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This paper analyzes the influence of urban development density on transit network design with stochastic demand by considering two types of services, rapid transit services, such as rail, and flexible services, such as dial-a-ride shuttles. Rapid transit services operate on fixed routes and dedicated lanes, and with fixed schedules, whereas dial-a-ride services can make use of the existing road network, hence are much more economical to implement. It is obvious that the urban development densities to financially sustain these two service types are different. This study integrates these two service networks into one multi-modal network and then determines the optimal combination of these two service types under user equilibrium (UE) flows for a given urban density. Then we investigate the minimum or critical urban density required to financially sustain the rapid transit line(s). The approach of robust optimization is used to address the stochastic demands as captured in a polyhedral uncertainty set, which is then reformulated by its dual problem and incorporated accordingly. The UE principle is represented by a set of variational inequality (VI) constraints. Eventually, the whole problem is linearized and formulated as a mixed-integer linear program. A cutting constraint algorithm is adopted to address the computational difficulty arising from the VI constraints. The paper studies the implications of three different population distribution patterns, two CBD locations, and produces the resultant sequences of adding more rapid transit services as the population density increases.  相似文献   
With the rapid increase of electric bicycles (E-bikes) in China, the heterogeneous bicycle traffic flow comprising regular bicycles and E-bikes using shared cycleway creates issues in terms of efficiency as well as safety. Capacity and bicycle equivalent units (BEUs) for E-bikes are two most important parameters for the planning, design, operation, and management of bicycle facilities. In this paper, eight traffic flow fundamental diagrams are developed for one-way cycleway capacity estimation, and a novel BEU estimation model is also proposed. Eleven datasets from different shared cycleway sections with different cycleway widths were collected in Hangzhou, China for estimation and evaluation purposes. The results indicate that, with around 70% share of E-bikes, the mean estimated capacity is 2348 bicycle/h/m. The effects on the capacity of the proportions of E-bikes, gender of cyclists, age of cyclists, and cyclists carrying things were also analyzed. The results implied that the estimated capacity is independent of a cyclist’s gender and age, but increases with the proportion of E-bikes. According to this study, the mean BEU for the E-bike is 0.66, and the converted capacities of pure regular bicycles and pure E-bikes are 1800 and 2727 bicycle/h/m, respectively. These findings can be used to propose practical countermeasures to improve the capacity of heterogeneous bicycle traffic flow on shared cycleway.  相似文献   
A finite-difference scheme and a marker-and-cell (MAC) method are used for numerical wave tank (NWT) simulations to investigate the characteristics of nonlinear wave motions and their interactions with a stationary three-dimensional body in the presence of steady uniform currents. The Navier–Stokes (NS) equation is solved in the computational domain, and the boundary values are updated at each time-step by a finite-difference time-marching scheme in the frame of a rectangular coordinate system. The fully nonlinear kinematic free-surface condition is satisfied by the marker–density function technique developed for two fluid layers. The incident waves are generated from the inflow boundary by prescribing a velocity profile resembling the motions of a flexible flap wavemaker, and the outgoing waves are numerically dissipated inside an artificial damping zone located at the end of the tank. Using the NS–MAC NWT, nonlinear wave and current interactions around a stationary vertical truncated circular cylinder are studied, and the results are compared with the experimental results of Mercier and Niedzwecki, a time-domain NWT based on linear potential theory, a fully nonlinear NWT, and a second-order diffraction computation. Received: July 3, 2001 / Accepted: September 25, 2001  相似文献   
本文主要讲述电机引接线电缆的选择和应用中常出现的故障现象,对电机引接线的可靠连接要点和引起引接线发热故障进行重点讲述和分析。  相似文献   
对于公路填方路基工程,路基压实是非常关键的工作。结合数值分析原理,提出按最小二乘原理求解击实试验数据的拟合曲线,并将其应用到Matlab中,可以极大地提高工作效率和减少人为误差,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
为了研究城市快速路匝道出口及交织区的交通运行特性,以长春市具有代表性的快速路匝道出口作为调查对象,以调查实测的数据为基础建立模型,分析交通冲突特性、交通流流量特性及密度特性,建立研究路段交通冲突数与流量和交通密度的关系模型。研究结果表明,快速路出口处车流量的冲突数随着交通流量的增加而增加,而与交通密度的关系中则存在一个临界值(交通密度达到131辆/km,交通流变为强制流)。本文研究成果可以为城市快速路匝道出口控制提供理论依据与参考借鉴。  相似文献   
空隙率是影响路面使用性能的一个重要指标,它的变化直接影响道路使用性能,而空隙率又受密度测定方法影响。文章采用不同密度测定方法,对废旧橡胶颗粒沥青混合料密度进行检测,并分别计算其空隙率。通过与普通沥青混合料作对比,得出掺入橡胶颗粒后沥青混合料空隙率的变化规律,并对不同密度测定方法下得出的空隙率进行比较分析,得出密度测定方法对空隙率影响的变化规律。  相似文献   
为建立机车各部件的垂向动力学微分方程,计算各悬挂力的输出响应,建立了系统质量、阻尼和刚度的增广矩阵.为避免在计算系统输出谱密度时计及各个输入的互谱密度,利用机车中各轮对处输入激励之间存在着确定时延的关系,将6个轮对处的多输入激励换算成单输入激励,使系统成为单输入多输出线性系统.根据线性系统的叠加原理,通过频率响应矩阵的谱分析,得到转换后的单输入、多输出系统的频率响应函数.假设输入函数为各态历经的平稳随机过程,得出各输出响应的谱密度与频率的关系.  相似文献   
徐锋  吴伟亮  万新斌 《船舶工程》2007,29(6):65-67,83
利用光脉动喷雾粒径、浓度测量系统,对Spray公司的LNN14喷嘴进行喷雾特性实验研究,获得了在不同工况下喷雾场液滴尺寸分布和浓度分布的实验结果,得出了喷雾粒径和浓度随压力和喷射距离的变化规律,为降低船舶烟囱口烟羽温度提供了重要的实验依据.  相似文献   
青藏铁路道床质量状态参数试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
碎石道床是铁路有碴轨道结构的重要组成部分,其道床密实度、道床纵、横向阻力不仅是轨道结构分析的重要参数,并且与轨道几何形位劣化和轨道养护维修工作量有密切关系。在气候条件恶劣的青藏铁路,道床密实度、道床纵、横向阻力是否达到设计要求对于保持线路的稳定十分重要。介绍了青藏铁路无缝线路试验段道床密实度、道床纵、横向阻力的试验方法和数据整理分析过程,对道床密实度、道床纵、横向阻力的测定有一定的参考价值。测试结果表明,在青藏铁路,采用合理的施工工艺和方法,按基本作业流程进行施工,道床密实度、道床纵、横向阻力均满足规范要求。  相似文献   
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