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This study reviews the literature on air cargo operations and compares theoretical studies with the practical problems of airlines, freight forwarders, and terminal service providers. In particular, we review studies in which mathematical models were used to identify the essential characteristics of air cargo operations, such as the intrinsic differences from passenger operations, and to explore the service processes in air cargo operations. The typical models used in previous studies are summarized. We then highlight the insightful findings from an industrial interview and present the gaps between previous research and practical realities. We finally discuss the new research opportunities of air cargo operations according to the gaps.  相似文献   
The link transmission model (LTM) has great potential for simulating traffic flow in large-scale networks since it is much more efficient and accurate than the Cell Transmission Model (CTM). However, there lack general continuous formulations of LTM, and there has been no systematic study on its analytical properties such as stationary states and stability of network traffic flow. In this study we attempt to fill the gaps. First we apply the Hopf–Lax formula to derive Newell’s simplified kinematic wave model with given boundary cumulative flows and the triangular fundamental diagram. We then apply the Hopf–Lax formula to define link demand and supply functions, as well as link queue and vacancy functions, and present two continuous formulations of LTM, by incorporating boundary demands and supplies as well as invariant macroscopic junction models. With continuous LTM, we define and solve the stationary states in a road network. We also apply LTM to directly derive a Poincaré map to analyze the stability of stationary states in a diverge-merge network. Finally we present an example to show that LTM is not well-defined with non-invariant junction models. We can see that Newell’s model and continuous LTM complement each other and provide an alternative formulation of the network kinematic wave theory. This study paves the way for further extensions, analyses, and applications of LTM in the future.  相似文献   
Our daily driving experience and empirical observations suggest that traffic patterns in a road network are relatively stationary during peak periods. In numerous transportation network studies, there has been an implicit conjecture that stationary states exist in a network when origin demands, route choice proportions, and destination supplies are constant. In this study, we first rigorously formulate the conjecture within the framework of a network kinematic wave theory with an invariant junction model. After defining stationary states, we derive a system of algebraic equations in 3-tuples of stationary link flow-rates, demands, and supplies. We then introduce a new definition of junction critical demand levels based on effective demands and supplies. With a map in critical demand levels, we show that its fixed points and, therefore, stationary states exist with the help of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. For two simple road networks, we show that the map is well-defined and can be used to solve stationary states with a brute-force method. Finally we summarize the study and present some future extensions and applications.  相似文献   
  目的  为了突破特殊负载上舰的供电保障性问题,对特殊负载脉冲电源的储能方式和拓扑设计进行研究。  方法  以某特殊负载的电气参数和供电需求为例,采用储能密度较大的电容-电感混合储能方式,通过拓扑设计,将传统的电压源型斩波电路改造成电流源型电路,利用电力电子器件和续流回路来控制存储于电感中的能量,从而满足特殊负载脉冲电流快速性的要求。通过电阻-电容-二极管(RCD)缓冲电路吸收主电路中的漏感,以减小主开关的关断尖峰电压。  结果  仿真和试验的结果一致,表明通过参数设计的电源拓扑可成功输出幅值为1 kA、频率为1~6 kHz、上升/下降时间均在100 μs以内、占空比为20%~50%的脉冲电流。  结论  基于电容-电感混合储能的电流型脉冲电源,通过合适的参数设计配置,可以解决频率千赫兹级、幅值千安级脉冲电流的供电保障性问题。  相似文献   
  目的  为合理制定舰船竖直单开口舱室火灾的排烟战术,提高排烟效率,  方法  通过搭建全尺寸火灾实验平台,对竖直单开口舱室的火灾烟气特性进行研究。通过设置不同的开口高度,对负压排烟时的火源燃烧速率、舱室能见度及温度进行测量与计算。根据实验测得的火源热释放速率,使用火灾动力学模拟软件(FDS)对实验及仿真舱室温度峰值进行对比分析。  结果  结果显示,机械排烟时补风口高度应设置在总高度约1/2处,在此高度下舱室能见度及温度下降速度更为迅速。  结论  所做研究对于竖直单开口舱室火灾的机械排烟战术制定具有一定指导意义,同时也证明了在此种火灾条件下采用FDS进行模拟的可信性。  相似文献   








  目的  针对船舶机舱智能化的发展需求,为了预判系统设备的潜在失效因素,提出一种适用于船舶系统健康状态评估的新型AEC模型。  方法  首先,将改进层次分析法(AHP)与熵权法(EWM)的优势相结合,形成组合赋权法来确定各项评估指标的综合权重;然后,采用云重心评判法(CGCEM)计算加权偏离度,并对系统健康状态进行评估。  结果  实船燃油供给系统的验证结果表明:实测运行数据的加权偏离度计算结果为0.181 5,隶属于(0,0.33)区间,这与实船的健康运行状态一致。  结论  AEC模型可以较准确地评估船舶燃油供给系统的健康状态,可为智能船舶的状态评估和维护保养辅助决策提供参考。  相似文献   
为了确定铁路线路技术标准与运量水平之间的耦合关系,分析运量水平主导线路主要技术标准类项目特性和线路技术标准主导运量水平类项目特性,从供需平衡角度出发,得出运量构成机制和线路标准条件从能力供给到运量诱发的质变条件。  相似文献   
采用Aspen Flare软件对FGSS安全阀释放系统进行建模,以大型双燃料散货船FGSS安全阀释放系统为例,结合不同工况进行模拟计算,通过计算释放系统中各管段始末端的压力、温度、流速等参数,发现设计中的不合理管径并加以修改,经软件模拟修改后的管径在实际运行中可满足FGSS安全阀释放要求,可保证系统安全。  相似文献   
黄金权  吴文全  王琴 《舰船电子工程》2009,29(12):186-187,198
海底是海洋的反射边界,它有若干与海面相似的特性。但是,由于海底的不同成分和多层的结构,其作用更加复杂,显著地影响声波的传播。声波在海底反射时造成能量损失,同时也造成影区的声场,能量损失会限制其传播距离。研究了强割裂海底区有效反射系数的频率特性,并运用Matlab软件进行了实验仿真。  相似文献   
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