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Building safe and effective roundabouts requires optimizing traffic (operational) efficiency (TE) and traffic safety (TS) while taking into account geometric factors, traffic characteristics and local constraints. Most existing simulation-based optimization models do not simultaneously optimize all these factors. To capture the relationship among geometry, efficiency and safety, we put forward a model formulation in this paper. We present a new multi-criteria and simultaneous multi-objective optimization (MOO) model approach to optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban unsignalized single-lane roundabouts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model that uses the multi-criteria decision-making method known as analytic hierarchy process to evaluate and rank traffic parameters and geometric elements of urban single-lane roundabouts. The model was built based on comprehensive review of the research literature and existing roundabout simulation software, a field survey of 61 civil and traffic expert engineers in Croatia, and field studies of roundabouts in the Croatian capital city of Zagreb. We started from the basis of Kimber’s capacity model, HCM2010 serviceability model, and Maycock and Hall's accident prediction model, which we extended by adding sensitivity analysis and powerful MOO procedures of the bounded objective function method and interactive optimization. Preliminary validation of the model was achieved by identifying the optimal and most robust of three geometric alternatives (V.1-V.3) for an unsignalized single-lane roundabout in Zagreb, Croatia. The geometric parameters in variant V.1 had significantly higher values than in the existing design V.0, while approaches 1 and 3 in variant V.2 were enlarged as much as possible within allowed spatial limits and Croatian guidelines, reflecting their higher traffic demand. Sensitivity analysis indicated that variant V.2 showed the overall highest TE and TS across the entire range of traffic flow demand and pedestrian crossing flow demand at approaches. At the same time, the number of predicted traffic accidents was similar for all three variants, although it was lowest overall for V.2. The similarity in predicted accident frequency for the three variants suggests that V.2 provides the greatest safety within the predefined constraints and parameter ranges explored in our study. These preliminary results suggest that the proposed model can optimize geometry, TE and TS of urban single-lane roundabouts.  相似文献   
潘永杰 《铁道建筑》2020,(4):115-119
针对高强度螺栓现行施工工序繁杂、信息化和智能化水平不高的现状,研发了由数控定扭矩电动扳手和应用系统2部分组成的螺栓连接施工管理系统。系统的实施减少了班前班后标定,实现了对螺栓施工全过程和"人、机、料、法、环"全要素的有效管控,构建了新的施拧流程;工程部、试验室和物资部的任务分工基于系统进行了精准定位,形成了基于业务流程的协同管理机制;升级了螺栓连接施工的管理模式;明确了螺栓连接全生命周期的成本组成;给出了施工和运营维护阶段成本的计算模型;分析了施工原因引起运营期螺栓断裂的发生概率。本文结合算例对施拧流程的施工期成本和运营期成本进行了比较,结果表明管理系统的应用实现了面向全生命周期管理的成本效益最优化。  相似文献   
温拌SBS沥青混合料旋转压实特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用旋转压实仪(SGC) 成型温拌SBS沥青混合料试件, 根据体积参数的变化规律确定了最佳拌合温度, 根据旋转压实曲线对温拌沥青混合料和热拌沥青混合料的压实特性进行了对比分析。分析结果表明: 与热拌沥青混合料相比, 用旋转压实法确定温拌沥青混合料成型温度降低约20℃, 动稳定度提高30%, 低温抗裂和抗水损害能力相差不大。在压实初期, 热拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为2.53, 密实能量指数为0.246, 温拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为3.14, 密实能量指数为0.156, 表明温拌沥青混合料具有更好的施工和易性; 在压实后期, 热拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为0.019 5, 密实能量指数为1.95和1.65, 温拌沥青混合料SGC压实曲线的斜率为0.015 2, 密实能量指数为2.61和2.00, 表明开放交通后温拌沥青混合料具有更好的抵抗荷载压密的能力。  相似文献   
文章结合国内外汽车安全技术的发展,选择与设定主动安全、被动安全、耐撞性与维修经济性三方面评价车辆安全性能的具体指标,并基于交通事故环境挖掘了人、时间、地域等影响安全评价的其他因素;利用层次分析法与专家调研法,确定评价车辆安全性能指标的权重,构建出评价车辆安全性能的有效算法,并分析了算法的可行性;基于某大型保险公司201...  相似文献   
本文以基于工作过程系统化思想,对汽车车身修复技术课程进行了设计.阐述了本课程基于工作过程系统化的课程设计思路、学习情境设计、课程教学方法及考核方法设计.  相似文献   
从生产线建立、工艺流程编制、工艺布局设计和生产能力等方面进行分析,提出了轨道交通车辆工艺流程标准化设计方法和优化方法。基于精益管理理念和工序能力测算法,可以合理编制标准化工艺流程,从而降低劳动强度,提高生产效率。  相似文献   
通过对散粮输送行业中常见的工艺设备进行探究,分析设备运行过程中可能存在的问题,提出合理的解决方案,为散粮系统工艺设计及工程运行提供重要参考意义。  相似文献   
Regulations are introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) into the maritime industry as the result of safety accidents and/or pollution incidents. When there is lack of historical data, then the IMO appoints experts in order to collect information regarding the costs and benefits generated to a stakeholder of the maritime industry once implementing a maritime regulation. Therefore, the role of experts in providing qualitative and quantitative information is crucial with respect to the quality of the maritime regulatory process within the IMO or other regulatory authorities. In this article, a methodology is proposed involving common criteria in determining the expertise of an individual in the maritime regulatory field. As essential part of the research methodology, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized to determine the expertise of an individual based on his/her own judgements. The regulatory authorities and other stakeholders of the maritime industry may use this method when selecting experts for decision-making. In this article, a simulation is carried showing the potentials of the AHP methodology in expertise evaluation followed by a case study.  相似文献   
在构建桥梁损伤等级评定指标体系的基础上,采用 AHP确定了各指标的权重,运用物元分析的方法建立了桥梁损伤等级评定的数学模型,并利用模型评定结果,得到了某桥梁的损伤等级。  相似文献   
吴琼 《隧道建设》2017,37(Z1):107-110
为了解决砂土地层盾构刀盘换刀作业面易涌水、涌砂进而导致作业面失稳坍塌问题,采用水泥砂浆和膨润土浆液组成的混合浆液在土舱压力作用下,通过刀盘开口向砂土地层渗透,经固化后在原有稳定泥膜的基础上形成新型混合泥膜,在利用风镐清除土舱内硬化混合浆液的同时,保留刀盘前段形成的混合泥膜,即可进行盾构刀盘换刀作业。通过在广州某地铁盾构施工项目中的应用,表明本施工技术能为砂土地层盾构换刀提供高效且安全的解决方案。  相似文献   
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