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针对现代综合交通枢纽车道边的交通组织方式进行研究,结合车站的整体建筑布局、周边路网、交通量等提出了简单、实用和高效的交通组织方式。  相似文献   
就地热再生技术加热等级和作业速度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加热技术是沥青路面就地热再生技术的关键,加热过程直接影响着施工的质量。基于热风循环加热方式的沥青路面就地热再生技术,使用一维非稳态导热模型,建立传热温度场,研究沥青路面就地热再生技术中加热的分级和作业速度的控制。通过实地温度测量,证实了加热等级和机群作业速度二者有着直接的联系。通过技术人员的实时温度量测和现场指挥,可以有效指导施工、提高作业效率、提高燃料利用率、节约成本。  相似文献   
叶忠 《隧道建设》2020,40(9):1374-1378
为解决泥水盾构在全断面卵石地层掘进时环流系统的堵塞滞排问题,结合洛阳地铁2号线博物馆站—九都西路站盾构区间泥水盾构全断面卵石地层中施工穿越洛河工程,提出一种并联式采石箱设计方案。先后进行普通并联式采石箱、串联采石箱、新型格栅滚筒式采石箱及直通管道自落式旁通采石方案等应用研究,并开展工业性试验,逐步总结方案并优化完善。结果表明: 1)直通管道自落式旁通采石方案,可以较好地解决泥水盾构在卵石含量高、卵石粒径大的地层中掘进时的管路滞排问题,大大提高掘进效率; 2)新型格栅滚筒式采石箱若能解决滚筒卡顿的问题,也能较好地处理类似工况; 3)对于新制造盾构,建议采用优化的新型格栅滚筒式采石箱方案,理论上该方案应更加高效。  相似文献   
本文应用水深平均k-e紊流模型,采用SIMPLEC计算方法,成功地模拟了丁坝绕流问题,并与相应的试验资料作了比较,计算结果表明该方法适用于模拟有回流存在的复杂水流。同时还探讨了模型中主要参数对回流长度的影响,并对其灵敏度作了分析计算,对参数作了修正,使计算所得的回流长度与实测值更吻合。  相似文献   
Thephysiologicalchangesofuterinehemodynamicsisessentialforclinicalevaluationofthestatusoftheuterinecirculation.Thefirststudiesofearlyuteroplacentalbloodflowwerecarriedoutinvitroonabortiontissueandweremainlyrestrictedtoanatomicalinvestigationoftheuter…  相似文献   
Estuaries along the southern shore of the Bohai Sea are the major habitat of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn (Penaeus chinensis). Since the 80's, however, many of the rivers have been dammed. Field observations, as well as laterally integrated 2-D numerical experiments, were conducted to understand both the role of estuarine gravitational circulation and the impact of the damming of the rivers on the early life of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn.For a river with runoff, especially for small discharge, the gravitational circulation tends to transport the planktonic larvae in their metamorphosis phase near the river mouth where condition is favorable for survival. The gravitational circulation inside the estuary tends to transport the mysis phase larvae towards the upstream end of the estuary when the most part of the larvae suspended in the bottom layer, and it transports the post larvae to the low salinity near upstream side of the estuary when the larvae become benthic, if the larvae enter the estuary.Damming causes long periods of zero runoff in the river, resulting in the alteration of the estuarine circulation and in the change of the estuarine environment. In addition, excess evaporation may prematurely transport the planktonic larvae into the estuary. On the other hand, sudden release of a large volume of freshwater from behind the dam may exert undesirable stress on the larvae.  相似文献   
舰船管路系统中的流体介质在管路源设备的作用下沿管路传输会产生振动和噪声。以典型舰船循环水系统的管路模型为研究对象,借助有限元软件分析该管路系统介质、管路支座布置间距等工艺参数对其固有频率的影响规律,数值分析管路系统简谐激励下进出阀门、法兰等关键位置的振动特性。结果表明:循环水管路系统各阶固有频率随固定支座间距的减小显著增大,且高阶固有频率增幅更为显著;循环水管路系统在滑油冷却器附近管路振动响应较为剧烈,应采用相应的减振降噪措施。  相似文献   
This paper presents a global ocean implementation of a multi-component model of marine pelagic biogeochemistry coupled on-line with an ocean general circulation model forced with climatological surface fields (PELAgic biogeochemistry for Global Ocean Simulations, PELAGOS). The final objective is the inclusion of this model as a component in an Earth System model for climate studies. The pelagic model is based on a functional stoichiometric representation of marine biogeochemical cycles and allows simulating the dynamics of C, N, P, Si, O and Fe taking into account the variation of their elemental ratios in the functional groups. The model also includes a parameterization of variable chlorophyll/carbon ratio in phytoplankton, carrying chl as a prognostic variable. The first part of the paper analyzes the contribution of non-local advective–diffusive terms and local vertical processes to the simulated chl distributions. The comparison of the three experiments shows that the mean chl distribution at higher latitudes is largely determined by mixing processes, while vertical advection controls the distribution in the equatorial upwelling regions. Horizontal advective and diffusive processes are necessary mechanisms for the shape of chl distribution in the sub-tropical Pacific. In the second part, the results have been compared with existing datasets of satellite-derived chlorophyll, surface nutrients, estimates of phytoplankton community composition and primary production data. The agreement is reasonable both in terms of the spatial distribution of annual means and of the seasonal variability in different dynamical oceanographic regions. Results indicate that some of the model biases in chl and surface nutrients distributions can be related to deficiencies in the simulation of physical processes such as advection and mixing. Other discrepancies are attributed to inadequate parameterizations of phytoplankton functional groups. The model has skill in reproducing the overall distribution of large and small phytoplankton but tends to underestimate diatoms in the northern higher latitudes and overestimate nanophytoplankton with respect to picoautotrophs in oligotrophic regions. The performance of the model is discussed in the context of its use in climate studies and an approach for improving the parameterization of functional groups in deterministic models is outlined.  相似文献   
冲击反循环钻机与冲击钻机成孔对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据朝阳珠江斜拉桥的地质条件,对采用冲击反循环钻机和常规冲击钻机成孔技术,在成孔时间、泥浆用量、成孔成本等方面进行了分析比较,提出了在该类地质条件下应优先选用冲击反循环钻机成孔。  相似文献   
简述漂卵石、孤石地层桩基础施工中几种常用施工方法存在不同缺陷,采用冲击反循环钻进技术取得良好的效果,并阐述了冲击及循环钻机的主要特点、钻进工艺。  相似文献   
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