social safety experiences (NSSEs), urban settings, and the PT mode used.Overall, PT users see the service attributes on-time performance, travel speed, and service frequency as the most important, followed by personnel/driver behaviour and vehicle tidiness. A generic policy aimed at achieving these attributes may yield favourable results with respect to satisfaction.Further, we demonstrate the influence of differences in customer characteristics on satisfaction. A policy aimed at increasing the service frequency and putting new vehicles into operation will probably lead specifically to more satisfied older people (>65), passengers travelling by regional train, and people living in dense urban areas.These findings may be of help to PTAs intending to exert an influence on the actions of PT operators, for instance by using them as a measuring rod in incentive contracts.  相似文献   
In this paper, the maritime fleet renewal problem (MFRP) is extended to include regional limitations in the form of emission control areas. The motivation for including this aspect is that strengthening of emission regulations in such areas is expected to be challenging for deep sea shipping in the years to come. In the proposed model, various means to cope with these stricter emission regulations are evaluated for new vessels, and the possibility of upgrading existing vessels with new emission reduction technology is introduced. We consider future fuel prices to be important for the problem, and have chosen to treat them as uncertain, and thus, a stochastic programming model is chosen. A fleet renewal problem faced by the liner shipping operator Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, concerning whether to use low sulphur fuel or have an exhaust gas scrubber system installed to comply with sulphur regulation in emission control areas from 2015, is used as a case study. Furthermore, tests show that the savings from including the aspect of emission control areas in the MFRP are substantial.  相似文献   
The first analytical stochastic and dynamic model for optimizing transit service switching is proposed for “smart transit” applications and for operating shared autonomous transit fleets. The model assumes a region that requires many-to-one last mile transit service either with fixed-route buses or flexible-route, on-demand buses. The demand density evolves continuously over time as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The optimal policy is determined by solving the switching problem as a market entry and exit real options model. Analysis using the model on a benchmark computational example illustrates the presence of a hysteresis effect, an indifference band that is sensitive to transportation system state and demand parameters, as well as the presence of switching thresholds that exhibit asymmetric sensitivities to transportation system conditions. The proposed policy is computationally compared in a 24-hour simulation to a “perfect information” set of decisions and a myopic policy that has been dominant in the flexible transit literature, with results that suggest the proposed policy can reduce by up to 72% of the excess cost in the myopic policy. Computational experiments of the “modular vehicle” policy demonstrate the existence of an option premium for having flexibility to switch between two vehicle sizes.  相似文献   
Due to unexpected demand surge and supply disruptions, road traffic conditions could exhibit substantial uncertainty, which often makes bus travelers encounter start delays of service trips and substantially degrades the performance of an urban transit system. Meanwhile, rapid advances of information and communication technologies have presented tremendous opportunities for intelligently scheduling a bus fleet. With the full consideration of delay propagation effects, this paper is devoted to formulating the stochastic dynamic vehicle scheduling problem, which dynamically schedules an urban bus fleet to tackle the trip time stochasticity, reduce the delay and minimize the total costs of a transit system. To address the challenge of “curse of dimensionality”, we adopt an approximate dynamic programming approach (ADP) where the value function is approximated through a three-layer feed-forward neural network so that we are capable of stepping forward to make decisions and solving the Bellman’s equation through sequentially solving multiple mixed integer linear programs. Numerical examples based on the realistic operations dataset of bus lines in Beijing have demonstrated that the proposed neural-network-based ADP approach not only exhibits a good learning behavior but also significantly outperforms both myopic and static polices, especially when trip time stochasticity is high.  相似文献   
Traffic pollution is an increasing challenge for cities. Emissions such as nitrogen dioxides pose a major health threat to the city’s inhabitants. These emissions often accumulate to critical levels in local areas of the city. To react to these critical emission levels, cities start implementing dynamic traffic management systems (TMS). These systems dynamically redirect traffic flows away from critical areas. These measures impact the travel speeds within the city. This is of particular importance for parcel delivery companies. These companies deliver goods to customers in the city. To avoid long delivery times and higher costs, companies already adapt their routing with respect to changing traffic conditions. Still, a communication with the TMS may allow anticipatory planning to avoid potentially critical areas in the city. In this paper, we show how communication between TMS and delivery companies results in benefits for both parties. To exploit the provided information, we develop a dynamic routing policy anticipating potential future measures of the TMS. We analyze our algorithm in a comprehensive case study for the TMS of the city of Braunschweig, Germany, a city often used as reference for a typical European city layout. We show that for the delivery company, integrating the TMS’ information in their routing algorithms reduces the driving times significantly. For the TMS, providing the information results in less traffic in the polluted areas.  相似文献   
土体渗透性是影响砂井地基固结的重要因素。为研究复杂条件下砂井地基的固结性状,通过编制用户子程序在ABAQUS中建立了渗透系数沿径向变化的砂井地基固结计算数值模型,对固结过程中的孔压分布及固结性状进行了研究。结果表明:渗透系数在径向上的变化情况会对砂井固结性状产生很大的影响。假定涂抹区渗透系数为常数时固结速率最慢;假定涂抹区渗透系数呈抛物线变化时固结速率最快;而假定涂抹区渗透系数呈线性变化时固结速率介于以上两种情况之间。此外,砂井地基的固结性状还受排水条件和土层特性等因素的影响。  相似文献   
We analyze the double moral hazard problem at the joint venture type airport–airline vertical relationship, where two parties both contribute efforts to the joint venture but neither of them can see the other’s efforts. With the continuous-time stochastic dynamic programming model, we show that by the de-centralized utility maximizations of two parties under very strict conditions, i.e., optimal efforts’ cost being negligible and their risk averse parameters both asymptotically approaching to zero, the vertical contract could be agreed as the optimal sharing rule, which is the linear function of the final state with the slope being the product of their productivity difference and uncertainty (diffusion rate) level index.If both parties’ productivities are same, or the diffusion rate of the underlying process is unity, optimal linear sharing rule do not depend on the final state. If their conditions not dependent on final state are symmetric as well, then risk sharing disappears completely. In numerical examples, we illustrate the complex impact of uncertainty increase and end-of-period load factor improvement on the optimal sharing rule, and the relatively simple impact on total utility levels.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel dynamic speed limit control model accounting for uncertain traffic demand and supply in a stochastic traffic network. First, a link based dynamic network loading model is developed to simulate the traffic flow propagation allowing the change of speed limits. Shockwave propagation is well defined and captured by checking the difference between the queue forming end and the dissipation end. Second, the dynamic speed limit problem is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) problem and solved by a real time control mechanism. The speed limit controller is modeled as an intelligent agent interacting with the stochastic network environment stochastic network environment to assign time dependent link based speed limits. Based on different metrics, e.g. total network throughput, delay time, vehicular emissions are optimized in the modeling framework, the optimal speed limit scheme is obtained by applying the R-Markov Average Reward Technique (R-MART) based reinforcement learning algorithm. A case study of the Sioux Falls network is constructed to test the performance of the model. Results show that the total travel time and emissions (in terms of CO) are reduced by around 18% and 20% compared with the base case of non-speed limit control.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a solution methodology based on the stochastic branch and bound algorithm to find optimal, or close to optimal, solutions to the stochastic airport runway scheduling problem. The objective of the scheduling problem is to find a sequence of aircraft operations on one or several runways that minimizes the total makespan, given uncertain aircraft availability at the runway. Enhancements to the general stochastic branch and bound algorithm are proposed and we give the specific details pertaining to runway scheduling. We show how the algorithm can be terminated early with solutions that are close to optimal, and investigate the impact of the uncertainty level. The computational experiment indicates that the sequences obtained using the stochastic branch and bound algorithm have, on average, 5–7% shorter makespans than sequences obtained using deterministic sequencing models. In addition, the proposed algorithm is able to solve instances with 14 aircraft using less than 1 min of computation time.  相似文献   
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