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This study aims to measure the impact of major road developments on the spheres of urban influence of Japanese cities.First, the sphere of urban influence is defined by application of an individual behavior model. The model explains the number of trips to representative cities in regions from the residential place of each individual using the following factors; the attractiveness of cities, the travel time to cities and the individual's free time. Development of major roads shortens the travel time, and this causes the change in the sphere of urban influence. The model we propose has the structure to explain this phenomenon.Second, this method is applied to all of Japan where expressways are now being rapidly constructed and, how they change spheres of urban influence is explained. In the application, as a measure of attractiveness of cities, population, commercial and industrial activity, etc. are considered. From these points of view, the impacts of construction of expressways in Japan are estimated.  相似文献   
The system described in this paper allows the user to visualize the Montreal transportation system. The user is provided with several different maps.

The complete subway network and all regular bus lines have been included. The subway network and the bus lines can be selectively displayed. The most attractive feature of this system is the possibility of obtaining all possible routes between two different places. The input is based on the menu technique.

The system can be easily adapted to other large urban transportation systems.  相似文献   
Over the past several decades, human activities have had significant impacts on coastal wetlands worldwide. Here, using a model of “Drivers-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses (DPSIR)” and data collected from coastal wetlands in Xiamen, China, we have analyzed temporal changes in regional coastal wetland ecosystem structure and function from 1950 through 2005. The study period was divided into four parts for comparative analysis: pre-1980s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000 to present. Our results show that anthropogenic drivers of coastal wetland degradation in this region have increased substantially since 1950, and that this is correlated with a decline in coastal wetland function over the same period.  相似文献   
借鉴多层环路系统已有研究成果.归纳其形成机理。结合上海市路网在中环浦西段建成前后流量对比.分析中环对于内环和外环的影响。并进一步依据环路功能划分.阐述上海市中环路所承担的主要功能。  相似文献   
根据对液压系统所产生冲击的原因和机理的分析,提出了使用电磁溢流阀来减小液压系统冲击的方法,并对电磁溢流阀用于减小液压冲击的原理及电磁溢流阀的选择进行了论述。这些研究能为液压系统设计提供一种理论参考。  相似文献   
耐碱玻璃纤维在混凝土中分散性良好,显著改善了混凝土的抗弯冲击性能。由梁弯曲冲击试验发现:当玻璃纤维掺量为1.6~2.7 kg/m3时,纤维掺量2.7 kg/m3(G 3)的初裂冲击次数比掺量2.0 kg/m3(G 2)和1.6 kg/m3(G 1)时分别提高1.97倍和2.81倍,比素混凝土提高10.97倍;G 2的初裂冲击次数比G 1提高28%,比素混凝土提高3.03倍。G 3的破坏冲击次数比G 2提高1.95倍,比G 1提高2.78倍,比素混凝土提高11.01倍;G 2的破坏冲击次数比G 1提高28%,比素混凝土提高3.08倍;G 1的破坏冲击次数比素混凝土提高2.18倍。纤维质量掺量由2.0 kg/m3提高到2.7 kg/m3时,对改善混凝土抗弯冲击性能效果十分显著。玻璃纤维显著改善了混凝土的抗弯冲击性能,可以用于机场道面、桥面等工程。  相似文献   
根据行人-汽车碰撞中对行人腿部碰撞保护相关技术法规的要求,针对行人下肢的损伤机理,分析了腿部可变形膝关节部件的设计方法。通过力学模型的建立和分析,提出了确定膝关节部件结构类型、尺寸和材料的力学计算方法以及部件标定试验验证方案。经算例和部件的标定试验验证,该设计方法满足EEVCWG10的弯曲部分技术要求,可变形膝关节设计原理和分析方法可以为其他行人腿部模块技术规范中的部件设计提供参考。  相似文献   
近年来,侧面碰撞事故呈上升趋势,虽然业界对此原因有一些认识,但却对如何最佳地组建侧面碰撞测试方案以有效地收集数据缺乏共识。不过有一点被广泛认同的是,需要在碰撞测试过程中收集更多的数据,但这一点一直以来由于传感器价格昂贵以及外形尺寸太大而受到限制。本文将介绍一款硅MEMS设计的微型加速计。该加速计有很好的价格优势而且易于安装在空间有限的位置。本文主要简述产品规格并讨论了它的关键特性。  相似文献   
传统的施工期交通组织研究一般只针对单个建设项目,而城市在举办特别重大活动之前往往有一轮建设高潮,形成大范围集中性施工,对城市路网运行的影响很大,需从全局角度系统性评估其交通影响。针对大批量建设项目同时施工对路网整体的交通影响,提出了路网敏感路段划分、路网通行能力损失测算、基于交通模型推演的交通拥堵指数预测等评估技术,并在杭州“迎亚运”重大基础设施建设中予以运用,应用效果较好。  相似文献   
在分析车-桥系统耦合振动研究资料的基础上,推导了基于自身假设条件下的车-桥系统耦合振动的运动方程组.利用VC 编制了可用于车-桥系统耦合振动分析的专业程序CQZD.以2座大桥为例,分析了桥梁基频对大跨PC连续刚构桥冲击系数的影响,并将算例中的冲击系数计算结果同按规范JTG D60-2004计算的结果进行了比较.结果表明:桥梁基频对冲击系数的影响比较显著,冲击系数随基频的降低而降低.  相似文献   
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