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以甲醛和间苯二酚溶胶凝胶制备有机气凝胶(OA),将有机气凝胶在半密封的情况下干燥,再在高温下碳化,制备得到碳气凝胶(CA),并分析了有机气凝胶的形成机理.通过红外(IR)、透射电镜(TEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)等考察了有机气凝胶到碳气凝胶的结构变化,从具有丰富的官能团结构的有机物,最后碳化得到具有纳米尺度、无序的、连续三维网络结构的碳材料.  相似文献   
针对目前上海市交通高峰期部分出口匝道拥挤严重而面临可能采取工程措施的情况,利用VISSIM仿真软件建模进行出口匝道区域工程措施实施的边界条件研究。以模型中出口匝道车辆排队长度不回溯至主线为条件,确定某个出口匝道的疏散能力(能离开该出口匝道并通过前方交叉口疏散的最大交通量),为今后出口匝道的组织和控制奠定理论基础,并结合现状交通需求,定量确定实施工程措施的充分条件和必要条件,给上海乃至全国高架道路出口匝道区域工程措施实施与否提供理论依据。  相似文献   
臭氧氧化难生化降解有机物的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用臭氧氧化法处理难生化降解有机物。以酸性染料、活性染料、分散染料、还原染料模拟有机废水,探讨了臭氧氧化技术处理有机废水的影响因素-pH值、初始浓度、臭氧含量等;研究了臭氧氧化法对难生化降解有机物的氧化效果、生化效果。  相似文献   
从行人疏散过程和紧急疏散出口通过能力的角度,分析行人步行设施紧急疏散出口设置的影响因素,并提出紧急疏散出口设置方法.研究发现,在总宽度一定的情况下,紧急疏散出口的个数越多,其相应的总通过能力越低.基于步行设施内疏散行人的数量、初始位置,紧急疏散出口的行人通过能力,多紧急疏散出口的行人选择策略,以及紧急疏散出口的设置指标,构建了行人步行设施紧急疏散出口设置的优化模型;并提出其简化的求解算法,实现紧急疏散出口个数、位置和宽度的优化设置.结合算例,从紧急疏散出口布局优化的角度,提出北京市西直门换乘枢纽紧急疏散出口布局的改进措施.  相似文献   
为解决采用传统Dijkstra 算法在高速公路应急疏散规划路径中存在可用性差的缺陷,考虑 高速公路路网中有通行容量及条件限制的节点和路段特征,对其进行改进,提出容量限制节点的 表征方式及流量计算方法,并根据待疏散车辆特征对具有限高、限重属性的路段进行筛选,提出 分类路径规划方法。最后,以河南省高速公路局部路网疏散路径规划问题为基础设计算例,分别 采用传统算法和改进Dijkstra 算法对高速公路应急疏散路径进行求解。结果显示,传统算法得到 的路径规划及交通量分配结果中,容量限制节点上游路段的分配交通量高于节点容量,在节点处 形成疏散瓶颈,且对于规划路径中有限重条件的路段,案例中超重车辆无法使用该路段疏散;相 比而言,由改进算法得到的路径规划及交通量分配结果则不存在上述问题,从而使得疏散效率和 疏散路径的可用性得到了保证。  相似文献   
针对连云港后云台山互通式立交设计项目,分析比较了互通的功能和形式,提出了2套适用于山海结合部位复杂地形的全定向Y形互通设计方案,并从技术指标、工程规模和占用土地等方面进行了综合比选,探索了复杂因素控制条件下3路互通立交的设计思路和选型问题.  相似文献   
本文建立了密闭舱室挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)被动式采集与非靶向测试方法。采用极性和非极性填料进行被动式采样,分析结果可互相对比且互为补充,采样方式简单、便携、稳定。运用目前先进的气相色谱-高分辨质谱(GC-HRMS)分析方法可高灵敏度、高分辨率鉴别采样中的VOCs组分,8个舱室采样位点共筛查出70种低浓度VOCs污染物。在得到的各类VOCs含量数据中,以多环芳烃(PAHs)这一类致癌性和致突变性污染物为例,根据含量热图分析获取多环芳烃在舱室中的分布规律,并推测其主要来源于机舱和设备舱中油料挥发以及厨房烹饪油烟。该方法的建立将更加高效、准确筛查舱室VOCs组分并进行污染源解析,有助于舱室大气环境质量提升和舰艇战斗力生成。  相似文献   
An understanding of microbial interactions in first-year sea ice on Arctic shelves is essential for identifying potential responses of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle to changing sea-ice conditions. This study assessed dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC, POC), exopolymeric substances (EPS), chlorophyll a, bacteria and protists, in a seasonal (24 February to 20 June 2004) investigation of first-year sea ice and associated surface waters on the Mackenzie Shelf. The dynamics of and relationships between different sea-ice carbon pools were investigated for the periods prior to, during and following the sea-ice-algal bloom, under high and low snow cover. A predominantly heterotrophic sea-ice community was observed prior to the ice-algal bloom under high snow cover only. However, the heterotrophic community persisted throughout the study with bacteria accounting for, on average, 44% of the non-diatom particulate carbon biomass overall the study period. There was an extensive accumulation of sea-ice organic carbon following the onset of the ice-algal bloom, with diatoms driving seasonal and spatial trends in particulate sea-ice biomass. DOC and EPS were also significant sea-ice carbon contributors such that sea-ice DOC concentrations were higher than, or equivalent to, sea-ice-algal carbon concentrations prior to and following the algal bloom, respectively. Sea-ice-algal carbon, DOC and EPS-carbon concentrations were significantly interrelated under high and low snow cover during the algal bloom (r values ≥ 0.74, p < 0.01). These relationships suggest that algae are primarily responsible for the large pools of DOC and EPS-carbon and that similar stressors and/or processes could be involved in regulating their release. This study demonstrates that DOC can play a major role in organic carbon cycling on Arctic shelves.  相似文献   
Large-volume sampling of 234Th was conducted to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export in conjunction with drifting sediment trap deployments in the northern Barents Sea in July 2003 and May 2005. 234Th-derived POC fluxes averaged 42.3 ± 39.7 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 47.1 ± 30.6 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005. Sediment trap POC fluxes averaged 13.1 ± 8.2 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 17.3 ± 11.4 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005, but better reflected the transient bloom conditions that were observed at each station within a season. Although 234Th fluxes agreed within a factor 2 at most stations and depths sampled, sediment trap POC fluxes were lower than large-volume POC flux estimates at almost every station. This may represent an under-collection of POC by the drifting sediment traps or, conversely, an over-collection of POC by the large-volume sampling of 234Th. It is hypothesized that the offset between the two methods is partly due to the presence of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, which potentially causes a large variation in > 53-μm POC/234Th ratios. Due to the large proportion of dissolved carbon or mucilage released by P. pouchetii, and because it is thought that P. pouchetii does not contribute significantly to the vertical export of biogenic matter in the Barents Sea, the application of large-volume sampling of 234Th may yield relatively high, and possibly inaccurate POC/234Th ratios. Hence, POC fluxes derived from 234Th sampling may be inappropriate and drifting sediment traps might be a more reliable method to measure the vertical export of biogenic matter in regions that have recurrent P. pouchetii blooms, such as the Barents Sea.  相似文献   
基于M/G/c/c模型的地铁车站楼梯通道疏散能力瓶颈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乘客疏散能力及服务水平是地铁车站设计与站内客流组织的重要组成部分,也是保证安全运营的重要影响因素。M/G/c/c网络排队模型适用于各种空间内行人运动过程分析及相应指标的计算。本文在乘客运动特性分析基础上,结合车站空间结构特征,构建基于M/G/c/c的地铁车站楼梯与通道乘客疏散能力瓶颈分析模型。以北京地铁2号线与4号线的西直门换乘站为例开展研究,计算分析该站在乘客到达率发生变化时楼梯、通道的疏散能力瓶颈点,验证模型的有效性与实用性。  相似文献   
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