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本文详细介绍了利用局部曲线拟合的多变指数法修正示功图上止点位置的原理及特点,作者在数学处理上作了简化并编制了计算机程序及绘图程序,使之实际操作简单、便于应用。上止点位置的精度可达0.05°~0.1°CA,本文最后提供了一个实例说明该方法的具体应用。  相似文献   
本文研究辅助生产部门交互劳务代数分配法的实际操作问题,解决了该方法的辅助生产费用分配表的设计、联立方程组的建立和帐务处理等问题。笔者提出的实际应用程序可操作性强。  相似文献   
本文根据接触状态下的有限元基本方程,通过对定解条件、约束条件的分析应用,得出了仅与接触点有关的定解方程。 运用所编制的电算程序对某柴油机副连杆销及孔在最大载荷下的失圆变形进行了计算。通过采用空心及实心销两种简化模型计算得出了实际副连杆销的失圆变形范围。  相似文献   
This article considers microgenetic algorithms (GAs), which explore in a small population with a few genetic operators, for cutting-path optimization problems. The major difference between GAs and simple genetic algorithms (SGAs) is how to make a reproductive plan for an improved searching technique because of population choice. It is shown that GAs implementation reaches the near-optimal region much earlier than the SGAs approach, and the GAs give a better solution than simulated annealing (SA). The main objective was to determine what temperature distribution can be obtained from the solution of a travelling distributed heat source. The solution of the travelling heat source on nested raw plate provides information about the vertices of each nested part of the raw plate. From the fact that the initial temperature at a piercing point strongly depends on the heat flow which stems from the previous cutting contour, the temperature of all piercing points must be lower than the critical temperature after each cutting of the components of a part. The critical temperature is identified as the mechanical melting temperature of steels. A heuristic back-tracking method is introduced to find the near-optimum cutting path considering the minimum heat effect on deformation. The heuristic back-tracking method is incorporated with the GAs.  相似文献   
The selection of marine equipment is a time-consuming process for a ship outfitting designer. The inefficiency originates from the paper-based exchange of design information between shipyards and equipment manufacturers. We propose a method to exchange equipment models for electronic commerce. Shipyard practices were investigated to find out how the outfitting CAD library is being used. We also surveyed international standards for the exchange of digital equipment models, and analyzed the macroparametric methodology. We propose a hybrid method to represent the geometric information using STEP AP203 or the macroparametric method. The nongeometric information is defined according to the Parts Library (PLIB) standard. We implement a pilot system and test it with a ship design data set. The equipment model proposed can be used in the design process with heterogeneous shipbuilding CAD systems. The equipment model can improve the design and purchase process in shipyards.  相似文献   
为了解砂卵石地层隧道围岩和支护结构的应力应变特性,以青海循隆高速公伯峡隧道为依托,借助PFC3D离散元软件对公伯峡隧道穿越砂卵石地层进行三维模拟,重点研究以密排短管棚预支护为根本前提,以三台阶预留核心土为施工方法的砂卵石地层围岩和支护结构的应力应变特性,并与现场实测进行对比分析。研究结果表明: 隧道台阶开挖时,围岩应力集中范围逐渐从拱顶过渡到拱腰,直到拱脚,对应的塑性区范围不断扩大,且密排短管棚对塑性区的发展有一定的“遮拦效应”; 围岩横纵向变形规律一致,主要是向隧道临空面产生收敛变形,且密排短管棚形成的梁拱效应限制了掌子面前方位移发展; 2种方法得到的初期支护变形规律一致,均呈阶段性变化,拱顶下沉累计值大于周边收敛累计值,且两者的最终变形量均满足规范限值要求。  相似文献   
利用现场监测的深基坑支护结构变形信息资料 ,结合参数优化反分析土体m值 ,根据现场地质资料和优化后的参数 ,通过有限元计算对深基坑支护系统进行变形预测 ,及时调整开挖方案和支护参数 ,此方法可以有效的指导基坑施工 ,确保施工安全  相似文献   
通过对威海市现有公路网总体布局、公路等级结构分析,在充分考虑威海市制造业基地的发展基础上,对社会经济发展水平进行预测,同时分析了公路网规模与国民经济、人口的相互关系,采用国土系数法、人口密度法定量预测未来规划年的威海市公路网合理规模,结合专家意见等定性:方法,给出了满足威海市发展需求的路网规模,并从公路网技术指标,宏观经济和社会效益等方面:鞋行适应性分析评判。  相似文献   
为了解决盾构通过接收井强加固区盾壳卡死被困问题,以天津地铁3号线土压平衡盾构施工为例进行研究。施工中采取以下脱困技术: 1)常压开舱后钻减阻孔,减小盾壳与其外围土体之间的阻力; 2)增加外置泵站及油缸,增大盾构推力; 3)盾尾与中前体分开脱困等。成功解决了盾构通过接收井强加固区被困的问题,并结合施工过程分析了以上各方法的优缺点及适用范围,为今后类似施工提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
胡红卫 《隧道建设》2006,26(3):36-39
双连拱隧道在结构上与单拱隧道有较大区别,近年来逐渐被应用于高等级公路中。如何在其施工过程中把握要点,吸取经验教训,逐渐熟悉并掌握其施工工艺有着非常重要的意义。通过介绍元磨及思小高速公路隧道施工过程中的工艺控制,就双连拱隧道的结构特点、中导洞及三导洞开挖方法、衬砌施工、特殊问题的处理等内容,提出了看法及建议。  相似文献   
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