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用逼近目标规划模型进行潜艇耐压船体最佳设计   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文把最大限度地发挥结构最佳尺度和材料最优性能作为潜艇结构优化设计的第一追逐目标,运用目标规划模型,建立单目标非线性约束优化的目标规划模型,求解连续与离散混合变量的最优解,并全部圆整到规格化变量,最后获得规格化设计变量关于满应力设计和耐压船体较轻重量的相对有效解.  相似文献   
莫华坚 《中国水运》2006,6(5):123-124
水上交通安全关系国家经济建设,关系全国人民生命财产的安全,同样需要我们针对现阶段水上安全情势用铁的手腕来管理。提出用铁的手腕抓安全,是现阶段安全管理情势的需要,也是落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本的具体行动。  相似文献   
耐压结构在使用前一般都要进行内压试验,经过内压试验后结构的焊接残余应力会发生改变。残余应力的变化会对结构的力学特性有一定影响。文章首先运用ANSYS的APDL语言编写了大尺度锥柱耐压壳模型焊接残余应力数值模拟程序,对耐压结构的初始残余应力和经过内压试验后残余应力的变化进行计算;然后,采用X射线无损检测方法对该大尺度锥柱耐压壳模型的初始残余应力和经过内压试验后的残余应力进行测量。计算结果与试验结果表明,随着内压增加,内壳残余拉应力不断降低;而外壳残余压应力则变化不大;并且数值模拟结果与试验结果基本吻合。该文研究结果为更加合理可靠地进行耐压结构力学特性分析提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
The average stress–strain curve for rectangular plates under uniaxial compression in ship hull structures is generated on the basis of the existing design formulae. The dual-term equation for ultimate strength of uniaxially compressed plates is employed to generate the average stress–strain curve for long plates. Two alternatives proposed by Faulkner and Frankland, respectively, are considered. An approximate method to take into account the effect of residual stresses is proposed. By investigating the variation of the stress distribution at different stages of compression, the average stress–strain relationship of the rectangular long plates with the effect of residual stresses is derived from equilibrium. The behaviors of the wide plates are also discussed. The assumption proposed by Valsgard for the idealized stress distribution of wide plates under uniaxial compression is adopted. The average stress–strain relationship for wide plates is derived from the existing design formulae. Two equations proposed by Hughes and recommended by API for critical stress of the central portion of the wide plate are considered. The effect of residual stresses is also taken into account for wide plates.  相似文献   
交通荷载作用下软土地基累积塑性变形分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
针对交通荷载作用下软土地基的变形问题,采用累积应变的经验公式计算其累积沉降。首先通过确定车辆荷载引起的动偏应力和土层的力学指标计算出静力破坏偏应力,然后通过考虑土物理力学性质、循环荷载次数的累积变形公式计算软土地基中各土层在车辆荷载作用下引起的残余累积应变,最后用分层总和法计算总沉降。采用该方法对交通荷载作用下上海地区典型软土地基的累积沉降进行了实例分析。  相似文献   
变厚旋转圆盘的温度应力及等强度设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了用位移法求解,同时包含旋转惯性及温度改变影响的变厚圆盘中的位移和应力的一般表达式,并给出了几个具体问题的解答.文中还讨论了旋转圆盘等强度设计问题.  相似文献   
The propagation of fatigue cracks under constant amplitude cyclic loading was studied in welded stiffened steel plates. The residual stresses in the stiffened plates were measured using the neutron diffraction strain-scanning technique. A finite element model of the stiffened plate was constructed to simulate the residual stresses by an uncoupled thermal and thermo-mechanical analysis. Both the finite element model and the neutron diffraction measurements indicated that in general the residual stresses were tensile near the welded stiffeners and compressive between the stiffeners and ahead of the starter notch tip. Fatigue testing indicated that the fatigue crack growth rates of the stiffened plates were in general lower than that of a corresponding unstiffened plate, especially near the notch tip where compressive residual stresses existed. Both the finite element method and Green's function predicted the fatigue crack growth rates with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
李戎  杨萌  梁斌 《船舶力学》2019,23(5):566-574
为了弥补含裂纹功能梯度材料(FGM)结构强度预测方法的不足,文章基于有限元分析方法,将复杂的FGM板应力强度因子求解问题转化为简单的FGM板和均匀材料板之间裂纹尖端应力比值计算问题,仅通过使用均匀材料板和FGM板裂纹尖端应力比值、均匀材料板应力强度因子经验公式即可得到任意FGM板应力强度因子值,从而提出了一种基于裂纹尖端应力比值的FGM板应力强度因子简便预测方法。该方法避免了复杂的矩阵运算以及数值积分,仅需建立二维有限元模型即可在保证精确度的基础上快速得到FGM板应力强度因子预测值。通过多组算例对比分析,证明该方法预测精度高,比传统计算方法更为简便,便于工程应用。  相似文献   
在壳厚方向采用位移和应力插值函数,应用混合分层理论和壳体在流场中所受的流体动压力.推导带有消声瓦的潜艇耐压壳在流场中的动力学方程.采用迭代的方法求出潜艇耐压壳在流场中阻尼振动的解.在不同粘弹性材料弹性模量和厚度下.分别计算了潜艇耐压壳在流场中阻尼振动的一阶固有频率、结构损耗因子和层间横向应力的幅值.结果表明,随粘弹性材料弹性模量的增大,一阶固有频率和结构损耗因子增加,随粘弹性材料层厚度的增大,结构损耗因子增加.一阶固有频率减小.较高的层间法向正应力是造成潜艇消声瓦在流场中低频振动脱落的主要原因.采用较高模量和厚度的牯弹性阻尼材料将有效地降低潜艇耐压壳在流场中阻尼振动的层间应力的幅值.  相似文献   
用粉细砂修筑路基动力特性试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要分析粉细砂的各项动力参数指标,包括粉细砂修筑路基的干密度、含水量和施加的静固结应力,分级施加轴向周期循环荷载,周期加荷作用下动应力、应变、孔隙水压力情况,可为以后修筑路基提供一定参考。  相似文献   
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