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对复合式再生混凝土路面结构进行了摊铺施工模拟试验,并对再生路面的弯拉强度、劈裂强度等使用性能指标进行了正交试验测试分析。总结对比试验数据、统计分析,验证了双层滑模摊铺机理从保证路面强度方面是完全可行的。  相似文献   
The LAX North Airfield Safety Study was undertaken by an Academic Panel consisting of the present authors, and was based in large part on a simulation that was conducted at FutureFlight Central at NASA Ames Research Center. The primary aim of the study was “to estimate as specifically as possible the level of future safety associated with several geometrical configurations of the LAX North Airfield.” This paper describes the study, and how it combined information from human-in-the-loop simulations at NASA with historical data from LAX and other US airports about runway incursions and collisions. The analysis indicated that, even under its existing physical layout, LAX North would experience very low risk of runway collisions at traffic levels projected for 2020. That risk could be reduced by about half if the North Airfield runways were reconfigured, and some reconfigurations would also add appreciably to the operational efficiency of the airport. But because the “baseline” level of risk is so low, the Study concluded that “it would be difficult to construct a compelling case on safety grounds alone for reconfiguring the North Airfield.”  相似文献   
This paper presents the evaluation results of three traffic solutions for the complex grade-separated intersection located in the old part of Belgrade at the junction with the new bridge over the Sava River. The corridor to which the intersection belongs together with the new river bridge are parts of a great urban artery called the Inner Half Semi-Ring Road (IHSRR). The traffic solutions that are evaluated are defined in the preliminary design phase, based on two opposed concepts: a complete grade separation of all intersection legs (the CPV alternative – ‘grade-separated’) and a grade separation designed to minimise construction costs (DMC 1 and 2 alternatives – ‘minimise cost’). The evaluation procedure is conducted in three steps: first, the score based on expert assessment of the functionality of the design solutions is determined; second, the alternatives are ranked according to the value of a set of state indicators obtained by micro-simulation using PTV–VISSIM 4.10; and third, the final score is obtained by multi-criteria evaluation using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The results of the first evaluation step show a small advantage for DMC 2, a sub-alternative of the DMC 1 alternative. The results of the micro-simulation give advantage to the DMC 1 alternative. The multi-criteria evaluation provides a better ‘goodness factor’ for the CPV alternative against the DMC 1 alternative. At the same time, the least construction cost favours alternative DMC 1.  相似文献   
This paper proposes simple and direct formulation and algorithms for the probit-based stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. It is only necessary to account for random variables independent of link flows by performing a simple transformation of the perceived link travel time with a normal distribution. At every iteration of a Monte-Carlo simulation procedure, the values of the random variables are sampled based on their probability distributions, and then a regular deterministic user equilibrium assignment is carried out to produce link flows. The link flows produced at each iteration of the Monte-Carlo simulation are averaged to yield the final flow pattern. Two test networks demonstrate that the proposed algorithms and the traditional algorithm (the Method of Successive Averages) produce similar results and that the proposed algorithms can be extended to the computation of the case in which the random error term depends on measured travel time.  相似文献   
FSAE赛车发动机进气系统结构参数影响充气效率.文章利用软件FLUENT对进气系统模型进行流场仿真,分析进气系统流场压力、速度等参数分布规律,研究进气歧管流量分布的均匀性,到达优化进气系统的目的.  相似文献   
现如今,随着科学信息技术的不断发展,虚拟仿真技术也得到了更好地发展.人们对于虚拟仿真、人工智能的研究程度也在逐渐加深,并取得了一定的成就.本文主要对基于人工智能的虚拟仿真技术进行研究,通过对虚拟仿真智能结构、环境、技术等的研究.  相似文献   
运用Catia软件建立某FSAE赛车前悬架三维模型,并将Catia中的坐标转换成Adams软件中的坐标,建立Adams前悬架模型.针对该FSAE赛车前悬架进行双轮跳动运动学仿真,并对悬架传递比和前轮定位参数进行参数优化.  相似文献   
针对山区公路特殊的地质条件及复杂结构,容易引起公路滑坡的问题.以某一山地高速公路为实例,采用传递系数法和FLAC 3D方法对天然状态(自重条件)和饱和状态(自重状态+暴雨状态)下的公路滑坡进行稳定性分析,并提出滑坡治理方案.研究表明:传递系数法和FLAC 3D数值模拟法下获得天然状态下滑坡的稳定系数值均在1.06附近,...  相似文献   
为研究隧道建设过程对临近建筑物产生的影响.文中以琶洲支线隧道为例,运用三维数值分析软件midas-GTS建立足尺三维模型,分析公路隧道施工过程中电塔附近的地层变形和电塔塔基变形,得到施工过程中地层位移规律及电塔塔基的位移规律,进而分析在盾构施工中电塔的稳定性.结果表明,盾构施工对电塔的影响在规范要求内,引起的电塔塔基最...  相似文献   
喻彪  李妍文  徐良杰 《交通科技》2021,(2):88-93,113
分离式立交是解决城市拥堵的有效手段,但立交桥地面层的平面交叉口设计仍缺乏足够重视,现有的组织方式、控制方案无法有效应对立交桥下特有的交通环境.文中分析立交地面层交叉口特有的交通环境,提出一体化组织方法及信号控制模型,运用VISSIM仿真软件分析评价一体化组织方法的适用范围,为实践中可否采用一体化组织方法的决策提供参考....  相似文献   
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