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研究空中交通流量的波动特性是设计高效流量管理措施和控制策略的基础,掌握空中交通流量波动特性有利于空域资源配置与流量运行需求之间的均衡匹配。在3种时间粒度上,针对进场航班流量时间序列,一方面从复杂网络整体维度出发,采用有限穿越可视图对时间序列进行建网,利用k-core算法探究航班流量波动特性;另一方面从复杂网络局部维度出发,引入序模体方法,构造有限穿越可视图序模体,利用多元序模体类型转换规律来刻画流量的动态转移模式,进而掌握航班流量波动动态演化规律,为波动模式的预测提供了有效工具。研究结果表明:在有限穿越可视图方法映射得到的网络中,节点所属核阶数可以有效刻画流量波动强度,且与波动强度成正相关关系,即节点所属核阶数越大,波动强度越大,天津机场进场航班流量数据的强波动时段为16:50-17:30;序模体越长,波动特性刻画能力越强,但鉴于受到空中交通混沌特性影响,序模体过长对于流量预测意义不大,推荐使用5节点序模体;波动模式状态转移图在有效刻画流量波动动态演化的同时,也可以计算波动模式的转移概率,3种时间粒度下转移概率分别为12.315%、13.131%和10.638%,为波动模式的预测提供了有效工具。  相似文献   
Response based analysis (RBA) has been developed for prediction of extreme N-year return period responses and design metocean conditions of offshore structures. For applying the RBA, the behaviour of the offshore system subjected to a long history of metocean conditions needs to be predicted, and then, the probabilistic analysis is applied to estimate its long-term responses. Due to the large number of analysis cases required, the structural simulation is usually performed either by simplifying the structural model or by using computationally efficient tools, such as frequency-domain (FD) analysis. These approaches usually decrease the accuracy of predictions mainly when they are utilized for nonlinear systems. On the other hand, employing time-domain (TD) simulations leads to more accurate results but it is computationally expensive. Application of RBA for a weathervaning FPSO, which is the subject of the present study, makes TD analysis an essential requirement because of a highly nonlinear behaviour of the system. In the present study, an efficient methodology is proposed that aims at reducing the computational efforts of RBA by joint application of TD and FD simulations in combining the structural and statistical analyses through a single process, such that the number of time-consuming TD simulations is minimized. After initial screening using the results from FD simulations, the methodology identifies the response events (storms) that contribute the most to the N-year response and sets out an iterative process in which only those events that are most important are analysed by fully-coupled TD simulations. Within such events, a similar approach is also applied to intervals (sea states) where only the most contributing intervals are analysed in TD, and the remaining intervals are left for a less accurate FD analysis without sacrificing the overall accuracy. The proposed methodology provides a robust framework for distinguishing between “mild” and “severe” response events, without specifying any predefined limits for the metocean parameters or making a subjective judgement. Although it is developed for the mooring system of a weathervaning FPSO, it should also be applicable to any type of offshore structure and any structural response. This paper is the first part of the study and concentrates on the development of the efficient methodology to optimize the application of RBA to FPSO mooring systems, whilst its detailed application is subject of the second part of the study.  相似文献   
江行 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):405-410
为解决使用船舶领域计算碰撞危险度时所选取的船舶领域类型繁多,且碰撞危险度模型中对于目标船船舶领域与海上避碰规则等因素考虑较少的问题,提出基于四元船舶领域和海上避碰规则改进的碰撞危险度模糊评价模型。在计算碰撞危险度时考虑本船是否侵入目标船船舶领域,且根据海上避碰规则当本船为直航船时,判断目标船与本船是否为紧迫局面并将其作为计算因素加入模型。使用MATLAB进行仿真,结果表明改进的模糊评价模型能计算出更符合海上实情且满足海上避碰规则的碰撞危险度,为后续避碰决策研究提供更为准确的数据。  相似文献   
Installation of floating wind turbines at the offshore site is a challenging task. A significant part of the time efficiency and costs are related to the installation methods which are sensitive to weather conditions. This study investigates a large floating dock concept, which can be used to shield a floating wind turbine during installation of tower, nacelle, and rotor onto a spar foundation. In this paper, the concept is described in detail, and a design optimisation is carried out using simple design constraints. Hydrodynamic analysis and dynamic response analysis of the coupled system of the optimum dock and spar are conducted. Two spars of different sizes are considered, and the motion responses of the spars with and without the dock in irregular waves are compared. Through analysis of the motion spectra and response statistics, dynamic characteristics of the coupled system is revealed. The present design of the dock reduces the platform-pitch responses of the spars and potentially facilitates blade mating, but may deteriorate the heave velocity of the spars in swell conditions. Finally, future design aspects of the floating dock are discussed.  相似文献   
本文通过采取对塑料排水板打设机械设备的改装、增加有效装置以及改进施工工艺等一系列施工控制措施后,攻克了塑料排水板在复杂地层打设不成功的难题,加快了施工进度,积累了施工经验,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益,为类似工程提供了可移植性参考。  相似文献   

Port–city relationships have attracted paramount attention from a variety of scientific disciplines for several decades, such as geography, history, planning, regional science, sociology, and economics to name but a few. Yet, the extent to which maritime traffic specialization obeys the same spatial distribution than other economic activities remains underexplored today. This article tackles these lacunae head-on by proposing an empirical analysis of the way vessel tonnage per main categories of flows (e.g. containers, bulks, passengers) coincides with the demographic size of the world’s coastal and inland city-regions, using novel data on global inter-port vessel movements and harmonized population data over the period 1977–2008. Our main results confirm that such traffic is far from being randomly distributed, as its volume, value, and diversity concentrate at the top of the urban hierarchy. This research motivates the need to further integrate physical connectivity into the study of cities and their development mechanisms.  相似文献   
复杂边坡的稳定状态受地形地貌、地质水文等诸多因素的影响,往往具有不确定性、模糊性等特点,因此在边坡处治方案决策时具有较大的随意性和片面性。通过建立多目标的层次分析模型,从技术、经济、安全和环境各方面进行客观、科学的评价,并经实际工程的计算分析,验证了模型的有效性、通用性和可操作性。  相似文献   
卢礼顺 《城市道桥与防洪》2012,(9):297-300,308,345
盾构始发到达常给隧道施工带来不小风险,盾构始发到达施工技术已成为隧道工作者日益关注的热点。水平冻结法作为盾构始发土体加固的一种可靠方法,得到广泛的应用。某工程盾构始发周边环境较为复杂,有重要管线、高架桥及社会道路,常规搅拌桩、旋喷桩施工场地条件没有,无法实施,只能选用水平冰冻加固方法。该文结合该工程盾构始发实际情况,详细介绍了水平冻结的施工方法,并取得了较好的效果。其所取得的工程经验和教训可为今后类似工程采用该工艺施工提供参考。  相似文献   
田宁 《隧道建设》2012,32(4):486-489,494
岩爆防治是深埋地下工程界面临的重要难题之一。重庆地区某深埋坑道工程是由砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩构成的层状地层,施工中始终存在岩爆危害。为降低岩爆威胁,从岩爆倾向性室内评判着手,进行了复杂围岩组合试件力学性质和动态破坏特性试验研究,同时研究了浸水对深部岩体岩爆倾向性的影响,最终获得了岩爆倾向室内定量评价结果,为最大限度地降低岩爆威胁提供了试验依据。  相似文献   
李成  常向前  郑艳萍 《船舶力学》2007,11(4):622-627
针对两种材料界面裂纹,采用弹性断裂理论和复变函数理论建立计算模型.用能量释放率来描述裂纹的扩展情况,并根据界面裂纹能量释放率解析计算方法对不同的材料性质和外荷载,以及不同的板厚度对裂纹扩展时的能量释放率进行了仿真分析,得到了能量释放率和两种材料的弹性模量、外荷载及板的厚度之间的关系变化的曲线.并对界面裂纹和单一材料裂纹的情况进行了分析和比较.  相似文献   
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