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POC语音调度系统在朔黄铁路运营生产中发挥了重要作用,本文为朔黄POC语音调度系统设计了一种语音服务质量评价指标体系,并详细描述了各指标的计算公式和测试方法,为朔黄铁路LTE系统服务质量检测评价提供指导和支撑。  相似文献   
为了探索一种可应用于城市轨道交通运营列车组的轨道检测方法,基于ARM微处理器和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计搭载式轨道检测系统。分析了搭载式轨道检测系统的总体架构和数据处理印刷电路板的设计过程,并对系统的核心部件嵌入式微处理板卡进行了重点探讨,该板卡可实现小型化、低功率、多样化数据集成。对该系统进行了动态试验验证,试验结果说明该系统在准确性、重复性、一致性等方面都满足标准要求。搭载式轨道检测系统可安装于城市轨道交通运营列车上进行实时检测,大大提高了轨道检测的效率和实时性,可有效指导线路养护维修工作,且该系统不必占用专门检测车资源,具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   
针对中国高速公路网内交通地理信息系统(GIS-T) 在信息表达上相互异构的问题, 通过分析异构根源提出了基于本体的GIS-T信息共享方案, 按照抽象拓扑、几何构件、线性参照、附加设施与动态数据的交通信息组织模式, 建立了高速公路网本体(FNO) 模型。以西安市周边的局部高速公路网为例, 分析了FNO对交通信息的一致性表达方式。分析结果表明: 高速公路网内所有GIS-T对FNO语义的理解相同, 对交通信息的表达具有一致认知, 确保交通信息的跨GIS-T共享。可见, 该本体模型能够提高中国高速公路网内异构GIS-T的互操作能力, 更好地支撑上层的交通信息管理与集成共享等应用。  相似文献   
An effective modeling method of domain level constraints in the constraint network for concurrent engineering (CE) was developed. The domain level constraints were analyzed and the framework of modeling of domain level constraints based on simulation and approximate technology was given. An intelligent response surface methodology (IRSM) was proposed, in which artificial intelligence technologies are introduced into the optimization process. The design of crank and connecting rod in the V6 engine as example was given to show the validity of the modeling method.  相似文献   
Introduction Since Boneh et al[1]announced a model forbreaking public key cryptographic schemes by tak-ing advantage of random hardware faults in 1996,fault analysis has become an important aspect ofcrypto-analysis method. Fault analysis inducesfaults in tamper-resistant chips by means of radia-tion, X-rays, micro-probing or cut wires, so thatsome information of keys could leak from chips. Biham &Shamir applied fault attack to the ex-tension of block cipher cryptosystems such asDES, and call…  相似文献   
Introduction The spin axis of ESG rotor will move alongclosed trajectories periodically after spin up, thetrajectories enclose either the maximum or theminimum principal axis of inertia depending on theinitial conditions, which is classical polhode mo-tion[1-4]. It is necessary to damp the polhode mo-tion to ensure that the spin axis is aligned with therotor maximum principal axis of inertia for ESGsignal readout. Passive damping and active damp-ing are two common schemes to fulfill this pro…  相似文献   
Introduction Block-based discrete cosine transform(BDCT) is considered to be a basic tool in bothstill and moving image compression standards,such as JPEG, H.261/263, and MPEG, owing toits near-optimal energy compaction property andmoderate hardware complexity. However, sinceeach N×N block is coded independently, the re-constructed images would exhibit annoying discon-tinuities along block boundaries at low bit rate,which are often referred to as the“blocking arti-facts”in the transfo…  相似文献   
阐述了最新研制开发的船舶电站物理仿真实验装置的仿真原理,分析并排除了该装置调试运行过程中出现的典型故障,为电站操作人员提供参考。  相似文献   
The fluid-structure interaction of oblique irregular waves with a pontoon-type very large floating structure (VLFS) edged with dual horizontal/inclined perforated plates has been investigated in the context of the direct time domain modal expansion theory. For the hydroelastic analysis, the boundary element method (BEM) based on time domain Kelvin sources is implemented to establish water wave model including the viscous effect of the perforated plates through the Darcy’s law, and the finite element method (FEM) is adopted for solving the deflections of the VLFS modeled as an equivalent Mindlin thick plate. In order to enhance the computing efficiency, the interpolation-tabulation scheme is applied to assess rapidly and accurately the free-surface Green function and its partial derivatives in finite water depth, and the boundary integral equation of a half or quarter VLFS model is further established taking advantage of symmetry of flow field and structure. Also, the numerical solutions are validated against a series of experimental tests. In the comparison, the empirical relationship between the actual porosity and porous parameter is successfully applied. Numerical solutions and model tests are executed to determine the hydroelastic response characteristics of VLFS with an attached anti-motion device. This study examines the effects of porosity, submerged depth, inclined angle and gap distance of such dual perforated anti-motion plates on the hydroelastic response to provide information regarding the optimal design. The effects of oblique wave angle on the performance of anti-motion and hydroelastic behavior of VLFS are also emphatically examined.  相似文献   
党的十九大对国家治理体系和治理能力现代化提出了新任务、新要求,突出社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化.以湖南省株洲市荷塘区为例,通过深入实施三社联动,不断创新基层治理,推进社会治理体系和治理能力现代化.  相似文献   
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