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《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(11):1517-1540
Proper rail geometry in the crossing part is essential for reducing damage on the nose rail. To improve the dynamic behaviour of turnout crossings, a numerical optimisation approach to minimise rolling contact fatigue (RCF) damage and wear in the crossing panel by varying the nose rail shape is presented in the paper. The rail geometry is parameterised by defining several control cross-sections along the crossing. The dynamic vehicle–turnout interaction as a function of crossing geometry is analysed using the VI-Rail package. In formulation of the optimisation problem a combined weighted objective function is used consisting of the normal contact pressure and the energy dissipation along the crossing responsible for RCF and wear, respectively. The multi-objective optimisation problem is solved by adapting the multipoint approximation method and a number of compromised solutions have been found for various sets of weight coefficients. Dynamic behaviour of the crossing has been significantly improved after optimisations. Comparing with the reference design, the heights of the nose rail are notably increased in the beginning of the crossing; the nominal thicknesses of the nose rail are also changed. All the optimum designs work well under different track conditions. 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(2):274-301
A numerical method for robust geometry optimisation of railway crossings is presented. The robustness is achieved by optimising the crossing geometry for a representative set of wheel profiles. As a basis for the optimisation, a crossing geometry is created where rail cross-sectional profiles and longitudinal height profiles of both wing rails and crossing nose are parameterised. Based on the approximation that the two problems are decoupled, separate optimisations are performed for the cross-sectional rail profiles and the longitudinal height profiles. The rail cross sections are optimised to minimise the maximum Hertzian wheel–rail contact pressure. The longitudinal height profiles are optimised to minimise the accumulated damage in the wing rail to crossing nose transition zone. The accumulated damage is approximated using an objective criterion that accounts for the angle of the wheel trajectory reversal during the transition from the wing rail to the crossing nose as well as the distribution of transition points for the utilised wheel profile set. It is found that small nonlinear height deviations from a linear longitudinal wing rail profile in the transition zone can reduce the objective compared to the nominal design. It is further demonstrated that the variation in wheel profile shapes, lateral wheel displacements and the feasible transition zone length of the crossing will determine the longitudinal height profiles of the wing rail and crossing nose if all wheel profiles are to make their transition within the transition zone. 相似文献
分析我国隧道及地下工程的现状,包括铁路隧道、公路隧道、地铁隧道、水工隧洞、市政隧道和地下能源洞库等。总结近年来我国隧道及地下工程在各个方面的技术发展与创新,包括:勘测与地质预报、设计方面、施工方面、防灾救灾与通风照明、风险控制与运营管理、防水排水新材料与新工艺应用等方面。重点对施工技术方面的技术发展与创新进行了较为详细的阐述,包括:浅埋暗挖技术,盾构、TBM装备与施工技术,单护盾TBM,敞开式TBM,矩形顶管技术,盾构始发、到达零覆土技术,岩溶隧道处理技术,高地应力隧道变形控制及岩爆处理技术,钻爆法机械化作业线,瓦斯隧道问题,沉管隧道技术等。最后,对我国隧道及地下工程的发展进行展望,认为:特长隧道将成为我国隧道建设的"新常态",地铁工程将持续发展,城市铁路将逐步地下化,城市地下公路会悄然兴起,城市排蓄水工程深层隧道方案值得推广,地下空间开发利用与地下管廊工程将由原来的"单点建设、单一功能、单独运转"转化为"统一规划、多功能集成、规模化建设"的新模式,地下能源洞库将成为必然,南水北调西线工程值得期待,三大海峡通道的建设势在必行,互联互通的国际通道建设其隧道工程将会很多,也会遇到诸多挑战。总之,我国隧道及地下工程事业将会有更大的进步和更为广阔的发展空间。 相似文献
根据既有文畈大桥左线T梁平移和加固设计,并结合现场的实际情况,有针对性的提出了梁体平移及加固方案,并对施工工艺进行了阐述;由于是既有线施工,同时对施工过程中采取的安全措施、人员防护和机具配备等情况进行了介绍。 相似文献
铁路施工企业职业技能鉴定的思考与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
铁路施工企业的职业技能鉴定工作对提高职工综合素质和促进企业生产经营发挥着越来越不可替代的作用。从铁路施工企业技能鉴定的基本现状出发,剖析了鉴定工作存在的问题和不足,并从政策服务、技术改进和执行证书制度三个层面提出了完善企业职业技能鉴定体系的一些设想和对策。 相似文献
为保证施工过程及地铁运营中桥梁异形板区变形稳定,确保地铁施工本身及桥梁安全,施工中采用了如下措施:1)在地面架设支撑系统作为应急体系;2)托换桩周边利用复合锚杆桩对原桩隔离及地层的预加固,使地层有较好的稳定性;3)进行人工挖孔桩托换施工,倒挂井壁法开挖,辅以环向注浆及底部注浆,严格控制成桩过程的变形;4)对钢承台多次同步顶升,逐级托换,将原桩受力转换至新桩;5)在盾构穿越过程中,优化施工参数,加强监测及信息化管理,依据监测数据及时进行同步注浆及管片后的补注浆。通过上述一系列综合控制手段,解决了复杂地层中复合锚杆桩及大直径超深挖孔桩施工、钢承台多次同步顶升、高精度实时监控等技术难题,将桥梁墩柱沉降控制在了3mm以内,确保了盾构穿越期间隧道及桥梁的安全。 相似文献
庙湾大桥上跨西康铁路施工方案 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于工期紧、工程复杂,为保证铁路、省道和景区的安全,柞小高速公路庙湾大桥施工采取了一系列安全措施,文章介绍了高速公路上跨铁路施工方案,着重对既有铁路和公路工程设施的防护技术方案和措施进行介绍。 相似文献
针对扣除系数法在高速铁路通过能力计算上存在的问题,对其适应性进行分析.从需求的角度分析高速铁路通过能力与既有线的差异,明确了高速铁路通过能力的概念.分析扣除系数法的思想本质并从3个基本假设入手分析其思想本质上的适应性.对扣除系数法相关研究进行总结,并提炼出其方法本质即时间占用的重叠关系,归纳出了4种基本情况,采用算例对其方法本质进行验证,结合高速铁路特点,对其方法本质存在的3个问题进行概括.研究证明了原有的扣除系数法已不适应我国高速铁路通过能力的计算,并在最后给出了进一步研究高速铁路通过能力计算方法的相关建议. 相似文献