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Comprehensive analyses of the layout influence on power performance of a low-frequency miniature horizontal-pendulum-type inertial energy harvester for underwater mooring platforms are presented in this article. The mathematical models are obtained utilizing the Newton-Euler method. The power performance is evaluated by simulations over different parameters, such as damping, excitation frequency, and layout position. Simulation results indicate that the harvester can extract energy from low-frequency excitations over the range of 0.1 Hz–0.4 Hz, and maximum output power can reach to 0.7 W under excitation frequency f = 0.4 Hz. Different layout positions influence the energy harvesting performance of the harvester dramatically. Changing the layout position to positive value can enhance and broaden the power performance. The amplitude responses with different layout positions do not show resonant characteristics, even near the natural frequency of the harvester, due to large amplitude vibrations and strong nonlinear characteristic. As excitation frequency f = 0.4 Hz, there is a zero output power point appears at layout position d = −1.3 m. Moreover, the harnessed power has a quadratic relationship with the layout position value.  相似文献   
Ship-to-ship collision events can have severe consequences such as loss of life and environmental degradation. For this reason, modern ship designs are required to incorporate a double-hulled structure to prevent inner-hull damage from such events. Using the experimental or numerical method to analyze the crashworthiness of double-hulled ship structures entails much effort, for which reason neither method is easy to adopt at the early design stage. In this paper, an existing simplified method called Ito's method is improved by a new buckling-and-contact-based expansion method. This method can be applied to double-hulled-structure or outer-hull-local-rupture failure mode. The perpendicular bow-to-side collision scenario is assumed for a conservative estimation of damage to a double-hulled structure. The method was verified in the present study by numerical ship collision simulations of several cases. The results for the buckling-and-contact-based expansion method and numerical simulation were similar for a blunt shape of striking body but different for a sharp shape.  相似文献   
Contrary to most signal decomposition methods that usually decompose an original signal into a series of components simultaneously, a novel approach based on repeated extraction of Maximum Energy Component (MEC) is proposed. The approach starts from determination of the MEC referring to the estimated Power Spectral Density (PSD) function, and then represents the MEC by employing an exponential function to fit the original signal. By defining a stopping criterion based on two adjacent estimated PSDs, each MEC can be accurately extracted with an improved performance throughout the entire signal decomposition. To verify the proposed method, a single degree-of-freedom system subject to harmonic loads has been examined. Numerical results show that the analytical response can not only be decomposed into four MECs corresponding to the excitation and the system, respectively, but also provide an accurate estimation of natural frequency and damping ratio of the system. Meanwhile, by observing results from the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) and Prony based on state-space model (Prony-SS), an improved decomposition accuracy has been achieved from the proposed approach. Furthermore, experimental data from the Norwegian Deepwater Programme and two sets of field-test data from one fixed offshore platform and an offshore wind turbine have been used to demonstrate the correctness of the developed signal decomposition method. It is noted that divergence in results by Prony-SS can be observed when a very large model order is used, while the proposed method provides the better decomposition and reconstruction of signals.  相似文献   
A linearized aero-hydro-servo-elastic floating wind turbine model is presented and used to perform integrated design optimization of the platform, tower, mooring system, and blade-pitch controller for a 10 MW spar floating wind turbine. Optimal design solutions are found using gradient-based optimization with analytic derivatives, considering both fatigue and extreme response constraints, where the objective function is a weighted combination of system cost and power quality. Optimization results show that local minima exist both in the soft-stiff and stiff-stiff range for the first tower bending mode and that a stiff-stiff tower design is needed to reach a solution that satisfies the fatigue constraints. The optimized platform has a relatively small diameter in the wave zone to limit the wave loads on the structure and an hourglass shape far below the waterline. The shape increases the restoring moment and natural frequency in pitch, which leads to improved behaviour in the low-frequency range. The importance of integrated optimization is shown in the solutions for the tower and blade-pitch control system, which are clearly affected by the simultaneous design of the platform. State-of-the-art nonlinear time-domain analyses show that the linearized model is conservative in general, but reasonably accurate in capturing trends, suggesting that the presented methodology is suitable for preliminary integrated design calculations.  相似文献   
陈剑 《船舶工程》2020,42(11):128-131
随着新规范对船舶及海上工作平台提出了更高要求,舱室噪声的控制及优化设计越来越受到人们的关注。本文首先对全频段舱室噪声预报软件——VA One软件统计能量分析理论及软件概况进行了阐述,其次应用该软件对海洋核动力平台进行几何建模与仿真计算。通过对舱室仿真计算结果与标准指标要求的对比分析,在设计阶段提出了海洋核动力平台舱室空气噪声综合治理降噪方案,该措施可以缩短建造周期、降低制造成本,提高海洋核动力平台的舒适性与安全性,具有十分重要的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
在网架工程施工中,经常会遇到因提升就位空间受限,不能按常规工艺施工的问题。本文针对此问题,以哈尔滨至牡丹江铁路客运专线牡丹江站侧式站房网架工程为例,提出了独脚拔杆群外扩拼装提升施工技术;重点阐述了拔杆结构设计、提升系统的布置、外扩拼装、同步控制及体系转换等关键技术;阐明了该技术在特殊网架施工中的技术特点、应用优势;工程实践表明,该技术方案合理、安全可靠、使用设备简单,施工成本低,对类似工程施工具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
广州地铁4号、5号、6号、14号、21号线运营线路采用第三轨集电靴受流方式,车辆段采用接触网受电弓受流方式,列车在进出车辆段时,需在弓靴转换点处进行降弓升靴或降靴升弓的操作,传统人防监控方法是人工监控与视频监控。文章研究利用信号定位、车辆控制软件联控的方式,实现列车弓靴转换由人防向技防的转变,设计研究成果已在广州地铁14号、21号线车辆段出入段线弓靴转换点处成熟应用。该设计研究方案能优化列车出入场管理、节约人力资源,并从根本上解决人工未按要求进行弓靴转换而产生的安全风险。  相似文献   
随着国家对环境保护和能源节约的重视以及新能源政策的实施,电动汽车行业迎来了快速发展。充电基础设施的建设,是加快电动汽车推广的重要需要。电动汽车充电基础设施建设和运营业务发展的机会也极大,随之而来的安全管理工作要求也越来越高。本文依据充电桩建设和运营的特点,剖析其中面临的安全风险,并提出加强安全管理工作的措施,为充电桩企业安全管理运营提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
针对某电动汽车电驱总成的噪声问题,依据电驱总成车内噪声产生机理,进行整车状态声振特性测试,运用不同工况组合下的频谱特征和阶次特征等分析方法,识别出该电驱总成噪声问题为结构共振和电磁激励所致。针对结构共振问题,考虑电驱总成结构耦合特性、电机材料复杂多样性和线圈绕组质量,建立电驱总成有限元分析模型,求解出电驱总成的模态和振动响应,并通过敲击法模态试验得到模态参数进而对有限元模型进行验证,在此基础上以模态应变能为依据对电驱总成结构的局部刚度进行优化,提升结构共振频率,降低共振风险。针对电磁激励问题,以电驱总成中的永磁同步电机为研究对象,建立电磁仿真分析模型,以影响磁通密度的转子槽口的槽形、槽宽、槽深和槽间角度4个因素建立正交试验设计表,通过极差值得到各因素对齿槽转矩和输出转矩的影响水平,最后以降低齿槽转矩、加工工艺简单和对输出转矩影响小为目标,运用16组具有代表性的电磁方案,完成256个参数组合的寻优,并对优化方案进行了数值仿真计算。研究结果表明:优化方案的改善效果较显著;研究可为电动汽车车内噪声改善提供试验技术支持,并为电驱总成的结构共振噪声和电磁噪声控制提供方法参考。  相似文献   
目前我国出现了大量的城市下穿隧道,但由于各城市间水文地质条件的差异性较大,既有的工程设计与施工经验不能生搬硬套,而应结合项目自身及周边环境的特点有针对性的展开研究,如何有效平衡地下水的适量排放与衬砌结构安全性、经济性的合理统一,对隧道设计至关重要.但是目前的防排水系统及防水衬砌设计等关键技术在城市地下空间建设过程中研究...  相似文献   
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