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In response to the trends of manufacturing revitalization and workforce shortage in the U.S., this study investigates how Foxconn changes accessibility to industrial employees by automobile and by transit in Southeast Wisconsin. Results suggest that there is a mismatch between the Foxconn site and the areas with high accessibility to industrial employees. With a great demand for labor, Foxconn reduces employee accessibility by automobile throughout the region, while its impact on employee accessibility by transit is more localized. The results inform industrial firm locations, workforce housing development, and transportation service provisions. The analysis framework shifts the angle of accessibility research to focusing on the perspective of employers, and it can be applied to investigate future large-scale economic development projects.  相似文献   
满堂支架法作为一种成熟的施工技术手段,目前被大量应用于城市桥梁现浇主梁的施工项目中.具有施工方便、周转时间短和辅助设备少的优点.但对于直腹板现浇箱梁,尤其是主梁较窄的现浇箱梁,由于混凝土侧压力、倾倒混凝土产生的水平荷载以及振捣产生的水平荷载存在,使得腹板处支架存在较大的水平推力,导致整个结构处于危险状态.以某工程项目为...  相似文献   
近年来,越来越多的工程建设与已建轨道的关系越来越密切,施工环境也越来越复杂.以春申湖路快速化改造中元和塘东隧道基坑下穿轨道2号线号线高架为例,通过开挖施工中采取的一系列技术措施(MJS工法、开挖工序安排、应用支撑自动轴力补偿系统、加强监测等),并运用数值模拟软件,建立地上地下整体模型,将结果与过程监控数值对比,确保了轨...  相似文献   
周子杰 《城市道桥与防洪》2021,(12):140-140-143
针对索结构的索力测试,基于室内试验对比了计算机视觉方法和传统加速度传感器方法,探讨了计算机视觉方法的适用性。研究采用伺服静载锚固试验机张拉单根斜拉索钢绞线,简化模拟索张拉受力状态,通过相机摄影的非接触测量方法测量拉索动态响应,结合亚像素模板匹配算法识别拉索动态变形、基频和索力,并与传统的加速度传感器测试结果进行对比。研究结果表明,计算机视觉方法识别的拉索振动频谱峰值明显,基频识别结果与加速度传感器测试结果基本一致,索力识别结果与实测值相比最大误差不超过6%,具备开展实际结构索力测试的能力。  相似文献   
轮边驱动电机采用轮毂电机,实现四轮独立驱动,方便汽车动力学性能的控制.对于电动客车,轮边电机驱动以其轻量化、传递效率高等优势正在取代中央直驱的方式,成为现在研究的热点.这种驱动方式取消了离合器和变速器等,驱动电机安装在车轮旁边,结构空间和重量得以大幅度降低电.文章以四轮独立驱动的轮毂电机电动客车为研究对象,通过驱动转矩...  相似文献   
Focused on the assessment method for dynamic behavior of the skirts of an air cushion vehicle (ACV), this paper proposes a hybrid analytic-FEM approach, within which the self-developed subroutine considers the transient skirt-water contacting force through suggested semi-analytical formula based on the empirical results from CFD simulations of the equivalent flat-plate model. The dynamic explicit algorithm of FEM is adopted to solve the large deformation problem of flexible skirts. The validity of the approach has been confirmed by comparing with previous numerical results as well as published experimental results of steady seal deformation tests at University of Michigan. Afterward, more simulations for demonstration cases are carried out to study the complex dynamic response of the skirts under different skirt-water contacting conditions. The proposed method can obtain more reliable results than traditional analytical method and be more efficient than fluid-structure interaction simulations, thus providing a practical balanced approach aiming at the dynamic response analysis for whole skirts and contributing to the skirts dynamics performance assessment of an ACV.  相似文献   
X形桩是一种反拱曲面异型桩,相比于同等截面积的矩形桩和圆形桩,X形桩具有更大的截面周长和惯性矩,受力性能更好。结合京唐港32#泊位遮帘式板桩码头结构,以X形桩代替传统的矩形桩,研究其对结构静力的影响。结果表明:相同桩间中心距时,以X形桩替代后可减小前墙弯矩;在同等桩间净距1.75 m下,两类模型的前墙最大弯矩基本相同。相同荷载作用下,前墙位移主要受桩间中心距影响,X形桩形状影响效应很小;锚碇墙水平位移受桩间中心距和遮帘桩形状的影响均很小。桩间中心距、净距与桩间土体土拱效应直接相关,对前墙弯矩、土压力、遮帘桩弯矩等有显著影响。桩间中心距为4.05 m或桩间净距为1.75 m时,结构内力改善效果较优,可采用该间距的X形桩替代矩形桩,节约工程造价。  相似文献   
刘峰  王自力  崔维成 《船舶》2006,(3):24-27
文章用数值仿真法研究了船舶结构搁浅中的内部力学问题,分析了典型双层底结构的损伤变形、受力和能量耗散结果。研究表明,损伤变形集中于搁浅的区域,搁浅力学问题主要考虑局部的船体结构;肋板的存在显著地增加船底结构的抗搁浅能力,使礁石的垂向贯入量会略有减小;当纵桁远离搁浅区域时,它的吸能能力无法发挥,抗搁浅作用明显削弱。  相似文献   
采用求解Beji和Nadaoka改进的Boussinesq方程,模拟了波浪在多个串连大圆筒结构前的反射,得到了作用于圆筒结构上的波浪力。空间离散采用有限元方法,可以较好地适应圆筒结构表面形成的复杂边界形状。数值模拟结果与公开发表的物理模型试验成果进行了比较,符合较好。  相似文献   
桩基绕流阻力特性研究现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对桩基绕流阻力特性的研究做了详细的回顾,并对研究成果进行了归纳与总结,且指出了研究的不足与空白之处以及以后广大科研工作者该努力的方向。  相似文献   
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