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The rational lengths of auxiliary lane and its channelization of urban expressway exit play an important role in increasing the exit capacity and decrease the influence to expressway traffic flow from exit. The entrance-exit style exit of diamond interchange was surveyed, and traffic flow data was collected. VISSIM microcosmic simulation model was calibrated and validated using survey data, and the exit of diamond interchange simulation model was built. Using simulation, the authors analyzed the survey data and worked out the recommendation values of auxiliary lane and its channelization length of urban expressway exits.  相似文献   
通过对驾驶员为保证行车安全的实际驾驶行为进行分析,提出了可变减速时间的概念,并以此构建了基于可变减速时间的单车道通行能力理论模型;标定了模型使用的参数,推荐了具有不同小客车自由流速度的道路上的理论通行能力值;并用实测数据对模型进行了验证,根据实测的速度-流量和速度-密度曲线图.认为该模型基本符合实际情况.  相似文献   
Path planning and path following are core components in safe autonomous driving. Typically, a path planner provides a path with some tolerance on how tightly the path should be followed. Based on that, and other path characteristics, for example, sharpness of curves, a speed profile needs to be assigned so that the vehicle can stay within the given tolerance without going unnecessarily slow. Here, such trajectory planning is based on optimal control formulations where critical cases arise as on-the-limit solutions. The study focuses on heavy commercial vehicles, causing rollover to be of a major concern, due to the relatively high centre of gravity. Several results are obtained on required model complexity depending on path characteristics, for example, quantification of required path tolerance for a simple model to be sufficient, quantification of when yaw inertia needs to be considered in more detail, and how the curvature rate of change interplays with available friction. Overall, in situations where the vehicle is subject to a wide range of driving conditions, from good transport roads to more tricky avoidance manoeuvres, the requirements on the path following will vary. For this, the provided results form a basis for real-time path following.  相似文献   
Lane changes occur as many times as turning movements are needed while following a designated path. The cost of a route with many lane changes is likely to be more expensive than that with less lane changes, and unrealistic paths with impractical lane changes should be avoided for drivers' safety. In this regard, a new algorithm is developed in this study to find the realistic shortest path considering lane changing. The proposed algorithm is a modified link‐labeling Dijkstra algorithm considering the effective lane‐changing time that is a parametric function of the prevailing travel speed and traffic density. The parameters were estimated using microscopic traffic simulation data, and the numerical test demonstrated the performance of the proposed algorithm. It was found that the magnitude of the effect of the effective lane‐changing time on determining the realistic shortest path is nontrivial, and the proposed algorithm has capability to exclude links successfully where the required lane changes are practically impossible. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Weaving sections, a common design of motorways, require extensive lane‐change manoeuvres. Numerous studies have found that drivers tend to make their lane changes as soon as they enter the weaving section, as the traffic volume increases. Congestion builds up as a result of this high lane‐changing concentration. Importantly, such congestion also limits the use of existing infrastructure, the weaving section downstream. This behaviour thus affects both safety and operational aspects. The potential tool for managing motorways effectively and efficiently is cooperative intelligent transport systems (C‐ITS). This research investigates a lane‐change distribution advisory application based on C‐ITS for weaving vehicles in weaving sections. The objective of this research is to alleviate the lane‐changing concentration problem by coordinating weaving vehicles to ensure that such lane‐changing activities are evenly distributed over the existing weaving length. This is achieved by sending individual messages to drivers based on their location to advise them when to start their lane change. The research applied a microscopic simulation in aimsun to evaluate the proposed strategy's effectiveness in a one‐sided ramp weave. The proposed strategy was evaluated using different weaving advisory proportions, traffic demands and penetration rates. The evaluation revealed that the proposed lane‐changing advisory has the potential to significantly improve delay. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
On many urban low‐grade or branch roads, especially in medium or small cities in China, bicyclists and motorists commonly share the non‐barrier road surface. Because bicycles are unpredictable and unstable when moving, motorized vehicles must reduce their speed to safely approach and overtake them. In this study, the gradual deceleration process a motorized vehicle undergoes before it passes a bicycle was analyzed. The motorist was assumed to prefer a comfortable deceleration and to select a higher deceleration rate only when the distance to the bicycle was insufficient to reduce the car's speed to the expected value at a comfortable deceleration rate. Cellular automata (CA) simulations were used to reveal the flow characteristics of motorized vehicles reacting to bicycles traveling along the roadside, and the results show that for the general velocities of motorized vehicles and bicycles traveling on urban branch roads, the road capacity for motorized vehicles is not related to the number of bicycles present. However, the average travel time of motorized vehicles is significantly affected by the presence of bicycles when the number of motorized vehicles on the road is small. In addition, motorized vehicles' average travel time is more influenced by disturbances in the flow of motorized vehicles than by bicycles when the number of motorized vehicles on the road is large. Field observations and surveys were used to validate the traffic behaviors and simulation results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lane reorganization strategies such as lane reversal, one‐way street, turning restriction, and cross elimination have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing transportation network capacity. However, how to select the most appropriate combination of those strategies in a network remains challenging to transportation professionals considering the complex interactions among those strategies and their impacts on conventional traffic control components. This article contributes to developing a mathematical model for a traffic equilibrium network, in which optimization of lane reorganization and traffic control strategies are integrated in a unified framework. The model features a bi‐level structure with the upper‐level model describing the decision of the transportation authorities for maximizing the network capacity. A variational inequality (VI) formulation of the user equilibrium (UE) behavior in choosing routes in response to various strategies is developed in the lower level. A genetic algorithm (GA) based heuristic is used to yield meta‐optimal solutions to the model. Results from extensive numerical analyses reveal the promising property of the proposed model in enhancing network capacity and reducing congestion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
与跟车行为相比,换道行为需要考虑的车辆更多,司机的决策过程更加复杂,也更难于描述,目前跟车模型的研究已趋于成熟,而换道模型的研究则相对滞后.针对多数交通仿真系统存在的算法内核封装性和保密性问题,对当前应用较多的几种换道模型进行了综述,介绍了几种模型的构建思想和算法,对这些模型的优缺点进行了评述和展望.期望能对换车道模型研究的深入化和精准化起到一定的参考和借鉴作用.  相似文献   
基于元胞自动机交通流模型的车辆换道规则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将元胞自动机模型应用于周期性边界条件下的高速公路交通的换道规则模拟,并对不同条件下交通流的平均速度和流量进行仿真.基于驾驶员的性格差异,提出了更灵活的弹性换道规则,并探讨了不同换道规则对交通流流量等参数的影响.在计算机仿真过程中,通过变换交通流密度,得出了与不同换道规则对应的交通流基本图.结果表明:相对于以前的模型,遵循2种新规则的模型均可不同程度地改善道路的通行能力,提高道路资源的利用效能;从安全性角度进行对比分析,可得出较优的换道规则.  相似文献   
城区无信号交叉口次要道路通行能力计算模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
无信号交叉口的次要道路往往有不同的车道功能划分组合,现有的通行能力计算模型不能真正解决混合交通流在其上的最大通过能力计算问题。以可接受间隙理论为基础,利用概率论方法,对直左、直右等合用车道功能组的通行能力计算模型进行了探讨,通过对小型车、大型车构成的混合车流在不同合用车道上的转向队型分析,建立了该类交叉口主路车流服从负指数分布下的支路通行能力模型,从而发展了无信号交叉口的混合车流通行能力理论,为现代化的城市、公路交通管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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