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汽车作为人们日常出行所使用的交通工具,在给我们的生活带来方便的同时,各类交通事故的发生也导致很多人受伤甚至死亡。为减少乃至避免交通事故的发生,本次研究主要是在不同路面附着状态辨识的基础上进行智能车辆碰撞避免系统的设计,通过联合滑移率和雷达检测的方法进行道路附着状态识别,并运用CarSim与Simulink进行联合仿真,对车辆位移、纵向和横向速度以及加速度进行耦合控制分析,验证本次设计的合理性。  相似文献   
This paper presents a nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) formulation for obstacle avoidance in high-speed, large-size autono-mous ground vehicles (AGVs) with high centre of gravity (CoG) that operate in unstructured environments, such as military vehicles. The term ‘unstructured’ in this context denotes that there are no lanes or traffic rules to follow. Existing MPC formulations for passenger vehicles in structured environments do not readily apply to this context. Thus, a new nonlinear MPC formulation is developed to navigate an AGV from its initial position to a target position at high-speed safely. First, a new cost function formulation is used that aims to find the shortest path to the target position, since no reference trajectory exists in unstructured environments. Second, a region partitioning approach is used in conjunction with a multi-phase optimal control formulation to accommodate the complicated forms the obstacle-free region can assume due to the presence of multiple obstacles in the prediction horizon in an unstructured environment. Third, the no-wheel-lift-off condition, which is the major dynamical safety concern for high-speed, high-CoG AGVs, is ensured by limiting the steering angle within a range obtained offline using a 14 degrees-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model. Thus, a safe, high-speed navigation is enabled in an unstructured environment. Simulations of an AGV approaching multiple obstacles are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   
为避免大型高密度机场航空器之间可能发生的冲突,提出了一种基于混杂系统结构的滑行引导方案.建立了航空器滑行连续动力学模型和航空器在滑行道直线段、交叉口运行的离散事件动态系统模型,通过场面运行观测器建立了连续状态到离散状态的映射.采用禁止状态线性不等式约束和禁止状态逻辑互斥约束,描述场面运行模型应遵循的控制规范,并给出满足控制规范的离散控制器设计方法.最后建立了运行模型中可控变迁的使能状态到场面冲突控制策略的映射.通过助航灯光沙盘控制系统的验证表明,该滑行引导方法能及时对可能冲突的航空器采取恰当的控制策略,并实时生成航空器滑行操纵指令,能有效避免航空器滑行冲突.  相似文献   
为提高虚拟装配系统碰撞检测的实时性和真实感,提出了一种基于前向预防的虚拟装配中的防穿透方法,应用方向包围盒(OBB)算法和分层检测机制进行快速碰撞检测,较精确地实现了虚拟装配中虚拟手的抓取释放和防止穿透,克服了虚拟抓取操作中的失真问题.借助数据手套和六自由度跟踪仪,在半沉浸式虚拟装配系统中,针对场景规模较大的电机壳体模具,应用快速碰撞检测算法进行了装配仿真.结果表明,该虚拟装配系统的碰撞响应时间达到毫秒级,没有穿透现象产生,具有较理想的操作真实感.  相似文献   
现通行的观点认为,船舶间通过VHF进行联系,达成了避让的“协议”,分为“协议避碰”和“协议背离”两种情况.在实践中,时有因两船间的这种“协议”而导致了碰撞事故的发生,在分析和归责的过程中形成了两种不同的观点,导致了碰撞责任分析和分摊的巨大争议.通过对这些争议的分析,将其归纳为“承诺履行说”和“规则至上说”.根据长期的航海实践和对碰撞事故处理的实践,就如何理解这种船舶间协调避让一致的意见的性质,这种避让行为的协调在归责中的地位和作用如何等,进行了分析,表达一些不同的观点,以期达到正确理解和履行这种船舶间协调的意向,真正起到避免碰撞的积极作用.  相似文献   
提出了道路交叉口车路协调实验系统框架、实现方法并进行了系统搭建测试。在分析系统功能的基础上进行了系统逻辑框架与系统物理框架设计,实现了各子系统功能,包括:GPS车载定位信息采集、交通控制系统设定、路侧处理单元与车载处理单元程序设计与短程无线通信,在此基础上建立了道路交叉口车路协调实验系统,模拟实际交通运行状态对系统主要性能进行测试。实验结果表明该系统可以完成信号灯状态的车载实时显示,但应进一步提高定位精度与通信效果。实验系统不仅为进一步研究基于车路协调的下一代智能交通运输系统提供了实验平台,还能采集相关的车辆运行数据与驾驶员特征数据。  相似文献   
This work introduces a novel route reservation architecture to manage road traffic within an urban area. The developed routing architecture decomposes the road infrastructure into slots in the spatial and temporal domains and for every vehicle, it makes the appropriate route reservations to avoid traffic congestion while minimizing the traveling time. Under this architecture, any road segment is admissible to be traversed only during time-slots when the accumulated reservations do not exceed its critical density. A road-side unit keeps track of all reservations which are subsequently used to solve the routing problem for each vehicle. Through this routing mechanism, vehicles can either be delayed at their origin or are routed through longer but non-congested routes such that their traveling time is minimized. In this work, the proposed architecture is presented and the resulting route reservation problem is mathematically formulated. Through a complexity analysis of the routing problem, it is shown that for certain cases, the problem reduces to an NP-complete problem. A heuristic solution to the problem is also proposed and is used to conduct realistic simulations across a particular region of the San Francisco area, demonstrating the promising gains of the proposed solution to alleviate traffic congestion.  相似文献   
制动过程主要由制动前的反应过程以及制动后的减速过程组成.研究制动后避撞行为对于理解驾驶人的避撞行为、建立制动曲线模型等有着重要作用.利用配有8自由度运动系统的高仿真驾驶模拟器,研究了驾驶人在不同前车减速度(0.3,0.5,0.75g)和不同车头时距(1.5,2.5 s)的制动后制动踏板操作行为.利用ANOVA模型分别比较了驾驶人制动后制动踏板操作行为参数的.差异.结果表明,踩踏板速率随着制动时车头时距的减少而增加,并且随着前车减速度的减少而减少;新手驾驶人的踩踏板速率普遍大于经验驾驶人;相比于前车速度的改变,驾驶人对制动时车头时距的变化更加敏感.  相似文献   
提出基于蚁群算法(ACA)实现高速无人艇对运动目标避碰规划的方法,该方法把避碰、路径最短和航迹跟踪等约束条件映射为目标函数,使得路径搜索过程快速高效.计算机仿真表明:该方法使高速无人艇能够较好的实现对运动目标的避碰;由此说明此项研究具有一定的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
文章针对国内外多船避碰决策研究现状,分析现有的多船避碰决策系统的不足,提出今后多船避碰决策的研究方向.  相似文献   
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