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为解决大学校园停车系统混乱以及用于相关规划的基础数据样本量小、精度不高、时效性 差等问题,应用大学校园停车调查数据、各出入口车辆记录数据以及各院系教职工信息数据进行多源大数据分析,提出了一种基于大数据的大学校园停车系统规划方法。以大连理工大学凌水主 校区收集到的数据为例,首先从静态角度利用各出入口车辆记录数据和校园停车调查数据获取校园整体停车需求,进而利用各院系教职工信息数据分析各部门的停车需求。然后,从动态角度考虑停车位的周转问题,利用各出入口车辆记录数据分析校园出入车辆停车时段分布状况。最后,根据多源大数据分析所得校园停车系统现状,得出相应的校园停车系统规划结果。研究结果表 明:基于大数据的大学校园停车系统规划方法可有效解决传统方法中基础数据样本量小、精度不高、时效性差等问题,提高了规划结果的实用性和科学性。  相似文献   
针对停车场有效停车泊位的变化特征,提出了基于灰色—小波神经网络的组合模型.先通过灰色单因素预测模型对有效停车泊位时间序列进行修正处理,再基于分步式小波神经网络模型对修正预测值进行运算,并通过马克科夫链预测模型得到更精确的预测区间,并利用实际案例分析,对模型的预测精度、稳定性、拟合度和训练时间进行了评价.研究表明,灰色—小波神经网络预测模型可降低初始数据波动性的干扰,与传统神经网络相比,预测结果误差波动性降低了10%~19%,稳定性提高了27%~33%,拟合度提高了10%~15%,精确度明显提高.  相似文献   
幸福感、生活质量和幸福正逐渐影响众多不同领域,例如经济、国家标准和公共健康。尽管心理幸福感的重要性日益受到重视,但却鲜有人关注交通系统对生活满意度的影响。首先,探讨幸福感在交通政策中所发挥的作用,并阐述幸福感对未来交通政策的启发作用。其次,回顾心理学文献,提出一个假设的模型即交通会通过提高重要生活领域的可达性或者物质环境的机动性及外部性从而对生活满意度产生间接或直接影响。对交通领域的初步研究为该模型提供了支持。最后,阐述政策建议和可使用该框架进行研究的领域。  相似文献   
Security is an essential aspect for mobile systems. Usually, mobile system modeling and its security policies specification are realized in different techniques. So when constructed a mobile system using formal methods it is difficult to verify if the system comply with any given security policies. A method was introduced to express security automata which specifying enforceable security policies as processes in an extended π-calculus. In this extended π-calculus, an exception termination process was introduced, called bad. Any input which violating a security automaton will correspond to a step of transformation of the process that specifying the security automaton to exception termination process. Our method shows that any security automata which specifying enforceable security policies would decide a process in the extended π-calculus.  相似文献   
介绍了ATO硬件设备及ATO连续制动定位停车原理,从车载ATO和轨旁ATP硬件设备以及软件角度深入分析了车站定位停车的各个操作状态(制动、预对准、停站等)和判定机制。此外,简要介绍了信号系统实时控制列车运行的自适应PI控制器算法。  相似文献   
为精细化把握城市建设项目在微观空间尺度下的停车需求规律,从空间视角探究停车需求与建成环境之间的关系.通过高峰小时建筑物单位面积的停车生成数表征停车需求,以土地利用混合度、路网密度、公交服务水平等9个因子描述建成环境,分别构建建成环境对停车需求影响的普通最小二乘(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS)模型...  相似文献   
As from January 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is implementing a global 0.5% limit on the sulphur content of fuel, commonly known as the global sulphur cap. This limit is the latest policy in the efforts to reduce sulphur emissions from shipping, following the designation of emission control areas (ECAs) and other regional regulations. In this paper, a literature review is conducted of academic studies that have dealt with issues relating to the reduction of maritime sulphur emissions. Various recurring research themes are identified, spanning the areas of operations research, maritime economics and transport policy. The effects and implications of available compliance options are then analyzed from the perspectives of ship operators, shippers and consumers. Using lessons learned from the enforcement of ECA regulations, this is followed by an appraisal of various potential issues related to the enforcement of these new global regulations. It is found that a homogeneous enforcement regime is required to ensure a level playing field amongst ship operators and that the global sulphur cap may lead to serious market distortion, due to the potential short term rise of fuel prices. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for future research on sulphur emissions from shipping in the aftermath of the global cap and, looking forward, to its relationship to the IMO strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) shipping emissions.  相似文献   
This article reviews key measures of public opinion on sea-level rise (SLR): beliefs, attitudes, issue prioritization, and policy support. To do so, we first assess the influence of SLR beliefs and attitudes on issue prioritization and policy support using state-level data. Then, we compare the state findings to other surveys conducted in a hot spot of rising coastal waters, the U.S. Mid-Atlantic, to better understand the landscape of public opinion. Our findings indicate that, as in studies of climate change public opinion, belief certainty that SLR is happening and attitudes about its consequences significantly influence issue prioritization and policy support. Compared to climate change, SLR demonstrates less salience, but is similarly a low public priority. Nevertheless, the public supports governmental policies that address the issue, preferring strategies that discourage new construction in high risk areas and employ “soft” protection through natural barriers. Among the least popular approaches are those that implement hard barriers to defend against encroaching seas. Communication programs and public consultation by governments can benefit from the use of survey data to support evidence-based decision-making.  相似文献   
为了揭示在共享停车泊位数量可变条件下的网络交通流逐日演化规律,首先构建了共享泊位交易系统,并考虑了交易市场中的共享泊位提供者可以选择2种异质性的价格预期方式,即理性预期方式和幼稚预期方式;而后对共享泊位的均衡价格、2种提供者的占比差、高峰时段公交和小汽车需求的演化规律进行了分析;其次,以2条平行路径的路网为例,对网络交通流量分配的最终演化结果进行了分析;最后,在对上述2个系统的最终演化状态给出定量判据后,以北京市实际路网为例进行了数值试验。理论分析和数值试验结果表明:①对于共享泊位交易系统,若供给曲线斜率小于需求曲线斜率,则共享泊位交易系统的唯一均衡解可实现无条件渐进稳定;否则若理性提供者的交易与预测成本之和大于幼稚提供者,则存在临界提供者选择强度,使得共享泊位交易系统在大于此临界值条件下出现分岔或混沌现象;②对于网络交通流系统,若出行成本对路径流量敏感度小,路径选择概率对出行成本敏感度小,小汽车需求量不大,则系统唯一的均衡解可能是渐进稳定的,否则系统会出现分岔或混沌状态;③当共享泊位交易系统处于渐进稳定状态时,若提供者对共享泊位的价格变动不敏感,用户对其价格变动敏感,潜在共享泊位需求量不大,理性提供者的交易与预测成本之和并非远大于幼稚提供者,提供者选择强度不大,则由于受到共享泊位交易总量的限制,高峰时段的均衡小汽车需求不大,导致网络交通流系统的最终演化状态容易趋向于渐进稳定;④当共享泊位交易系统处于混沌状态时,网络交通流系统会产生更加严重的分岔与混沌现象。  相似文献   
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