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合理的空箱调运可降低班轮公司的营运成本、提高市场竞争力.针对班轮公司空箱调运问题,在对中国港口群分析的基础上,提出了基于融舱的中转调运策略.综合考虑运输成本、装卸成本、租赁成本和调运约束等条件,以最小化调运成本为目标,建立了在保证重箱运输前提下有中转的空箱调运整数线性规划模型.通过对模型求解,得到了比传统调运方式更为满意的调运方案,对结果进行分析制定出相应的调运策略.所建立的模型对空箱调运问题具有较强的指导意义.  相似文献   
张涛  邹渊  张旭东  王文伟 《汽车工程》2020,42(2):250-256
为检测旁车道车辆驾驶员的并线意图,提升网联车辆巡航跟车的主动安全性,提出了一种基于NAR神经网络学习的迭代循环预测算法。NAR神经网络的训练样本由实际交通环境中的车辆并线数据获得,通过训练的网络预测未来一段时间内旁车的横向行驶轨迹,并根据划定的监控区域计算旁车的切入概率。同时,提出了一种考虑并线概率的跟车距离策略,并应用到网联车辆CACC系统中。结果表明,所提出的并线预测算法能精确计算出旁车的横向换道轨迹,所提出的跟车策略可提升车辆的跟车安全性。  相似文献   
为了解决传统匝道控制车流汇入时车辆需要减速至停止,从而造成延误时间过长的问题,提出了一种智能网联车环境下的高速匝道汇入车辆轨迹优化的两阶段优化模型,其中,第1 阶段优化车辆进入匝道口的时序;第2 阶段基于第1 阶段的最优时序,优化车辆轨迹. 根据所构建的模型设计了一种启发式算法优化车辆通过匝道冲突区域的时序,然后结合 GPOPS工具优化车辆的轨迹.为了验证所提出方法的有效性,将所提出的方法应用到20 min 随机到达的车流,进行仿真实验.实验结果表明,与先进先出的方法相比,本文所提出的方法能够使总延误减少59.7%,总油耗减少10.5%,说明该方法能够实现车辆以较高的速度通过匝道冲突区域,有效地减少了车辆汇入延误,同时也节约了油耗.  相似文献   
Studying perceptions of litter and littering behavior among marginalized, poor and undeveloped communities is important since these populations frequently inhabit important conservation sites. Jisr-A-Zarqa ("Jisr"), is a coastal town on the Mediterranean shores of Israel and one of Israel’s poorest, densely populated communities. Litter accumulation in the streets and beach of Jisr is a known problem, and its proximity to the nearby stream and beach makes the study of littering important for the conservation of the coastal and marine habitats. I studied residents’ perceptions of litter and littering practices and found that littering and waste accumulation are surface indicators of profound underlying social, economic and political constraints, problems and distresses. These must be considered as an integrated context and addressed when designing litter-reducing interventions.  相似文献   
介绍高精度非接触测量法测量原理及工艺流程,基于空间角度前方交会原理,将两台仪器进行联机测量,应用于高速公路中的沉降观测,从而实现运行中的高速公路的无接触变形测量.结果显示,该方法具有精度高、自动化程度高、操作简单、工作效率高、稳定性好和非接触测量等优点.  相似文献   
Introduction Nowadays the applications of scene text recog-nition are rapidly expanding with the developmentof portable digital imaging devices[1]. However,character extraction from scene images has alwaysbeen a challenging problem due to complex back-ground, uneven illumination, shadows and noise ofimages[2]. Besides, languages also impose anotherlevel of variation in text. Characters in such lan-guages as Chinese, Japanese and Korean are usual-ly composed of several strokes, which do not n…  相似文献   
通过对交通流参数的微分分析,建立了匝道连接处交通流的运动微分方程和欧拉方程.采用特征线法对运动微分方程组进行分析求解,在高速低密度区和低速高密度区分别得到了两组特征线和对应的特征关系式.积分后,得到了匝道单车道流量与匝道连接处速度、密度和流量的理论关系模型.结合匝道的特点,给出了出入口匝道连接处交通流参数之间关系的理论模型以及出入口匝道的通行能力计算模型.将连接处参数之间的关系模型整理成汇入率(驶出率)、上游外侧车道流量和密度之间的关系.利用实测数据对关系模型进行标定,与美国道路通行能力手册(HCM2000)的经验公式和算例进行了比较,两者能够吻合.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to detect and describe general trends in the spatial distribution of epibenthic and demersal communities of Le Danois Bank (El Cachucho) in relation to the environmental variables that characterize their habitat by means of multivariate ordination. Data were derived from two multidisciplinary surveys carried out in October 2003 and April 2004 included in the ECOMARG project. The surveys were focused on the study of the physical scenario, including both geological (seabed characterization from bathymetry and backscatter data) and hydrographic features, and the different compartments of the benthic fauna (endobenthic, epibenthic, suprabenthic and demersal communities). For the present study, epibenthos and demersal species were sampled using two different gears, a 3.5 m beam trawl and a Porcupine 39/52 type baca otter trawl respectively. The total species richness combining both samplers ascended to 221, including 71 species of fishes, 65 crustaceans, 35 molluscs, 29 echinoderms, 10 cnidarians and 5 sponges.Multivariate methods were used for the study of the characteristics of communities and habitats. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to calculate and visualize similarities between samples in terms of species composition. To assess the amount of variation of faunal densities related to a set of eight environmental variables, a redundancy analysis (RDA) was used. The set of environmental variables used were: depth, near-bottom temperature and salinity, sedimentary typology (dry weight percentages of coarse sands, medium and fine sands, silt and organic matter) and seafloor reflectivity. Using the spatial distribution of the ranges of depth and seafloor reflectivity that characterize the habitats of the faunal assemblages we defined the spatial distribution of the different communities.The multivariate analysis of 18 beam-trawl samples and 15 otter trawl samples showed the existence of 4 main assemblages associated with the more characteristic habitats of the area. The CallogorgiaChimaera community live mainly in the areas at the top of the Bank (425–550 m depth), where the sediment coverage is lower and there exists a high presence of rocky outcrops. The GryphusGaleus community were found in the areas at the top of the Bank covered by medium and fine sand sediments with low organic matter content. The PhormosomaTrachyrincus community live on the sedimentary terraces that characterize the Bank break (550–800 m) and the PheronemaDeania community occupy all the deeper (800–1050 m) sedimentary grounds of the inner basin.  相似文献   
为提高高速公路匝道合流区的运行效率、减少交通事故的发生,面向网联自动驾驶车辆(Connected and Automated Vehicles, CAV)与人工驾驶车辆(Human Driven Vehicles, HDV)混行的交通场景,提出高速公路匝道分层协作合流框架,该框架集成合流序列调度算法和协作合流算法,并根据车辆类型与车辆状态进行实时调整。首先,提出一种基于启发式规则的高速公路合流序列实时调度算法,优化合流区车辆的合流顺序,解决了传统固定合流序列无法适应HDV驾驶行为随机扰动的问题。然后,根据合流序列调度算法及当前车辆位置,判断协作合流的车辆组及其车辆类型,分别建立CAV-CAV、CAV-HDV和HDV-HDV的协作合流控制算法。通过试验仿真发现:相较于无控制情况和“先进先出”策略,总延误分别降低了21.66%、39.88%;协作控制区长度对燃油经济性存在一定影响,能耗随着距离的增加而减小,并存在一个最小值,即300 m,到达该值后能耗将逐渐增大;车辆之间车头时距的增加,对减小车辆能耗存在一定的影响。其中,HDV之间车头时距的影响大于CAV之间车头时距的影响。  相似文献   
This article recommends the parallel but separate modeling of nature-based and people-based marine protected areas (MPA) before the design and siting stages of establishing an MPA. Separate but simultaneous modeling of ideal nature and people MPAs permits each to be maximized for its own variables and subsequently compared to identify conflicts and agreements. The case that supports this recommendation is in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, where the study conducted 572 interviews with people from six traditional settlements in the central Exumas Islands and Cays. The research is focused on why members of these settlements differentially responded to three nearby national MPA proposals.  相似文献   
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