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龙泉港出海闸排水受外海潮汐影响显著,不适宜采用堰闸流量系数法进行推流。结合龙泉港出海闸水文过程试验的实测资料,以水力学公式为基础,采用回归分析法率定得到了高淹没度状态下的水位流量关系式,并对关系式进行了符号检验、适线检验、偏离检验和精度分析,结果表明:回归分析法率定得到的出海闸高淹没度状态下的水位流量关系成功通过了三项检验,定线精度能够达到一类精度标准,可以在受潮汐影响的出海闸水位流量关系率定中推广使用。  相似文献   
论文主要研究三缸发动机分解摩擦功试验的测量方法,对三缸发动机分解摩擦功的测量流程以及测量结果的有效性进行分析对比,以此来达到分解摩擦功试验的试验目的,为三缸发动机的降摩擦节油设计提供有效方向;此次试验研究主要从电力测功机测量精度标定、零部件摩擦损失功测量方式及注意事项等方面进行研究分析并给出试验结果.  相似文献   
阐述了用线激光三角法进行铁路车辆承载鞍内弧半径测量的方法,提出了一种可行的标定方案,通过计算得到测量系统的参数初值,并由此确定标定点的选取,通过三坐标机的探针在平台上移动来获取标定点的坐标,得到二维标定表,利用插值获得承载鞍内弧曲面的坐标,由此拟合出内弧轮廓的方程并来求得承载鞍的半径.  相似文献   
标定技术在汽油机排放控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减少汽油机的排放污染和研究汽油机排放控制技术,对保护环境具有重要意义。文章简述了汽油机主要排放污染物的生成机理,并根据污染物生成特性,制定出相应标定控制策略。利用增加进气量、减稀空燃比及推迟点火等标定手段,提高冷启动时催化器转化效率,降低了冷启动时的污染物;根据油膜效应优化燃油喷射量,降低了瞬态加减速时的排放污染物。试验证明,标定控制技术与三元催化器有机结合,是当前控制排放污染物和降低催化器成本的最有效手段。  相似文献   
This paper examines existing day-to-day models based on a virtual day-to-day route choice experiment using the latest mobile Internet technologies. With the realized day-to-day path flows and path travel times in the experiment, we calibrate several well-designed path-based day-to-day models that take the Wardrop’s user equilibrium as (part of) their stationary states. The nonlinear effects of path flows and path time differences on path switching are then investigated. Participants’ path preferences, time-varying sensitivity, and learning behavior in the day-to-day process are also examined. The prediction power of various models with various settings (nonlinear effects, time-varying sensitivity, and learning) is compared. The assumption of “rational behavior adjustment process” in Yang and Zhang (2009) is further verified. Finally, evolutions of different Lyapunov functions used in the literature are plotted, and no obvious diversity is observed.  相似文献   
Use of traffic simulation has increased in recent decades; and this high-fidelity modelling, along with moving vehicle animation, has allowed transportation decisions to be made with better confidence. During this time, traffic engineers have been encouraged to embrace the process of calibration, in which steps are taken to reconcile simulated and field-observed performance. According to international surveys, experts, and conventional wisdom, existing (non-automated) methods of calibration have been difficult or inadequate. There has been extensive research on improved calibration methods, but many of these efforts have not produced the flexibility and practicality required by real-world engineers. With this in mind, a patent-pending (US 61/859,819) architecture for software-assisted calibration was developed to maximize practicality, flexibility, and ease-of-use. This architecture is called SASCO (i.e. Sensitivity Analysis, Self-Calibration, and Optimization). The original optimization method within SASCO was based on “directed brute force” (DBF) searching; performing exhaustive evaluation of alternatives in a discrete, user-defined search space. Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) has also gained favor as an efficient method for optimizing computationally expensive, “black-box” traffic simulations, and was also implemented within SASCO. This paper uses synthetic and real-world case studies to assess the qualities of DBF and SPSA, so they can be applied in the right situations. SPSA was found to be the fastest method, which is important when calibrating numerous inputs, but DBF was more reliable. Additionally DBF was better than SPSA for sensitivity analysis, and for calibrating complex inputs. Regardless of which optimization method is selected, the SASCO architecture appears to offer a new and practice-ready level of calibration efficiency.  相似文献   
通过研究混合动力工程开发样车(Mule)与传统车在NEDC循环工况下的排放,发现Mule车相比较传统车排放不降反升,说明如果混合动力汽车没有经过相关标定优化,其控制策略会对整车排放产生消极影响。改进后的产品样车(OTS)在排放方面远远好于Mule车,除了NOx排放稍稍高于传统车外,HC和CO排放均低于传统车。  相似文献   
通常的复合视频监视器分辨率较低,在车牌图像较小时不易辨认,为此设计了基于高分辨显示终端的车牌照摄像机。  相似文献   
文章以梧州市桥梁网络视频监控系统设计为实例,介绍了网络视频监控系统总体设计思路,同时阐述了网络视频监控系统软件主要功能及特点,为网络视频监控技术在城市桥梁监控领域的发展提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
基于贵州特有的气候条件,分析开展地理国情普查项目外业调绘工作中存在的难点问题,提出采用全景采集技术提高作业效率的方法。利用高清鱼眼运动相机GoPro,在天气好的情况下拍摄所有公路两旁的影像,采用自编分组软件及EPS调用程序,实现场景重现,经实践检验该技术能够提高外业调绘进度,并能够保证调绘质量。  相似文献   
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