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总结国内外预应力混凝土轨枕强度检验标准,分析世界主要国家和地区混凝土轨枕标准体系之间的差异,就混凝土轨枕强度检验项目、支承图式及检验荷载计算方法进行详细对比。分析结果表明,各国混凝土轨枕标准体系、检验项目和支承图式存在差异,我国铁路混凝土轨枕标准对于各型产品检验要求规定比较详细具体,但在标准的系统性和概括性方面仍存在不足。在轨枕强度检验荷载的计算过程中,中国和日本混凝土轨枕强度检验是基于轨枕设计承载能力进行检验,而欧洲和北美地区混凝土轨枕强度检验是基于现场承载要求检验,在混凝土轨枕标准国际化过程中需注意该差异。  相似文献   
As Chinese cities continue to grow rapidly and their newly developed suburbs continue to accommodate most of the enormous population increase, rail transit is seen as the key to counter automobile dependence. This paper examines the effects of rail transit-supported urban expansion using travel survey data collected from residents in four Shanghai suburban neighborhoods, including three located near metro stations. Estimated binary logit model of car ownership and nested logit model of commuting mode choice reveal that: (1) proximity to metro stations has a significant positive association with the choice of rail transit as primary commuting mode, but its association with car ownership is insignificant; (2) income, job status, and transportation subsidy are all positively associated with the probabilities of owning car and driving it to work; (3) higher population density in work location relates positively to the likelihood of commuting by the metro, but does not show a significant relationship with car ownership; (4) longer commuting distance is strongly associated with higher probabilities of riding the metro, rather than driving, to work; (5) considerations of money, time, comfort, and safety appear to exert measurable influences on car ownership and mode choice in the expected directions, and the intention to ride the metro for commuting is reflected in its actual use as primary mode for journey to work. These results strongly suggest that rail transit-supported urban expansion can produce important positive outcomes, and that this strategic approach can be effectively facilitated by transportation policies and land use plans, as well as complemented by timely provision of high quality rail transit service to suburban residents.  相似文献   
There are debates about whether job-housing balance and short commuting distances could be achieved through government intervention in Western countries. However, few studies have been carried out in developing context. The present study aims to fill in this knowledge vacuum by studying how China’s changing socio-spatial context, particularly the spatial ideas of danwei, influences job-housing relationships and commuting patterns from a historical perspective. The results clearly show that the dominant trend in commuting patterns in Chinese cities has changed from intra-danwei commuting before 1978 to reverse commuting from the city center to the inner suburbs in 1978–1998, to long-distance suburb-to-city commuting since 1998. The findings suggest that government intervention could be helpful in achieving shorter commute in China, and that urban planning and policy that promote mixed land-use and job-housing balance should be considered. Some limitations of government intervention are also discussed.  相似文献   
中国道路、中国理论、中国制度三者统一于中国特色社会主义伟大实践,坚定道路、理论、制度"三个自信",是推动中国特色社会主义文化强国建设的根本所在。道路自信是根基、是方向,理论自信是灵魂、是动力,制度自信是支撑、是保障。我国建设社会主义文化强国,必须走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,必须以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系为行动指南,必须以中国特色社会主义文化制度为根本保障。推进文化强国建设,需要充分发挥大学文化的引领作用和辐射功能。  相似文献   
试将汉日语法对比研究放在对外汉语学科建设中来认识这项研究的实际意义。通过汉日语法对比研究,揭示汉日语法的共性和特性,从而深化对汉语本体的研究,并将研究成果融入对日汉语教学,使教学向更科学化的方向发展。  相似文献   
转型期的当代中国社会正面临着经济体制改革的不断深入与政治体制改革相对滞后的矛盾,社会发展目标与贫富差距拉大的矛盾,经济可持续发展要求与环境日趋恶化的矛盾以及经济发展与人口状况的矛盾,本文探索了这些矛盾对当代中国社会发展的制约性及其化解途径。  相似文献   
十一五规划与中国经济增长模式的转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济学和学术界经过近两年的争论和研讨,已经就经济增长方式和工业化道路达成共识,即现代经济增长不再主要依靠投资拉动而是靠科学技术以及与此相关的生产型服务业发展。十一五规划提出要加快推进从粗放增长到集约增长的转变,规定的战略重点及主要措施有:1.加强自主创新能力;2.发展先进制造业,推进工业结构的优化升级;3.加快发展服务业,特别是生产型服务业;4.积极推进城市化的同时,稳步推进新农村的建设,建设社会主义新农村。笔者强调,要实现十一五规划,制度重于技术,关键在于改革,而关键的关键,则在于政府职能的转变。  相似文献   
试论中国共产党的现代政治转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从社会变革入手,循着市场-政治的变革路径。阐述在社会转型背案之下中国共产党的转型目标。本文认为,中国共产党的变革目标应当是适应多元社会的现代执政党,其基本特质是具备四大能力。在总结过去所有政治改革经验基础上,文章认为,人大改革应当成为执政党政治转型的战略选择,只有通过人大改革、释放人大的功能,执政党的现代特质才能塑造起来。  相似文献   
大学语文是一门基础课,是增强人文素养的一个重要的教学环节。但大学语文在高职院校中受重视的程度却比较低,而且有每况愈下的趋势。大学语文要走出困境,起到应有的效果,就应该首先对这门课程进行准确的定位,其次在教材建设、教学方法等方面也要有所突破。只有在各方面不断完善和提高,大学语文的教学才会迈上一个新的台阶。  相似文献   
This article aims at the discussion of cultural interferences in foreign language teaching and learning for Chinese non-English majors. It also calls for more attention from teachers, textbook compilers, and students themselves.  相似文献   
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