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This paper reports the insights into environmental impacts of the ongoing transformative land use and transport developments in Greater Beijing, from a new suite of dynamic land use, spatial equilibrium and strategic transport models that is calibrated for medium to long term land use and transport predictions. The model tests are focused on urban passenger travel demand and associated emissions within the municipality of Beijing, accounting for Beijing’s land use and transport interactions with Tianjin, Hebei and beyond. The findings suggests that background trends of urbanization, economic growth and income rises will continue to be very powerful drivers for urban passenger travel demand across all main modes of transport beyond 2030. In order to achieve the dual policy aims for a moderately affluent and equitable nation and reducing the absolute levels of urban transport emissions by 2030, road charging and careful micro-level coordination between land use, built form and public transport provision may need to be considered together for policy implementation in the near future.  相似文献   
This paper presents a long-term investment planning model that co-optimizes infrastructure investments and operations across transportation and electric infrastructure systems for meeting the energy and transportation needs in the United States. The developed passenger transportation model is integrated within the modeling framework of a National Long-term Energy and Transportation Planning (NETPLAN) software, and the model is applied to investigate the impact of high-speed rail (HSR) investments on interstate passenger transportation portfolio, fuel and electricity consumption, and 40-year cost and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The results show that there are feasible scenarios under which significant HSR penetration can be achieved, leading to reasonable decrease in national long-term CO2 emissions and costs. At higher HSR penetration of approximately 30% relative to no HSR in the portfolio promises a 40-year cost savings of up to $0.63 T, gasoline and jet fuel consumption reduction of up to 34% for interstate passenger trips, CO2 emissions reduction by about 0.8 billion short tons, and increased resilience against petroleum price shocks. Additionally, sensitivity studies with respect to light-duty vehicle mode share reveal that in order to realize such long-term cost and emission benefits, a change in the passenger mode choice is essential to ensure higher ridership for HSR.  相似文献   
Commercial passenger cars are a possible early market segment for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Compared to privately owned vehicles, the commercial vehicle segment is characterized by higher mileage and a higher share of vehicle sales in Germany. To this point, there are only few studies which analyze the commercial passenger car sector and arrive at contradictory results due to insufficient driving profile data with an observation period of only one day. Here, we calculate the market potential of PEVs for the German commercial passenger car sector by determining the technical and economical potential for PEVs in 2020 from multi-day driving profiles. We find that commercial vehicles are better suited for PEVs than private ones since they show higher average annual mileage and drive more regularly. About 87% of the analyzed three-week vehicle profiles can technically be fulfilled by battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with an electric driving range of about 110 km while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) with an electric range of 40 km could obtain an electric driving share of 60% on average. In moderate energy price scenarios, PEVs can reach a market share of 2–4% in the German commercial passenger car sales by 2020 and especially the large commercial branches (Trade, Manufacturing, Administrative services and Other services) are important. However, our analysis shows a high sensitivity of results to energy and battery prices as well as electric consumptions.  相似文献   
对胶济客运专线建设过程中不同施工阶段道床质量状态进行了试验研究.基于现场测试结果,通过多项式回归分析得出回归方程式,并进行绘图对比.试验研究表明:在施工不同阶段,道床状态参数达到验收标准的要求;不同施工阶段、不同机具、不同作业条件对道床状态参数的影响有所不同.试验结果可供客运专线跨区间无缝线路铺设及安全开通运营提供借鉴.  相似文献   
城市交通可靠性对铁路客运站最高聚集人数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市道路交通可靠性是铁路客运站最高聚集人数的重要影响因素,为了定量衡量城市交通可靠性对铁路客运站最高聚集人数的影响,在已有的最高聚集人数计算方法的基础上,给出了城市道路交通可靠性对铁路客运站最高聚集人数影响的计算方法:利用计算机工具,用旅客实际的候车时间减去旅客由于道路交通状态的不确定性需要额外准备的时间(即缓冲时间),重新得到旅客的候车时间分布,根据重新得到的候车时间分布,确定城市交通不稳定情况下的旅客最高聚集人数,并通过算例进行实证分析.研究结果可以为铁路规划和设计部门提供参考.  相似文献   
红黏土抗剪强度与影响因子作用机理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合武广客运专线红粘土直剪实验结果,按照固结快剪、快剪和慢剪3种实验条件,分别计算红黏土粘聚力、摩擦角、含水率以及液塑限等常规物理指标之间的Pearson相关系数和显著性概率,对显著影响因子的作用机理进行分析.通过分析得到了不同剪切条件下红黏土粘聚力和摩擦角的主要影响指标及其作用机理、粘聚力随液性指数的变化规律以及抗剪强度的统计结果.  相似文献   
采用Tekscan压力测量系统现场测试了遂宁—重庆客货共线无砟轨道钢轨支点压力, 提出了高斯函数型钢轨支点压力时程表达式, 并通过现场实测数据对其进行验证; 根据钢轨支点压力时程表达式, 采用时序式加载法对轨道结构模型施加荷载, 并将其动力响应结果分别与车辆-轨道-路基垂向耦合振动模型的计算结果和现场实测结果进行对比。研究结果表明: 现场实测客货车对钢轨支点的最大压力分别为29.91和82.49 kN, 与中国铁道科学研究院测试结果的相对误差小于20%, 故Tekscan压力测量系统可精确测试钢轨支点压力; 高斯函数拟合所得客货车对钢轨支点压力的时程曲线与实测曲线的相关系数分别为0.962 7和0.966 7, 最大压力与现场实测值的相对差异分别为5.15%和0.46%, 最小压力与现场实测值的相对差异分别为7.23%和24.11%, 故采用高斯函数能较好地模拟客货车对钢轨支点压力的时程曲线, 且货车作用下钢轨支点压力时程的模拟精度略高于客车; 基于时序式加载法的荷载激励-轨道-路基模型计算结果与车辆-轨道-路基垂向耦合振动模型计算结果和现场测试结果相比, 轨道板最大位移相对差异分别为5.41%和2.70%, 底座板最大位移相对差异分别为2.86%和5.71%, 轨道板最大加速度相对差异分别为14.00%和23.20%, 底座板最大加速度相对差异分别为13.61%和8.73%。可见, 基于时序式加载法和高斯函数型钢轨支点压力时程表达式的荷载激励-轨道-路基模型可靠, 该方法无需建立车体模型, 既能保证计算效率, 又具有很高的精度。  相似文献   
为保证城市轨道交通运输系统在突发客流条件下能够安全高效运营,本文基于元胞自动机建立城市轨道交通突发客流拥堵传播模型.分析突发客流量拥堵传播过程,采用状态参数集反映车站拥挤程度的多样化差异,定义更为准确合理的客流量元胞自动机演化规则.以成都市轨道交通部分线网为例,仿真设置不同量值的突发客流,研究线网客流状态的演化规律.结果表明,随着突发客流量增加,客流状态从区域拥堵演化至线拥堵的速度减缓,从线拥堵演化至点拥堵的速度保持不变或略有加快.此外,大量突发客流会引起拥堵消散速度的减缓,造成更大时空范围的区域性拥堵.  相似文献   
分析了重大公共卫生灾害对城市轨道交通网络集成韧性的影响机理;基于韧性曲线模型对传统韧性测度方法进行了修正,构建了面向重大公共卫生灾害影响的城市轨道交通网络集成韧性测度方法;评估了城市轨道交通网络节点重要度水平,运用复杂网络构建了城市轨道交通网络拓扑模型,对节点客流进行了模拟分配;应用SEZIR传染病传播模型模拟了灾害传播过程,研究了城市轨道交通在重大公共卫生灾害背景下的集成韧性水平演化规律;以西安市疫情发展过程为研究对象,对主动客流限制下城市轨道交通网络的集成韧性水平进行了模拟和数值分析。研究结果表明:主动客流限制措施能够有效提高城市轨道交通网络对重大公共卫生灾害的阻断能力,当客流限制水平达到30%后,重大公共卫生灾害传播过程趋于平缓;主动客流限制措施会直接导致城市轨道交通网络运行效率降低,但能够提升城市轨道交通网络在重大公共卫生灾害影响下的集成韧性水平;当客流限制水平分别为70%、40%和20%时,城市轨道交通网络集成韧性水平的改善提升效果更加明显,累积改善效果分别可达到10.73%、46.87%和226.81%。  相似文献   
毛翠萍 《都市快轨交通》2009,22(1):24--27,35
珠江新城是21世纪广州市中央商务区(CBD)的重要组成部分,完善发达的内外交通是CBD的支撑基础.乘客自动输送系统是中央商务区内部交通与外部交通联系的重要途径,其9个车站沿城市新中轴线设置在城市最中心的繁华地段,车站建筑布置因地制宜、形式多样,其中4个分建车站全线统一采用岛式站台,出入口位于城市中心区,全部采用无盖出入口的形式,分建车站至少设有2个能直通地面的疏散口.  相似文献   
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