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深水试验水池大型升降平台多电机同步控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水试验水池是开展深海装备开发必不可少的试验手段,大型升降平台是其中的关键设备.大型高精度、高转速传动系统的多电机同步控制是最为核心的问题之一.同步控制算法的优劣直接影响系统的性能与可靠性.提出深水试验水池大型升降平台多电机同步协调控制系统构成方案,并提出一种新的基于拉力死区误差均衡及中心耦合误差的升降平台多电机同步协调控制策略,实现了拉力控制和位置控制的解耦;同时,提出了多电机控制的升降平台仿真系统,其仿真结果表明:所提出的控制策略同步稳定性能高、收敛速度快,具有很高的应用价值.  相似文献   
为了对一辆集卡装载的2个20英尺集装箱进行分别称重,设计了新的汽车衡结构,推导出计算公式并进行实验验证,得到了一种可以保证作业安全且能为港口和货主接受的集装箱汽车衡称重方法。  相似文献   
Activity-based models of travel demand have received considerable attention in transportation planning and forecasting in recent years. However, in most cases they use a micro-simulation approach, thereby inevitably including a stochastic error that is caused by the statistical distributions of random components. As a consequence, running a transport micro-simulation model several times with the same input will generate different outputs, which baffles practitioners in applying such a model and in interpreting the results. A common approach is therefore to run the model multiple times and to use the average value of the results. The question then becomes: what is the minimum number of model runs required to reach a stable result? In this paper, systematic experiments are carried out using Forecasting Evolutionary Activity-Travel of Households and their Environmental RepercussionS (FEATHERS), an activity-based micro-simulation modelling framework currently implemented for the Flanders region of Belgium. Six levels of geographic detail are taken into account. Three travel indices – average daily activities per person, average daily trips per person and average daily distance travelled per person, as well as their corresponding segmentations – are calculated by running the model 100 times. The results show that the more disaggregated the level, the larger the number of model runs is needed to ensure confidence. Furthermore, based on the time-dependent origin-destination table derived from the model output, traffic assignment is performed by loading it onto the Flemish road network, and the total vehicle kilometres travelled in the whole Flanders are subsequently computed. The stable results at the Flanders level provides model users with confidence that application of FEATHERS at an aggregated level requires only limited model runs.  相似文献   
为了研究轨道结构安全监测中传感器的合理配置方法,确保城市轨道交通安全运营,通过建立桥上交叉渡线道岔模型和钢轨应变传递误差最小的目标函数,提出传感器测点选择依据和监测方案评价标准,保证监测方案的经济性、合理性。结论表明:模型数据曲线可以指导监测系统的测点位置选择;随着传感器测点数量增加,监测误差逐渐减小,但在误差比率的拐点后增加单位个数传感器带来的收益降低;通过建立误差最小准则的目标函数,结合误差指标可以评价和优化传感器布设方案;钢轨位移、附加力等指标的监测方案也可以通过本文方法确定。  相似文献   
以4座主跨超过400 m的钢箱梁斜拉桥中跨合龙控制为背景,对大跨度钢箱梁斜拉桥中跨合龙的2种方法进行对比分析,对合龙各主要工序的关键技术进行研究。提出了合龙段配切长度的计算公式和合龙口宽度连续观测的测点布置方式。建议:在调整好合龙口姿态后可不加压重,也可不采用临时劲性骨架锁定;采用无线采集设备采集合龙口结构的温度场,用激光测距仪测量合龙口宽度以提高观测效率和安全性;在悬臂施工阶段关注梁长累计误差并通过调整后续梁段的制造长度消除之。  相似文献   
针对某3跨连续刚构梁桥边跨合龙位置桥墩较高、现浇段较长而搭设托架不安全的施工条件,该大桥东岸边跨拟采用导梁法进行施工合龙。为验证该方案是否合理,根据力学方法和有限元原理,采用Midas/Civil软件建立了该桥的有限元模型,仿真模拟了实际施工过程并进行数值分析,并对两岸边中跨的内力与位移进行了对比分析,以验证采用导梁方案合龙施工的合理性。研究表明:1)边跨合龙方式的不同对桥梁结构受力影响较大,特别是边跨部分;2)使用导梁法施工的一岸,施工过程和成桥后桥面平顺性均不如使用托架法施工的一岸,产生的附加应力相对托架合龙稍大,但影响程度可接受,满足设计规范要求,并且节约了施工经费和缩短了施工周期。  相似文献   
为进一步减小转体施工桥梁合龙施工时对既有运营线路的干扰,同时解决传统钢壳法中加劲肋板对合龙段施工的影响,以首座采用墩中转体的大树村龙川江三线大桥为依托,在传统钢壳法的基础上进行优化研究,自行研制、设计了一套自闭合式合龙钢壳系统并应用于实践,最终达到了安全、优质、快速、有序合龙的目的。实践结果表明,自闭合式合龙钢壳系统能够满足施工要求,且使用效果良好,达到了优化施工的目的,可为类似桥梁合龙施工提供参考。  相似文献   
主跨926 m的鄂东长江公路大桥是一座边跨为混凝土梁,中跨为钢箱梁的混合主梁斜拉桥。根据该桥的结构特点,分析合龙条件、不同合龙方案对成桥线形和应力的影响,最终确定采取加载合龙的施工技术。文中介绍了加载合龙的具体流程、关键技术及实施效果,为同类型桥梁提供参考。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to examine reporting errors in panel data obtained from multi-day travel diaries. A distinction is made between within and between wave biases. The former leads to an increase in under-reporting associated with the number of days the diary is kept. The latter is related to the number of waves respondents have been participating, so-called panel experience. These biases imply that observed mobility changes between waves are partly due to reporting errors: without controlling for them, changes in mobility can not be inferred from the data. An important cause of these measurement errors is the increase in the number of days on which no trips at all were reported. In addition, shorter trips and less complex chains are more susceptible to underreporting. The methodology used in this paper provides a means of dealing with these problems. Attrition is taken into account by a rather simple measure. The paper concludes with a number of suggestions for sample and survey design.  相似文献   
数据可靠度问题是制约桥梁结构健康监测系统进一步发展的瓶颈。而数据通信领域利用差错控制思想来保证数据的可靠性,已获得成功应用。目前的桥梁结构健康监测系统尚无数据差错控制的思想,也无相关的理论和模型。从系统的角度提出桥梁结构健康监测系统差错控制的基本思想和模型,以及针对信息获取环节、数据传输环节、安全评价环节的差错控制机制,从而彻底解决桥梁结构健康监测系统的数据失真问题,提高系统的可靠性,有效降低虚/漏报警率,并在具体实践中得以成功运用。  相似文献   
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