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This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical investigation on the derailment of a railway wheelset with solid axle. Tests were carried out under quasi-steady-state conditions, on a full-scale roller rig, and allowed to point out the effect of different parameters like the wheelset's angle of attack and the ratio between the vertical loads acting on the flanging and non-flanging wheels. On the basis of the test results, some existing derailment criteria are analysed in this paper and two new criteria are proposed. A model of wheel-rail contact is proposed for the mathematical modelling of the flange climb process, and numerical vs. experimental comparisons are used to obtain model validation.  相似文献   
相似理论在分节驳结构模型试验中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了相似理论在分节驳模型试验中的应用。依据相似理论的基本原理,详细讨论了由模型试验结果去预报实船结构应力的可行性,提出了模型产生畸变的情况下,模型畸变的修正方法——有限元预测系数法。通过计算给出了进行模型畸变修正的δ_p-C_t曲线。  相似文献   
本文对11例人心窦房结的形态和位置作了连续切片观察。窦房结位于界嵴上部的心外膜深面约1mm 左右,结的长轴与界嵴长轴一致,其形状多种多样。成人结的大小为14×3.6×1.09mm~3;儿童结的大小为6.9×2.3×0.8mm~3.窦房结组织染色淡(HE 染色),组织致密,结中心有较大动脉穿过。结细胞明显较一般心房肌细胞小,其中P 细胞类似原始心肌细胞,核大、胞质肌原纤维少,染色淡.T 细胞为短柱状,核较小染色深浅介于P 细胞和心房肌细胞之间状态.上述两种细胞位于胶原纤维相互交织的网眼内。  相似文献   
观察32例患者体外循环期间血浆及红细胞内钙的动态变化。目的在于揭示其变化规律,为更好的保护心肌提供新的措施和理论依据。结果:麻醉后体外循环前血浆钙较术前显著升高,体外循环开始显著下降;40min恢复至术前水平;停机时显著升高至停机8h。术前、中、后红细胞内钙无显著变化。体外循环期间钙变化与血液稀释、应激反应、预充液及心脏停跳液中含钙离子有关。高钙可导致心肌缺血及再灌注时大量钙进入心肌细胞,引起心肌细胞损伤。所以,体外循环期间,特别是复灌期适当降低钙浓度,对术中、后心肌功能恢复具有重要作用。  相似文献   
将分离的牛心肌线粒体先与其ADP/ATP载体蛋白抑制剂苍术苷交联,然后用TritonX-100溶解线粒体膜,经羟基磷灰石离心制得该载体蛋白。用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及生物学方法鉴定,发现所分离的ADP/ATP载体蛋白分子量约为30KD,可作为抗原用于抗该载体蛋白抗体的研究。  相似文献   
本文对一座51700t作业水深为256m的张力式平台模型在规则波及不规则波中进行了试验,并利用二维及三维计算程序计算了该平台的波频运动响应,计算与实验结果颇为一致。文中还讨论了运动响应的非线性问题,最后对在生存海况下估算张力式平台纵荡及横荡的方法提出了看法。  相似文献   
介绍商用车水箱风扇电动机控制系统的一种优化方式,精确控制水箱风扇电动机工作的温度范围,从而提升整车性能。  相似文献   
为探索合适的预密性试验方法,给出预密性试验相关流程,总结出一套预密性试验方法,并进行实船试验。结果表明密性焊缝的预密性实施率达80%,一次性涂装完工率达95%,所采用的预密性试验方法满足PSPC涂装要求。  相似文献   
针对西藏某公路的加宽改造,提出了5种新旧路基加宽拼接方案.按这5种方案,共修筑了3段试验路.对试验路的设计原则、施工要求和工艺进行了讨论.通过试验数据,对各种拼接方案的效果进行了比较分析.结果表明,用5层双向土工格栅自路基顶面向下,以层间距30 cm的加筋方式加强新旧路基间的结合是较好的路基加宽拼接方案.  相似文献   
Standard design procedures and simulation tools for marine structures are aimed primarily for use by the offshore oil and gas. Mooring system restoring forces acting on floating offshore structures are obtained from a quasi-static mooring model alone or from a coupled analysis based on potential flow solvers that do not always consider nonlinear mooring-induced restoring forces, fluid structure interactions, and associated hydrodynamic damping effects. This paper presents the validation of a dynamic mooring system analysis technique that couples the dynamic mooring model with a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations solver. We coupled a dynamic mooring model with a RANS equations solver, and analyzed a moored floating buoy in calm water, regular and irregular waves and validated our motion and mooring force predictions against experimental measurements. The mooring system consisted of three catenary chains. The analyzed response comprised decaying oscillating buoy motions, linear and quadratic damping characteristics, and tensile forces in mooring lines. The generally favorable comparison of predicted buoy motions and mooring forces to experimental data confirmed the reliability of our implemented coupling technique to predict system response. Additional comparative results from a potential flow solver demonstrated the benefits of the coupled dynamic mooring model with RANS equations. The successful validated tool of coupling the dynamic mooring model with the RANS solver is available as open source, and it shows the potential of the coupled methodology to be used for analyzing the moored offshore structures.  相似文献   
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