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Abstract Seaport services have been developing year on year, playing an increasingly important role in the economy and the transportation markets of each country. This increases interest in measuring their performance. This paper evaluates the performance of a set of European seaports by means of robust non-parametric approaches. Using order-m and bootstrap procedures, the major problems of traditional data envelopment analysis and free disposal hull methods – concerning noise, presence of outliers and the ‘curse of dimensionality’ – are overcome. With this study considerable levels of inefficiency were found in the European seaports sector. 相似文献
This study focuses on the increase in the relative importance of diesel fuel consumption on farms in the United States over the 1971–1989 period. Four factors are identified as being central to the observed trend. These include the relative efficiency of diesel powered equipment versus gasoline powered equipment, technological changes that have impacted energy efficiency, the trend towards larger farms, and the enhanced energy conservation by farmers as a result of the adoption of reduced tillage practices. 相似文献
By using the directional distance function (DDF) of data envelopment analysis (DEA), this study measures the technical efficiency of 37 Indian state road transport undertakings (SRTUs) for the year 2012–13. We employ the DDF as a tool for analyzing a joint production function with both desirable and undesirable outputs (i.e., the number of accidents). A comparison between the results with and without accidents shows that several SRTUs have experienced significant changes in their efficiency scores as well as in their rankings after accounting for the undesirable output. This indicates the importance of including the number of accidents – a safety standard – as representative of the undesirable output in computing the efficiency scores of SRTUs. The results of the Tobit model indicate that SRTUs with greater vehicle productivity are more efficient under both conventional DEA and DDF approaches. We also employed zero-truncated negative binomial model to assess the factors influencing the number of road accident experienced by the Indian SRTUs and found that the accident count was significantly influenced by fleet utilization and vehicle productivity. 相似文献
科学评价城市常规公交线路运行效率是优化公交线网、提升服务水平的前提。构建以线路配车数、线路长度、平均站距、非直线系数、发车间隔、运行速度和票价收入比为投入指标,客流服务居民数量比和每公里收益为产出指标的评价指标体系,采用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)模型对公交线路运行效率进行评价。为了修正小样本情况下随机因素带来的偏差,采用Bootstrap抽样法扩大样本数量使之接近总体分布;为了降低效率受指标维数影响的风险性,引入基尼不纯度(Gini impurity)系数赋予各指标子集权重并求出综合效率值,以此联合提升传统DEA模型的区分能力。同时,针对DEA模型难以确定评价指标的影响程度的问题,采用偏最小二乘回归方法量化各评价指标对公交线路运行效率的影响程度。基于构建的Bootstrap-DEA-Gini模型来联合改进DEA模型,并以广东省佛山市457条公交线路为例对其运行效率进行评价。结果表明:平均站距、线路长度和非直线系数对公交线路的运行效率具有显著影响,其中平均站距影响最大,影响程度高达0.98。平均发车间隔偏长、非直线系数偏大和线路配客座总数偏少是造成佛山市部分线路运行效率低的主要原因。提出的Bootstrap-DEA-Gini模型得到的效率值比传统DEA模型低,且能有效区分运行效率相近的公交线路,与实际运营情况更相符。 相似文献
为提高路外停车场停车效率,同时保障停车过程的交通安全,研究了路外停车场内部车行交通组织优化方法。利用有向加权图表征停车场出入口和车行通道布局及内部车行交通组织,将车行交通组织优化问题转化为邻接矩阵优化问题;以停车过程中的安全与效率为优化目标,构建潜在冲突风险、泊车行程时间和节点均衡系数3个评价指标,考虑停车场内部泊位数量和通道通行能力的约束,建立停车场内部车行交通组织优化模型,并采用遗传算法求解。为比较优化前后交通组织效果,基于实际案例数据进行VISSIM仿真,选取出入口排队长度、单车泊车时间、冲突点分布及车位利用率进行对比研究,并进行模型参数和交通流量的敏感性分析。结果表明:①模型能够弥补定性研究的不足和主观经验判断的缺陷,实现路外停车场内部车行交通组织定量优化。②优化后出入口排队长度平均降低了25.8%,车位利用率在[0, 1.8]范围内的停车单元数下降了5.89%;冲突点核密度降低。③模型结果对潜在冲突风险参数在±0.1~±0.3范围内的变化不敏感,模型较为稳定;在-20%~+20%的流量变化范围内,优化方案单车泊车时间及平均排队长度变化范围均维持在10%以内,能够适应实际应用场景下的流量波动。 相似文献
模型预测转矩控制(MPTC)采用实时在线计算的方式确保预施加的电压矢量为最优矢量,但是其代价函数的计算量也随着电平数的增加成倍增加。为了减小计算量,提升转矩控制性能,提出一种基于优化转矩开关表的MPTC方法。对占空比控制时双电压矢量对转矩和磁链的综合作用进行分析,在此基础上进行扇区划分,建立优化转矩开关表,通过计算定子磁链所在扇区,根据转矩控制要求,从优化开关表选择电压矢量。提出的方法与传统MPTC相比,在一个控制周期内只需计算3次代价函数值,并且使用2个矢量合成参考矢量,既减少了代价函数的计算量,也提升了系统的稳态性能。仿真和实验结果证明,同等速度和负载条件下,采用本方法,不仅能减小计算量,还能减小转矩脉动和谐波含量。 相似文献
建立了一种地铁站乘客疏散网络,分析了网络节点的度以辨识关键节点,提出了节点失效后的修正走行疏散网络;设计了基于支持向量回归算法的闸机、楼梯/扶梯节点处乘客通行时间预测模型,分析了模型的预测性能,得到了乘客数量与通行时间的定量关系;建立了包括节点和路段通行时间的总疏散时间、总路段风险和总拥挤成本3个目标函数,构建了一种火灾爆发时地铁站乘客疏散多目标路径优化模型,提出了基于遗传算法的优化模型求解方法;模拟了火灾爆发时地铁站乘客的疏散运动,分析了路径优化模型帕累托解下的疏散效率,评估了路径优化策略的优化程度;设计了乘客动态引导微信小程序,为疏散路径推荐信息的及时发布提供了一种可能方案。研究结果表明:验证集中节点处乘客通行时间预测模型的平均绝对误差低至0.000 375,稳健指标值可高达0.999 334,说明预测数据与真实数据吻合程度高;闸机处实际采集数据与仿真数据的平均相对误差为4.9%,正态性检验、方差齐性检验和独立样本检验的显著值都大于0.05,验证了PathFinder软件可较为真实地模拟乘客运动;与正常疏散无优化策略相比,路径优化模型3组帕累托解下的优化程度分别为16.7%、15.9%、18.0%,因此,根据具体疏散场景、危险系数、服务质量要求等指标可选用相应的疏散优化策略。 相似文献