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公路、桥梁工程的建设有其一定的特殊性,建立一个完善、完整的涵盖网络及通讯的基础网络平台是现阶段加快工程建设信息化的一个重点,主要介绍在杭州湾跨海大桥工程建设项目上基础网络平台的分析及建设过程,希望能为在建以及拟建的公路工程建设项目基础网络的铺建提供参考。  相似文献   
Various projects all over the world are attempting to build smart cities in hopes of achieving energy-efficient and livable communities, but most of them are aiming to fulfill their goals technologically. However, the energy efficiency and livability of a city are affected by not only these technological factors but also urban structures that encompass residential areas, offices, transportation networks, and other facilities. Urban policies intervene in transportation and land-use conditions and thereby change how citizens consume energy and go about their daily lives as the actors in the urban system alter their behavior. This means that energy efficiency and quality of life share close ties. Assessments of urban policies thus need to consider the reactions of actors to the intervention.  相似文献   
文章针对交通方式的合理比例分配问题,提出了交通级配的概念,构建了城市交通级配体系,并基于对西部河谷型城市道路网络特征的分析,以兰州市为例,提出了相应的交通管理措施,为城市绿色交通建设的实现提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   
从基础设施服务和企业运营服务两方面,构建适合小城市的公共交通服务评价指标体系。选取站点覆盖率、车辆拥有率、乘客换乘次数和搭乘步行时间四项指标衡量城市基础设施的服务能力,行车准点率、运营车速、乘客候车时间和高峰满载率作为企业运营服务能力的衡量指标,并根据公共交通服务评级的等级分析指标的量值范围。  相似文献   
为提高交通规划与决策质量,有必要妥善处理交通调查无回答问题. 但是在相关研究中尤其在发展中国家此问题常被忽视. 本文统计分析了发展中城市居民出行调查中项目无回答的缺失模式,进一步分析项目无回答作为模型缺失数据对基于期望最大化的数据修补的多项Logit集计的出行方式选择模型的影响. 选择三个发展中城市代表调查无回答的三个等级做案例分析. 首先,根据项目无回答缺失模式,利用Pearson开方检验得出重要的出行者社会经济属性和出行背景因素. 其次,利用基于缺失模式分析的期望最大化估计,处理缺失数据得到无偏数据集作为基准. 此外,利用独立样本的T检验检验了零假设,即有无期望最大化估计情况下的模型参数估计是相同的. 用基于R平方系数的内在效度检验计算估计情况下的模型预测偏差. 最后,考虑缺失数据的影响,评估一个重要的指标——出行时间价值. 结果表明,在发展中城市,问卷回答者和不回答者的社会经济背景存在很大差异. 缺失率和缺失模式均对出行方式选择模型的参数和预测精度有很大影响. 考虑缺失模式的出行时间价值计算表明, 项目无回答对出行时间价值的影响被过高估计了.  相似文献   
To enhance the quality of transportation planning and policy making, it is necessary to properly deal with the nonresponse issues in transport surveys. However, such nonresponse issues especially in developing countries have been ignored in literature. This paper first statistically identifies the missing patterns of item nonresponse (INR) in person trip survey data collected in developing cities and then analyzes the effects of INR on the performance of travel mode choice model (an aggregated multinomial logit model) based on expectation-maximization (EM) imputation method. As a case study, three developing cities representing three levels of INR are analyzed as follow. Firstly, the statistically significant social-economic attributes of trip makers and trip-context factors are identified with respect to INR in the missing pattern analysis by using Chi-Square test method. Secondly, EM imputation based on missing pattern analysis is applied to deal with missing data to obtain the unbiased data set as a benchmark. Thirdly, the null hypothesis that the model parameters estimated with and without imputation are equal is statistically tested using independent-sample T tests and further the internal validity performed in terms of R-squared coefficients is used to identify the discrepancy of model predictions between with and without imputations. Finally, one critical indicator – value of travel time (VOTT) is evaluated considering the effects of missing data. The results confirm that the respondents and non-respondents are quite different in terms of the social-economic background in the developing cities and further show that not only the missing rates but also the missing patterns greatly affect the performance of mode choice model in terms of model parameters and the prediction ability. The calculation of VOTT reveals that the VOTT affected by INR tends to be overestimated.  相似文献   
国际实践已经证明,公交行业引入市场竞争机制能够低成本地大幅提高公共交通的效率和服务质量,是解决城市公共交通问题并发展可持续交通的有效途径。该文通过对国际上目前存在的各种公交市场发展模式进行回顾性分析,并对适应于中国城市的公交发展模式进行探讨,对推行先进的、具有适应性的公交发展模式来改善公交服务,提高公共交通系统的整体水平方面提供相关研究。  相似文献   
我国城镇失业问题及其治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
失业是全球各国所面临的共同难题。随着我国经济体制改革和经济结构调整的不断深入,城镇失业问题越来越严峻,已经成为当前经济社会中最突出的问题。本从失业的基本态势和形成机理两个方面对我国城镇失业状况进行了分析,并提出了相应的治理对策。  相似文献   
为使大城市周边城镇道路网规划更为合理,首先分析了最主要的2类城镇的发展模式和出行特征。基于规划年城镇交通供需平衡原则,提出了大城市周边城镇道路网级配合理性的判定方法。建立了路网级配结构合理性判定模型,并对模型参数进行了标定。以江苏省昆山市花桥镇为例,计算相关变量,对道路网级配结构合理性进行了判定,并对路网级配结构提出相应的调整建议,验证了合理性判定方法的实用性。  相似文献   
海绵城市建设中道路工程规划设计变革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着海绵城市建设的全面推开,城市道路工程的规划与设计如何变革才能满足海绵城市的建设要求,在业内尚未达成共识。为探索道路工程落实海绵城市建设新理念的适宜途径开展相关研究。分析海绵城市的内涵及其对道路工程建设的新要求,并阐明道路基本功能与新要求的关系。总结道路工程满足海绵城市建设新要求需要变革的规划设计技术,涉及道路平面、竖向、横断面及结构设计等。从管理规定和技术规范两个方面探讨促使技术变革实现所需进行的法规完善。最后,提出通过完善设计规定与技术规范自上而下推动道路工程发展方式转变的建议。  相似文献   
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