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危化品爆炸泄漏和火灾爆炸等局部突发事件下,疏散车辆与救援车辆在路网上通行的优先级具有差异性。为研究多优先级多车种动态应急交通网络协调优化问题,本文根据多车种的优先级差异性,松弛路段传输模型,模拟疏散和救援交通在路网上的动态加载过程,引入交叉口冲突转向消除与道路反流约束;考虑到优先通行车辆的反流策略会占用低优先级车辆的道路通行能力,设置救援交通的逆行路段数限制。设计分阶段优化方法求解多优先级多车种动态应急交通网络协调优化的多目标混合整数线性规划模型(MPCDETN-MMILP)。最后,以 NguyenDupuis路网为例,分析优先通行车辆使用的逆行路段数对疏散和救援交通的影响。算例结果表明:救援交通逆行路段数和对救援车辆迅速到达受灾区域的提升存在上限,且这种提升趋势是逐渐变缓的,而对疏散车辆迅速到达安全区域的抑制呈现波动式的增加趋势;救援交通逆行路段数对救援优先的疏散和救援交通运行优化效果有较大协调作用;连接受灾区域和外部救援场站,且可构成最短径路的路段更会被选择为救援交通逆行路段。  相似文献   
为应对实际合乘过程中时间不确定性带来的负面影响,本文研究不确定行驶时间下的合乘问题。采用预算不确定集合描述时间变量,引入不确定性水平可调节的预算系数,构建以车辆总里程最短和车辆数最少为目标的合乘路径鲁棒优化模型。并设计两阶段算法求解,第1阶段以两乘客间的可行合乘路径为基础,从车辆总里程节省率和乘客时间窗匹配灵活性两方面设计公式量化合乘匹配机会,以匹配机会为权重构建乘客图网络并聚类乘客需求;第2阶段设计以顺序插入启发式方法构造初始解的禁忌搜索算法求解。案例数据实验结果表明:本文聚类方法能保证优化质量并提高85%以上的计算效率,同时能缩减乘客等车时间和绕行距离;增大预算系数时解的鲁棒性逐渐提高,但会增加10%~40%的车辆数并降低1%~10%的里程节省率;大规模乘客案例和窄时间窗案例的合乘路径对不确定时间的敏感性更高,宽时间窗案例无需增加过多额外车辆和总里程就能达到较高水平的路径鲁棒性。  相似文献   
高峰时段的大客流需求易造成城市轨道站台乘客大量聚集,从而给城市轨道交通系统带来安全隐患,降低乘客乘车的舒适度;同时,客流空间分布的不均衡性导致供需能力不匹配,降低 了列车资源的利用率。针对该现象,本文结合大小交路开行方案与客流控制策略研究城市轨道交通列车时刻表协同优化问题。考虑到城市轨道交通客流的不确定性,将乘客到达率设置为不确定变量,而后基于客流演化与列车运行的动态关系,建立以最小化滞留乘客数、客流控制人数、 列车运行时间,以及最大化列车资源利用率衡量值为目标的优化模型,并设计一种基于机会约束 的随机场景优化算法进行模型求解。以北京市某轨道线路为例进行数值实验验证模型的有效性。结果表明,相较于常规运营策略,本文提出的协同优化策略在期望滞留人数和列车运行时间方面有了较大改善,更好地实现了乘客成本和企业运营成本之间的均衡。  相似文献   
基于传统加筋形式的船舶舷侧结构,提出一种新式折叠V型夹层板舷侧结构,针对其复杂的耐撞性优化问题,分别利用GA-BP-GA方法和直观分析法对其开展耐撞性能优化设计,并验证了GA-BP-GA方法的可行性与准确性。结果表明:经遗传算法优化后的BP神经网络具有较优的训练精度和泛化能力;与原设计相比,GA-BPGA最优设计的耐撞性能提高了21.0%,高于正交最优设计的16.5%和直观优化的6.3%;GA-BP-GA最优设计关于耐撞性指标的预测值与有限元仿真值之间的相对误差均小于3.5%,具有较高的可信度。  相似文献   
针对大水位差港口的水文特征和地理特征 ,提出了其客运缆车控制系统的技术方案。该方案运用先进的控制技术和网络通信技术 ,大大加强了对缆车的运行管理和监控力度 ,提高了安全性和可靠性  相似文献   
针对原油转驳船(Cargo Transfer Vessel,CTV)主推进器设备尺寸大、质量大和安装难度大等问题,设置主推进器基座,用于对艉部结构与主推进器的连接安装。详细研究主推进器基座的设计、制造与安装技术。对主推进器基座进行合理的结构设计,确定有效的焊接工艺和安装流程,可确保基座的结构稳定性和制造与安装的精度。  相似文献   
传统修船管件更换工艺方法效率低、精度不稳定、人工和材料成本高、生产周期长,且存在较大的安全隐患。针对这些问题,融合测绘、软件、船舶制造与加工等关键技术,采取非假模取样方式进行修船管件更换的新管逆向设计,开拓一种数字化的管件制作思路。  相似文献   
为充分发挥机场的服务功能,对广州白云国际机场T3航站楼陆侧市政交通进行总体设计。在对交通设施需求和供给进行预测的基础上,提出了工、商、旅交通逐级分离的进场系统,互不交织的循环流线,集约布局的综合交通枢纽等相应的陆侧道路交通系统设计思路,可使白云国际机场陆侧道路达到较高的服务水平,使其建设规模和标准与交通需求、道路功能定位相匹配,陆侧道路快捷畅通。  相似文献   
The increasing complexity and size in cruise ships demands for lightweight structures and practical but accurate design methods. Conventionally, the focus has been on the steel parts of the ship, as they make most of its weight. However, the proportions of other materials are increasing. Therefore, this study attempts to provide better understanding how one could reach the lightweight designs of insulating glass units (IGUs) in ships. These are windows where at least two glass panes are separated by a hermetically sealed cavity. They are thin-walled structures that benefit not only from the geometrically nonlinear behavior, but also from the load sharing. Considering these effects, their behavior is studied using the nonlinear Finite Element Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. Different design criteria are imposed on the thickness determination of the glass panes with different shapes. Rectangular, triangular, and circular shapes are considered. The results show that the triangular shapes have the least weight for a given area when the deflection criterion is the dominating one. When maximum principal stress is the thickness defining criterion, the shapes perform almost equally well. The ratio between the pane thicknesses had the most influence on the behavior of the IGU. As it increases, i.e., one pane is significantly thicker than the other, the load sharing percentage drops, but it provides the most lightweight solution. Closer it is to 1, more equally the structural stresses are divided between the panes, i.e., redundancy is achieved. Finally, it is possible to establish a simple but effective method for the thickness determination of these IGUs using the results of this study. However, more work is required, including numerical analysis and experimental testing.  相似文献   
Marine umbilical provides the remote control function for offshore oil and gas exploitation, which is usually integrated by different functional components that vary widely in their mechanical properties. Under the action of external load, unreasonable cross-sectional layouts may lead to large cross-sectional deformation and contact pressure between components thus affecting the service life of an umbilical. Therefore, how to design the cross-sectional layout is a very necessary research work in order to improve service life of the umbilical to withstand various loads during operation. At present, the research on the cross-sectional layout of an umbilical is not sufficient, and there is no standardized design method in the design specification. Considering the mechanical and geometrical properties as the quantitative design objectives, the mathematical optimization model of the cross-sectional layout of an umbilical is proposed. Meanwhile, the layering strategy is introduced because of the processing and manufacturing factors.Then, the genetic algorithm (GA) with good global search performance and the generalized Lagrange multiplier (GLM) with fast convergence speed are combined to solve the above model. Finally, taking an umbilical as an example, the optimal cross-sectional layout is obtained and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by the numerical simulation. The results show that the optimization method proposed in this paper can quickly obtain the optimal design cross-sectional layout, and supply a specific way for the fast design of an umbilical, which has the certain engineering application value.  相似文献   
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