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The volume of international trade and freight transport in Asia has witnessed fast growth in recent decades. The resulting environmental impact of freight transport operations has become a major cause of concern. Intermodal transport has gained prominence recently due to its potential to offer door-to-door service through the integration of various modes of transport in the logistics chain, improved coordination and services, and the development of intermodal interfaces. However, few studies have focused on this development in Asia.The development of intermodal transport requires transport links, nodes, and services. The development of dry ports, an important component of intermodal transport, could play a major role in promoting intermodal transport in Asia, including its twelve landlocked countries. Dry ports located in deep inland areas, as opposed to near the sea, would incorporate customs and other related facilities and rail links, as well as provide for transfer, transshipment, and distribution functions for cargo. By encouraging a modal shift, such dry ports would help to ease road traffic congestion and reduce emissions.This study reviews the status of intermodal freight transport in Asia from an environmental perspective. It examines intermodal transport opportunities presented by the development of inland dry ports in hinterland locations. This paper also reviews selected case studies of dry port development in Asia. Finally, we present the lessons to be learned for the promotion of intermodal freight transport from selected Asian countries as well as the policy options available.  相似文献   
基于变压差试验方法,在稳流气道试验台上,测量涡流动量矩、气门升程、气道压差、温度及流量等参数,上述各参数可用相应的传感器及放大器转变为电信号,再经A/D转换由计算机进行处理和分析,从而得出流量系数、涡流比等参数,改变了以往的手工记录和传统测试方法。  相似文献   
介绍了一种面向机泵旋转机械群集的监测和分析技术和相应的实施措施。使用机泵群监测与分析系统以满足装置监测要求。系统硬件采用分布式结构,结合SMT技术;软件采用通用的浏览器及服务器模式。系统实现了对机组信息的连续监测、远程浏览和数据上报,解决了人工定期巡检的局限性,节约了人力资源,提高了监测质量。  相似文献   
论述了如何分析港口军事运输装卸的基本能力、理想能力和现实能力,提出计算港口军运装卸能力的基本思路、主要依据、4种计算方法和8个计算步骤,可为水路军事运输筹划计划和组织指挥决策提供帮助。  相似文献   
以系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出表与计量经济学方法,建立港口与区域经济系统互动模型,应用此模型对港口与区域经济和谐发展的机理进行分析,最终找到港口与区域经济动态和谐发展的平衡点,并且对港口自身的发展运行状态作出评价。然后以福建省为案例对系统动力学模型进行仿真和验证。  相似文献   
综合运输体系是区域一体化的重要组成部分,而多式联运作为综合运输体系一种先进的运输组织模式是区域一体化的桥梁和纽带。为实现集疏运结构合理化,运输网络协同化,解决区域主枢纽港定位不明确、同质化竞争、运输资源浪费等问题,以最小碳排放及运输成本为目标,以运输时间、线路能力等为约束条件,构建由起点、中转点、终点及3种运输方式构成的主枢纽港多式联运网络协同优化模型。设立虚拟中转点以简化网络计算复杂度,利用理想点法将双目标转化为单目标模型进行求解。以长三角地区为例,构建以上海港和宁波舟山港为主枢纽港的多式联运网络,计算得到两大枢纽港的区域内腹地划分、运输路径及运输方式的选择优化结果。研究结果表明:用理想点法将双目标转化为单目标模型进行求解,相比于主观设置权重、多组解集的帕累托解,理想点法更加简明直观。在长三角区域的主要城市中,阜阳、蚌埠、芜湖、马鞍山、安庆、滁州、徐州、苏州、无锡等城市最终划分为上海港腹地,衢州、台州、温州、金华、嘉兴、绍兴等城市作为宁波舟山港腹地。随着约束时间的增加,铁路运输和水路运输逐渐代替了公路运输,而在长三角区域水路运输增加,会导致碳排放成本增加。因此在实际情况中,应当增加铁...  相似文献   
This paper measures greenhouse gas emissions from port vessel operations by considering the case of Korea’s Port of Incheon. It provides estimates of greenhouse gas emissions based on the type and the movement of a vessel from the moment of its arrival, to its docking, cargo handling, and departure. Taking a bottom-up approach based on individual vessels’ characteristics and using data on vessels processed by the port in 2012 estimate emissions. The results indicate that the level of emissions is five times higher than that estimated through the top-down approach. Among various types of vessels, international car ferries are the heaviest emitters, followed by full container vessels and car carriers. A vessel’s passage through lock gates and maneuver to approach the dock accounts for 96% of its emissions. Docking for cargo handling shows the lowest level of GHG emissions.  相似文献   
针对上下游两个内河港口之间的竞争问题,考虑相邻港口同时选择单一定价、单一定价—差别定价、差别定价—单一定价和差别定价4 种竞争策略情形下,运用Hotelling 博弈方法,在考虑港口之间水运成本的情况下,对不同竞争阶段港口的均衡价格、市场份额和利润进行了比较. 研究表明:港口的均衡结果与两港的位置和水上、陆路单位运费率之比有关;只有单一港口选择差别定价时,其可以获取更高的市场份额和利润;分别以不同阶段的市场份额、利润作为支付函数,上下游港口的纳什均衡均为差别定价策略.  相似文献   
将船期延误与重要港口节点的识别问题相结合,通过传播动力学模型,对世界集装箱海运网络的传播特性进行分析,发现港口节点传播能力与度值满足幂为16.84的幂律分布,具有无标度特征,且度值与传播影响力的相关性较强.以SIS(Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible)模型为基础,结合网络结构特性,比较不同...  相似文献   
This paper presents an estimation and analysis of ship exhaust emissions and their externalities in the popular cruise destinations of Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Kotor (Montenegro) along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. To this extent, the recent record (2012–2014) of cruise ships calling at these ports is used to model and estimate the ship exhaust emission inventories and externalities within the associated bays and ports.The results indicate that cruise ship traffic produces continuously increasing air pollution in both ports over recent years. More importantly, however, the analysis of the ship operating characteristics reveals that for any given ship traffic involving specific vessels using marine fuel of a given quality, the presence of other factors (e.g. berth availability, berth accessibility etc) can also influence the ship emission levels. This is particularly evident in the case of the port of Kotor where berth space insufficiency dictates the need for ship anchorage thus leading to increased air pollution and costs of associated damage.The application and results of the aforementioned ship activity-based methodology to the ports of Dubrovnik and Kotor improves our understanding of ship emissions in cruise bays and ports, and contributes toward the implementation of port policies for the effective control of air quality in such environmentally sensitive locations.  相似文献   
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