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控制工程专业本科生的科技创新实践技能培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述提高控制工程专业本科生科技创新技能的重要性,分析控制工程专业本科生科技创新技能培养的重点是运用科学知识解决问题的能力,建立大学生科技创新意识及创新平台的重要性。校内外结合,理论联系实际的科技创新能力培养体系是培养控制工程专业创新人才的具体实施方法。  相似文献   
在分析列车自动监控系统体系结构的基础上,设计一种专门用于城轨列车操作人员练习培训专用的仿真系统。重点介绍自动监控仿真培训系统的系统设计、结构、功能模块和数据库设计。最终设计和实现该系统,能够作为城市轨道交通ATS的培训平台。  相似文献   
"优先发展教育、大力发展职业教育、加快发展继续教育"为教育与培训提出了新要求,职业教育改革与发展呈现出新趋势,发展现代交通运输业对教育与培训提出了新挑战,湖北公路水路交通运输发展为教育与培训带来了新机遇。调整运输结构,转变发展方式,适应快速发展,提高岗位技能,构建和谐交通,树立行业形象,提升服务能力,实现科学发展,需要强化干部人才队伍培养、加强行业创新能力培养、加快专业技术人才和高素质技能型专门人才培养、提升行业劳动者队伍素质。  相似文献   
本文以武汉船院职业技能鉴定工作的实践为切入点,提出了当前职业技能鉴定与培训的问题与改革的思路,并对我院职业技能鉴定与培训的实践工作进行了探索,归纳了我院在这方面改革的成效。  相似文献   
在现代篮球激烈的身体对抗中,球队整体水平的发挥与大前锋的实力有着重要的关系。大前锋兼有前锋和中锋的特点,技术全面还可弥补后卫位置上的不足以及球队整体运转的缺陷。加强对大前锋的培养与训练,使其熟练掌握和运用各项技术动作,在每一场比赛的进攻与防守端都发挥出积极的作用,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
校企合作“订单式”人才培养模式的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“订单式”人才培养模式是近年来我国职业技术教育中产生的一种新的人才培养模式,特点是校企合作培养人才,达到多方利益的最大化。而目前,大多院校的“订单式”人才培养模式只注意量的多少,却忽视了订单的水平、订单的质量,特别对于“订单式”人才培养模式的运行机制、配套的管理机制、注意事项、存在问题等的探讨不多,最终导致了订单的效果...  相似文献   
文章介绍了PBL的概况及与其他教学模式的异同点,结合高等院校航海类专业医学培训课程的教学特点,分析了在航海医学培训中开展PBL的可行性,并探讨了实施步骤。  相似文献   
文中针对全国和广东省物流业现状与人才需求,为促进教学、科研和人才培养质量的全面提升,提出高职物流管理专业人才培养的“五个优化”措施:优化专业设置方向;优化课程设置、课时分配和课程内容;优化素质教育人才培养过程;优化教师队伍结构;优化校企合作。  相似文献   
面对高职教育改革的深入,商务英语专业获得了较大发展。商务英语专业实训取得了一定的成效,但也存在自我发展的问题。因此,文中基于能力本位理论来分析商务英语专业学生的职业能力;根据目前专业的实训状况,提出了商务英语专业实训的改革思路,以促进高职商务英语专业的发展和商务英语人才素质的提高。  相似文献   
Post license advanced driver training programs in the US and early programs in Europe have often failed to accomplish their stated objectives because, it is suspected, that drivers gain self perceived driving skills that exceed their true skills—leading to increased post training crashes. The consensus from the evaluation of countless advanced driver training programs is that these programs are a detriment to safety, especially for novice, young, male drivers.Some European countries including Sweden, Finland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Norway, have continued to refine these programs, with an entirely new training philosophy emerging around 1990. These ‘post-renewal’ programs have shown considerable promise, despite various data quality and availability concerns. These programs share in common a focus on teaching drivers about self assessment and anticipation of risk, as opposed to teaching drivers how to master driving at the limits of tire adhesion. The programs focus on factors such as self actualization and driving discipline, rather than low level mastery of skills. Drivers are meant to depart these renewed programs with a more realistic assessment of their driving abilities. These renewed programs require considerable specialized and costly infrastructure including dedicated driver training facilities with driving modules engineered specifically for advanced driver training and highly structured curriculums. They are conspicuously missing from both the US road safety toolbox and academic literature. Given the considerable road safety concerns associated with US novice male drivers in particular, these programs warrant further attention.This paper reviews the predominant features and empirical evidence surrounding post licensing advanced driver training programs focused on novice drivers. A clear articulation of differences between the renewed and current US advanced driver training programs is provided. While the individual quantitative evaluations range from marginally to significantly effective in reducing novice driver crash risk, they have been criticized for evaluation deficiencies ranging from small sample sizes to confounding variables to lack of exposure metrics. Collectively, however, the programs sited in the paper suggest at least a marginally positive effect that needs to be validated with further studies. If additional well controlled studies can validate these programs, a pilot program in the US should be considered.  相似文献   
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