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The study aimed to test the utility of instruments deployed on marine mammals for measuring physical oceanographic variation and, using this method, to examine temperature variation in the coastal waters around South Georgia. There was a significant correlation between temperature measurements made using a towed undulating oceanographic recorder (UOR) and concurrent measurements from time-depth recorders (TDRs) fitted to lactating Antarctic fur seals foraging from the coast of South Georgia. Congruence was found at horizontal spatial scales from 0.01°×0.01° to 0.5°×0.5° (degrees of latitude and longitude), and at a vertical scale of 10 m. However, there was no significant correlation between temperature measured by TDRs in the top 5 m and sea surface temperature (SST) measured by satellite remote sensing. TDR data provided information about temperature variation vertically through the water column, and through time. The UOR data were used to recalibrate the TDR data in order to correct for the slow response time of the TDR thermistor relative to the speed of seal movements through the water column. Seasonal temperature variation was apparent, and temperatures also varied between regions, and with bathymetry. These results were consistent with the current interpretation of the coastal oceanography around South Georgia. In particular, the relationship between on- and off-shelf waters showed larger amounts of warmer surface water in a region in which more run-off was to be expected. The study also showed that Antarctic fur seals concentrate their activity in regions of colder, and presumably oceanic, water. Such instrumented animals could provide near real time data for assimilation into ocean models.  相似文献   
根据天津港美丽港口一号工程的要求,各港区需要进行洒水降尘。南疆港区南港路由于不间断洒水,使得路面长期处于潮湿状态,沥青粗细骨料发生离散,加上大型运输车辆的往复载荷作用,局部路面出现磨损、开裂和破坏现象,破损面积不断扩大。为防止路面进一步破坏,并使修复后的路面防水、防滑、耐磨和平整,工程采用乳化沥青稀浆封层对南港路破损路段进行修复,完工后有效保证了道路的正常使用,确保人员和车辆的通行安全,获得良好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   
盾尾密封油脂作为盾尾密封系统主要的防水密封材料,不仅能保护盾尾密封结构,还能有效阻隔地下水和同步注浆浆液,保障盾构的顺利进行。本文从文献资料和专利角度系统阐述了国内外盾尾密封油脂的发展历程,总结产品专利技术、性能检测技术以及技术标准现状;并针对盾构隧道施工发展需求,提出建立行业标准的重要性,研制出宽温域、高性能、耐超高水压、生态友好型盾尾密封油脂是发展趋势,强调强化盾尾密封油脂基础研究的必要性。  相似文献   
从压力仪表在使用中出现的主要问题入手,结合其发展现状,分析了压力仪表在潜艇上的应用,仔细讨论了仪表供货过程中存在的一些问题,并提出了改进措施。同时,对铅封问题也做了一些说明。  相似文献   
文章介绍了艉轴填料函密封的基本原理,分析了漏水的原因,提出了艉轴铜套分段红装修理的具体操作方法。可供同行借鉴。  相似文献   
陈桢皓  李铁  王斌  郑明 《船舶工程》2017,39(11):40-43
基于单缸四冲程柴油机,对在船舶上具有应用前景的柴油微引燃乙醇发动机进行燃烧、性能及排放特性研究。以所采用发动机中能实现压燃着火的最小柴油量为固定引燃柴油喷射量,比较进气压力分别为0.15 MPa和0.20 MPa的工况组,通过改变柴油喷射时刻来进行工况扫描。结果显示:进气压力更大的工况,着火滞燃期更短,燃烧持续期更长,指示热效率更低;存在两阶段着火的工况点,第一阶段放热的占比更大;进气压力增大时,氮氧化物(NOX)排放更低,但未燃碳氢(UHC)与一氧化碳(CO)排放更高。  相似文献   
绿色生物防污剂及控制释放技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于传统防污剂的毒性危害和释放不稳定性问题,聚焦于绿色生物防污剂和防污剂缓控释放技术,总结天然生物防污剂和人工合成防污剂近年来的相关研究进展。微纳米管控释技术、微胶囊包覆技术和温敏水凝胶控释技术在控释方面具有显著优势,综述其最新进展,并给出未来开发绿色防污剂和新型防污剂控释技术方面的相关建议。  相似文献   
该文介绍了一种能使舰船用海水泵实现零泄漏,并在抽空状态下正常工作的新型集装式双端面机械密封。  相似文献   
基槽清淤质量目前尚无可直接采用的成熟检测方法,为解决这一难题,经过大量现场调研,结合本项目特点和以往的施工经验,研制了“封闭旋进取泥器”和“潜底定位取浆器”两项专利技术,并针对深圳机场扩建工程提出了可供实际操作的准确定量的基槽清淤检测方法,从而解决了这一工程难题。通过深圳机场扩建工程清淤质量的检测,证实该技术的可靠性,并可在类似的工程中推广应用。  相似文献   
结合楼板裂缝实例,调查分析了钢筋混凝土现浇楼板出现裂缝的原因,提出了修补裂缝的方法,并提出了预防钢筋混凝土现浇楼板产生裂缝的措施.  相似文献   
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