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To understand fully passengers’ perceptions and expectations of the bus service quality in Taipei, business managers and governmental agencies must seek a proper scale that can reflect passengers’ opinions accurately. This study develops and tests a service quality scale designed for a city bus transit system in Taipei. Churchill’s paradigm and a focus group interview were combined into a multistage scale development procedure. Based on the procedure, Taipei city buses were selected as the example, for which a service quality scale was developed. The final scale contains four dimensions and 20 items. These four dimensions are ‘interaction with passengers’, ‘tangible service equipment’, ‘convenience of service’ and ‘operating management support’. Finally, the results of scale development and the managerial applications of the service quality scale for the city transit system are discussed.  相似文献   
我国沿海港口建设发展历程回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾55年来我国港口建设发展的历程及成就,总结沿海港口专业化集装箱码头、煤炭码头、原油码头以及矿石码头的建设发展,港口水工建筑物的建设发展与技术创新,港口施工技术及设备的发展与创新,提出未来几年港口建设的重点工作。  相似文献   
武汉市抗御了多次特大洪水的侵袭 ,保障了城市度讯安全。回顾历史 ,展望今后 ,十分必要。历史上武汉地区洪灾频繁 ,近一、二十年出现极具危险性的高水位的周期越来越短 ,对此 ,武汉地区发生特大洪水的威胁依然存在。本文在分析当前存在的突出问题 ,列出城市堤防建设的几项重点的基础上 ,又提出了将堤、岸滩、江水有机结合 ,以美化城市环境的若干课题  相似文献   
上海地铁网络的重要枢纽——人民广场站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民广场是上海的政治、文化、娱乐中心,是最大公交枢纽和人员集散地之一。地铁1、2、8号线在此交汇。为了改善换乘功能,加设了下沉式广场和“大三角”地下换乘大厅。由于运营线和在建线的交织,实施过程中遇到诸多难题,从而采取有效的处理对策。  相似文献   
江苏沿海港口建设和沿海经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王亭娜  陆玉麒  董平 《水道港口》2006,27(3):201-204
在分析江苏沿海经济发展的现状和问题的基础上,提出利用点轴理论和双核结构理论有机耦合对江苏沿海进行空间布局设计,重点发展连云港港、滨海港和洋口港,构建连云港—连云港港、盐城—滨海港、南通—洋口港3个双核结构,从而组成“E”字型的空间布局,并积极培育淮盐滨成长三角。在空间布局设计的基础上,提出了沿海发展的战略措施。  相似文献   
“9·11”事件后,美国加强国内安全,同时为了防范可能利用港口设施对美国本土的恐怖袭击,在全世界范围内的大型港口积极推行“大港计划”等港口安全倡议,在相关港口安装辐射检测系统,阻止核和其他放射性材料的非法偷运到美国。本文根据门式辐射检测装置在斯里兰卡科伦坡南港的实施情况,介绍其系统组成,分析码头安全设施对于港口安全管理及运营的影响,对于我国大型集装箱码头提供参考及借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Dynamics of Russian dry ports   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transportation of cargos in containers has been intensively developing over the last decades. The world pace of growth in container transport is about 11% annually while in the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2007 the average growth was 21%. Container transportation is going to increase due to the construction of huge infrastructure projects for the Winter Olympics games in Sochi 2014, which implies the transportation of the required material flow. Foreign car assembly on Russian territory is developing, supplied by component parts delivered from Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as from China that now bring 21.3% import container transport to Russia. About 60% of Russian container traffic passes through seaports Saint Petersburg, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok. The scenarios for increasing capacity to meet demands ahead are enhancing the productivity of seaports sites or leading to the creation of terminals in the hinterland. Although the phenomenon of dry ports is spread all over the world, in Russia none of the seaports has sufficient number of these facilities. The inland terminals of Russian seaports will be analysed from a dry port perspective. Despite the impediments, there are ecological and economical benefits that are discussed in the article. The advantages to the transport chain suggest that dry ports are a promising area for Russian seaports’ welfare.  相似文献   
基于城市新区用地规划及拟建路网,结合城市公交布设特点,采用节点重要度法和权的最小平方法相结合的方法.评定新区主要客流集散点的重要度等级,进而确定线网最优树,以作为城市新区近期、远期公交线路设置的依据。同时.创新性地提出城市公交微观节点重要度的可量化指标。实例证明,该方法具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   
通过对交通重点目标的价值分布和功能结构进行分析,建立交通重点目标的功能模型和价值模型,根据目标的大小、形态和对精确制导武器弹着点的模拟,建立了目标毁伤模拟计算模型,从功能和价值两个方面给出了目标在精确制导武器打击下的毁伤概率计算方法,以期为交通重点目标易损性的评估或伪装防护措施的制订提供依据。  相似文献   
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