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根据潜艇防腐治理研究的需要,研究设计了潜艇尾部螺栓连接可拆式非水密结构,并采用有限元法与模型试验对比分析的方法对该结构进行了阻抗特性分析,同时研究了螺栓间距对结构阻抗特性的影响。研究结果表明,焊接改为螺栓连接对结构阻抗特性影响不大,螺栓间距的改变对结构阻抗特性的影响不明显。探讨了用有限元法进行动力分析时螺栓连接的模拟方法,为分析同类问题提供参考。 相似文献
In the present paper, the Local Joint Flexibility (LJF) of the ring-stiffened X-joints and plate-stiffened X-joints under compressive load is investigated. In the first phase, a finite element (FE) model was generated and verified with the results of available experimental tests and equations. In the next phase, a set number of 234 FE models were created to evaluate the role of the external ring size (βr and τr), the external plate size (βp and τp), and the connection geometry (γ, τ, and β) on the LJF factor (fLJF). In these FE models, the weld connecting the chord and brace members was generated. The results indicated that the fLJF of a plate stiffened joint can be down to 76% of the fLJF of the corresponding un-stiffened joint. Also, the effect of the ring size on the fLJF was more than the effect of the plate size on the fLJF, because of the stiffener position. Despite the notable effect of the ring and the plate on the fLJF, there is not any study or formula on tubular connections stiffened with ring or plate. Therefore, the FE results were used to propose two parametric formulas for determining the fLJF in X-joints with external ring or external plate under brace compressive load. Moreover, the derived formulas were checked based on the UK DoE acceptance criteria. 相似文献
The stiffened cylindrical shell is commonly used for thepressure hull of submersibles and the legs of offshore platforms.There are various failure modes because of uncertainty with thestructural size and material properties, uncertainty of the calculationmodel and machining errors. Correlations among failure modesmust be considered with the structural reliability of stiffenedcylindrical shells. However, the traditional method cannot considerthe correlations effectively. The aim of this study is to present amethod of reliability analysis for stiffened cylindrical shells whichconsiders the correlations among failure modes. Firstly, the jointfailure probability calculation formula of two related failure modesis derived through use of the 2D joint probability density function.Secondly, the full probability formula of the tandem structuralsystem is given with consideration to the correlations among failuremodes. At last, the accuracy of the system reliability calculation isverified through use of the Monte Carlo simulation. Result of theanalysis shows the failure probability of stiffened cylindrical shellscan be gained through adding the failure probability of each mode. 相似文献
针对传统反潜手段的不足,提出了利用水雷与诱饵各自特点,构建联合反潜陷阱打击潜艇的新方法。以圆弧形反潜陷阱为重点,考虑目标潜艇进入陷阱时的航向、航迹偏差,以及水雷密度在陷阱边沿分布不同等因素对陷阱打击效果的影响,建立了联合陷阱打击潜艇的效能计算模型。最后,利用陷阱效能模型进行了仿真计算和分析,计算结果表明了这种联合对抗潜艇方法的可行性及效能模型的正确性。 相似文献
耙绞联合施工工艺是一项新兴的疏浚技术,耙吸式挖泥船和绞吸式挖泥船施工能力的合理匹配,在保证施工连续性、发挥耙绞联合施工的最大效率中起到了至关重要的作用。以黄骅港内航道耙绞联合施工为对象,进行耙绞联合施工能力匹配计算分析,并在实际工程中取得了良好的效益。 相似文献
船体构件腹板在连接端部逐渐升高形成圆弧过渡肘板节点,较大的腹板尺寸导致其受弯时易出现屈曲破坏,从而影响船体结构的安全性。以典型圆弧过渡肘板连接的横梁-肋骨节点结构为研究对象,采用极限强度试验与非线性有限元模拟方法,研究肘板节点受弯时的破坏模式、极限载荷以及屈曲过程,讨论肘板臂长、圆弧半径、面板厚度对节点结构屈曲破坏的影响。结果显示:考虑初始缺陷的非线性有限元模拟结果与试验结果一致;根据肘板尺寸的不同,屈曲破坏的位置包括靠近肋骨的横梁腹板区域以及肘板与横梁过渡圆弧处的腹板区域;随着肘板臂长的增加,不同圆弧半径时节点的极限载荷均为先增大后趋于不变;随着圆弧半径的增加,肘板臂长较小的节点极限载荷缓慢上升,肘板臂长较大的节点极限载荷则近似呈线性增长趋势;面板厚度对极限载荷的影响较小,随着面板厚度的增加,极限载荷先缓慢增加后趋于不变。 相似文献