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针对陈列馆的实际需求,提出了网上陈列馆的设计原则及其实现方法,介绍了其主要功能模块,重点描述了实现网上陈列馆的Ajax技术、Web3D技术和MVC技术等几项关键技术. 相似文献
The role of the Internet in coastal management practice is analyzed through the Internet's communication and information access capacity. Primary and secondary impacts of the Internet in coastal management are assessed. A broad research framework is employed, including background on the development and spread of the Internet worldwide; analysis of emerging literature on the societal impact of the Internet; limited existing research on the use of the Internet by environmental management professionals generally and coastal managers in particular; and personal experience of the authors in the development of coastal management Internet sites. This analytical framework is supplemented by the first survey of integrated coastal management (ICM) Internet websites by www.coastalmanagement.com and a case study of the Internet Center for Coastal Management (ICCM) Internet-based communication platform based at the University of Washington. The survey of ICM websites found a total of 77 websites worldwide, with a dominance of sites in English located in the developed world. Assessment of the first year of operation of the ICCM project to facilitate discussion between coastal management practitioners and students in the United States and the Philippines demonstrates the enormous potential of the Internet as a communications tool in coastal management and also reveals the many practical technological and cultural constraints of using the Internet, especially in working on a project between the developed and developing world. Three groups of scenarios of the future use of the Internet in coastal management with decreasing levels of forecast certainty, namely, "probable," and "possible," and "potential for" are presented and discussed. Finally, the potential for the Internet to fundamentally transform the practice of coastal management is analyzed. It is concluded that while such a potential exists, there remain significant research questions requiring further analysis before the full transformative potential, and the possible impacts of such a transformation on coastal management, can be fully assessed. This article aims to provide a benchmark against which such future assessments can be made. 相似文献
基于MVC设计模式的Web应用开发框架大多将业务逻辑和显示逻辑分离,具有易于维护和易于扩展,代码重用性好等优点。主要介绍了基于MVC模型的Struts架构,井结合一个实例论述了Struts框架中关于分页问题的解决方案.最后提出改进Struts框架性能的几种方法。 相似文献
张昉 《辽宁省交通高等专科学校学报》2013,15(2):30-33
随着网络的普及,越来越多的网络用户通过Web数据库提供的查询接口进行数据查询。但是用户往往会遇到发出查询条件而没有返回结果的现象即空查询结果问题。造成这种情况的原因可能是一方面用户查询意图模糊,不能够准确地描述查询要求。另一方面,用户明确查询需求但Web数据库却找不到任何符合查询条件的结果。针对这种情况可以分析发现找到造成查询失败的子查询条件是解决问题的关键。本文的主要研究分两个步骤:首先,将用户发出的查询条件分解为单个的原子查询条件;然后找到造成查询失败的最小失败子查询(Minimal Failing Sbuquery,MFS)集合。 相似文献
张志祥 《南通航运职业技术学院学报》2006,5(1):73-75
网络环境是影响德育的一个重要因素,德育与网络环境的作用是一个能动的过程。直面网络环境使高职院校德育效果弱化的现实,高职院校德育的解读功能、导向功能、辐射功能、载体功能、发展功能显得日益突出。 相似文献
商玮 《浙江交通职业技术学院学报》2003,4(3):32-36
本文论述了ISAPI过滤器的概念、作用,着重介绍了如何通过开发ISAPI过滤器来增强Ⅱs的Web服务功能的一般方法,开发过程中所使用的几个接口函数。最后给出了一个用Delphi开发的具体应用实例。 相似文献