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铁路桥梁的可靠度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于结构可靠性理论,对铁路桥梁设计规范的校准进行了探讨.从满足可靠度推算出发,选定出合理的列车活载概率模型。对常用铁路桥梁的既有可靠指标进行了推算。按所校准范围和一简化的验算式,初步选择出分项安全系数。   相似文献   
为了保证汽车尾气排放计算的准确性, 对临时养护区微观仿真模型进行参数标定。以河南许尉高速公路某临时养护区为例, 通过现场调查获取交通数据, 建立VISSIM交通仿真模型。根据实测数据对交通量与交通组成等宏观参数进行标定, 对期望速度、期望加速度采用特征点数值进行微观参数标定。利用正交试验法标定车头时距、跟车变量、进入跟车状态的阈值和振动加速度4种跟车模型参数。根据有效的仿真结果确定了期望速度与行驶速度之间的数值关系。利用有效的仿真数据结合CMEM模型进行临时养护区汽车尾气排放量计算, 得到了基于路段平均速度的尾气排放计算公式。分析结果表明: 宏观参数标定后的仿真速度与实测速度存在明显差异, 客车与货车速度的平均相对误差分别为11.36%与35.12%;结合微观参数标定后, 仿真速度与实测速度的平均相对误差均控制在3%以内, 客车与货车的期望速度分别为行驶速度的1.270、1.165倍; 仿真模型标定后的尾气排放量与实测值的相对误差均小于7%, 模型标定效果显著。  相似文献   
林一宁 《桥梁建设》2020,50(2):99-104
郧县汉江大桥为主跨414 m的地锚式预应力混凝土双塔双索面斜拉桥,每塔两侧各布置50根斜拉索,跨中设置4个无轴力中间铰。该桥于1994年建成,2014年检测发现斜拉索破损严重,4个无轴力中间铰均出现一端卡死现象,主桥被评定为四类桥梁,需进行全桥综合维护。根据病害情况,先更换损坏严重的21根斜拉索;再按单塔对称、双塔反对称2根索同时更换的原则更换20~25号斜拉索;最后按双塔反对称4根索同时更换的原则更换1~19号斜拉索。全桥200根斜拉索更换后调整索力和梁体标高,采用拖拉法校正无轴力中间铰。无轴力中间铰校正后,在其端部和跨中断缝处安装监测系统,监测其工作状态。监测结果表明,无轴力中间铰能够纵向自由滑移,工作状态良好。  相似文献   
This study validates a recently developed agent-based pedestrian micro-simulation model in a crowded walking environment. The model is applied to simulate pedestrian movements at a major street in the downtown Vancouver area. The street was closed for traffic to allow people attending a social event to leave the area safely. The calibration of model parameters is conducted using a Genetic Algorithm that minimizes the error between simulated and actual trajectories, acquired by means of computer vision. Validation results confirm the accuracy of the simulated trajectories, as the average error between the actual and simulated trajectories is found to be 0.28?m, and the average error in walking speed is just 0.06 m/s. Furthermore, results show that the model is capable of reproducing the actual behavior of pedestrians during different interactions with high accuracy (more than 94% for most interactions).  相似文献   
准确模拟喷雾是提高缸内模拟准确性的关键,为了使模拟喷雾与试验喷雾更加一致,需要根据试验喷雾贯穿距及粒径对模拟喷雾进行标定。使用AVL FIRE软件建立定容弹及喷雾数值模型,对处于不同喷射工况(喷射压力、环境压力、油温)下的喷雾进行数值模拟,根据试验喷雾的贯穿距及喷嘴下方30 mm平面处SMD对模拟喷雾进行标定,并对不同喷射工况的标定参数选择进行探讨。结果表明:为了同时满足贯穿距和粒径的标定要求,需要根据工况参数对标定参数进行调整;对于本研究中的GDI喷油器,喷射压力10 MPa时使用KH-RT模型的模拟结果与试验值匹配较好,5 MPa时使用Huh-Gosman模型匹配更好;在喷射压力、环境压力和环境温度相同的条件下,高油温和低油温工况可以用同一套参数满足标定要求。  相似文献   
研究了车用增压汽油机的排放特性,阐述了达到欧V排放标准的技术路线。针对催化器非紧耦合布置和暖机速度较慢问题,进行了两方面的研究:一方面通过对三元催化器的分析,优化了其结构设计以及贵金属的涂覆和配比控制,提高了催化转化效率;另一方面通过发动机的电子控制和标定,设定特别的稀燃控制策略和暖机控制策略,降低了发动机的原始排放,提高了催化器的转化效率。排放测试结果表明,上述设计能使增压汽油机满足欧Ⅴ排放标准。  相似文献   
张兴强  熊钰冰  左龙飞 《公路》2011,(11):113-117
大城市周边高速公路收费站是连接主辅路交通的瓶颈处,在分析收费站通行效率模型后,采用VISSIM仿真软件对G6回龙观收费站周边交通进行研究.首先对收费站交通属性参数进行标定,进而利用信号灯模拟车辆通过收费站的通行时间,建立适用于大城市周边高速公路收费站交通优化仿真模型.最后结合实测交通状况标定回龙观收费站仿真模型参数,对...  相似文献   
水泥混凝土搅拌设备的计量精度和配料误差是控制搅拌设备混合料生产质量和稳定性的关键,结合内蒙古白霍线(白音华-霍林郭勒)水泥混凝土路面施工实体工程,介绍了搅拌站的静态计量标定原理、方法步骤,动态配料误差检查程序和方法。  相似文献   
Frequency-domain analysis has been successfully used to (i) predict the amplification of traffic oscillations along a platoon of vehicles with nonlinear car-following laws and (ii) measure traffic oscillation properties (e.g., periodicity, magnitude) from field data. This paper proposes a new method to calibrate nonlinear car-following laws based on real-world vehicle trajectories, such that oscillation prediction (based on the calibrated car-following laws) and measurement from the same data can be compared and validated. This calibration method, for the first time, takes into account not only the driver’s car-following behavior but also the vehicle trajectory’s time-domain (e.g., location, speed) and frequency-domain properties (e.g., peak oscillation amplitude). We use Newell’s car-following model (1961) as an example and calibrate its parameters based on a penalty-based maximum likelihood estimation procedure. A series of experiments using Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) data are conducted to illustrate the applicability and performance of the proposed approach. Results show that the calibrated car-following models are able to simultaneously reproduce observed driver behavior, time-domain trajectories, and oscillation propagation along the platoon with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
In this study, we develop a multilane first-order traffic flow model for freeway networks. In the model, lane changing is considered as a stochastic behavior that can decrease an individual driver’s disutility or cost, and is represented as dynamics toward the equilibrium of lane-flow distribution along with longitudinal traffic dynamics. The proposed method can be differentiated from those in previous studies because in this study, the motivation of lane changing is explicitly considered and it is treated as a utility defined by the current macroscopic traffic state. In addition, the entire process of lane changing is computed macroscopically by an extension of the kinematic wave theory employing IT principle; moreover, in the model framework, the lane-flow equilibrium curve is endogenously generated because of self-motivated lane changes. Furthermore, the parsimonious representation enables parameter calibration using the data collected from conventional loop detectors. The calibration of the data collected at four different sites, including a sag bottleneck, on the Chugoku expressway in Japan reveals that the proposed method can represent the lane-flow distribution of any observation site with high accuracy, and that the estimated parameters can reasonably explain the multilane traffic dynamics and the bottleneck phenomena uphill of sag sections.  相似文献   
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