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This paper explores shippers’ (i.e. logistics buyers) and logistics service providers’ (LSPs) perceptions of green concerns under diverse contractual settings during the key phases of the logistics purchasing process: request for proposal, negotiations, contracting and execution. Accordingly, it derives recommendations that could increase the actors’ inter- and- intra-organisational alignment on green targets throughout these phases. Empirical data are obtained from eight individual cases of three shippers and five LSPs, representing the buyer/seller roles within logistics arrangements. Contrary to previous literature holding the view that setting more green demands by shippers would guarantee green outcomes, the findings show that shippers’ green demands may hinder green logistics applications due to impediments to LSPs’ asset-sharing strategies. Also, a deadlock situation is revealed in the negotiations phase, where both actors await each other to introduce additional demands/offers—calling for further regulatory intervention to release this deadlock. Moreover, this paper shows how a mismatch of interests in contractual periods between shippers and LSPs can obstruct green investments—signalling that the green criterion is not the decisive factor in shaping shippers’ outsourcing strategies. The findings also stress a lack of follow-up efforts by shippers on green measures that were specified pre-contract, attributing this to contrasting intra-organisational objectives within shippers’ firms. This paper contributes to the green logistics purchasing literature by revealing how different contractual settings play an important role in shaping shippers’/LSPs’ perceptions of green concerns during the logistics purchasing process. Further, it is one of the first studies to provide phase-specific recommendations to increase the actors’ alignment on green targets.  相似文献   
毛冬麟  邹雁龙  丁天颖 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):147-151
供电联锁装置是供电系统安全运行的重要保障,如何提高该装置的可靠性对长期保证供电网络的安全性和稳定性以及提高供电系统的生命力有着重要意义。文章介绍了基于西门子S7-300软冗余系统的供电联锁装置的软、硬件构成以及实现办法。通过对软冗余系统工作原理的认识,分析主备系统数据同步时间及故障切换时间。文章还采用马尔科夫方法对冗余系统的系统可靠性进行分析,得出软冗余技术对供电联锁装置的可靠性具有较大的提高效果。  相似文献   
紫铜管广泛应用于船舶供水海水管路中。通过Ansys流场仿真分析和金相分析,对船舶供水管路弯管处破损原因进行研究。结果表明,在一定范围内启闭阀门时间对弯管处应力和应变影响不大,弯管处存在流速过大现象,存在明显的冲刷腐蚀;通过改进铜管制造工艺、建立管线运行制度控制管路压力冲击、增大管路通径和弯曲半径减小管路冲刷腐蚀都能有效的抑制管路破损。  相似文献   
The feasibility of implementing short sea shipping (SSS) between two specific ports has been typically approached on the operative level, in terms of time and cost for a specific origin–destination pair. This paper focuses on the strategic level. Particularly, its goal is to study the potential of SSS in different industrial sectors by analysing their freight-distribution strategies. To achieve the objective, some standard freight-distribution strategies are defined based on the requirements of the industry, the demand and the product being transported. The information is complemented with a survey of more than 100 Spanish companies distributing internationally. As a result it is concluded that there are economies of scale related to the size of the carrier (the ship) and its capacity to absorb the variability in demand. This potential increases with the cargo value. Additionally, a framework of supply/distribution chains is provided which can help to identify potential customers/sectors and the feasibility of new potential shipping lines. The value of this paper resides in its approach (strategic, instead of operational/tactical), and the solid groundwork point provided for future researchers.  相似文献   
为在场桥“油改电”后进一步节能,对使用市电中的节能问题进行研究.着重探讨回馈电网节能,蓄能节能改造,待时能耗节约这三种“油改电”后的节能方案.可供参考.  相似文献   
为提高生产效益,对我国煤炭供应链的特点以及供应链管理的专业知识进行研究。分析当前煤炭企业物流体系的特点以及煤炭企业供应链管理中存在的问题与不足,提出了协调煤炭供应链的管理策略。  相似文献   
多功能航标对保障水上交通安全具有重要的作用,针对当前多功能航标存在的供电不足的问题,提出了建立风光互补的多功能航标供电系统。通过计算航标用电设备的功耗,对供电系统中的蓄电池模块、太阳能发电单元以及风力发电单元进行了设计。依据太阳辐射和风速的历史数据,利用M atlab计算并分析了太阳能电池和风力发电机的发电情况,采用逐月能量平衡法,对供电系统的可靠性进行了分析。研究结果表明,风光互补的多功能航标供电系统可以保障多功能航标的连续稳定供电。  相似文献   
近年来,随着我国工业化和城镇化进程的加快,能源消费和能源供给连创新高,但供需矛盾日益尖锐,环境压力日趋加大.能源审计作为一种新型的能源科学管理和节能减排方法,在我国尚未广泛开展.其主要原因是政府面临强制性需求与企业自愿性需求不匹配,能源审计供给能力不足.促进能源审计发展对策必须要从提高市场需求与增强市场供给两方面入手.  相似文献   
许珮瑩 《交通标准化》2013,(20):107-108
供配电系统是保障交通运输正常有序运行的重要条件。通过分析交通工程供配电系统的供电负荷等级、电气系统运行方式、低压电缆和电气设备的选择等,介绍了相关新技术在交通工程供配电系统中的应用,并探讨其应用价值,以期为未来技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
分析了某型自行武器发供电系统的工作原理,剖析了典型故障发生的原因及故障排除方法,提出预防此类故障发生的措施和判断故障的方法。  相似文献   
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