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The main focus of travel behaviour research has been explaining differences in behaviour between individuals (interpersonal variability) with less emphasis given to the variability of behaviour within individuals (intrapersonal variability). The subject of this paper is the variability of transport modes used by individuals in their weekly travel. Our review shows that previous studies have not allowed the full use of different modes in weekly travel to be taken into account, have used categorical variables as simple indicators of modal variability and have only considered a limited set of explanatory indicators in seeking to explain modal variability. In our analysis we use National Travel Survey data for Great Britain. We analyse modal variability with continuous measures of modal variability (Herfindahl–Hirschman Index, the difference in mode share between the primary and secondary mode, the total number of modes used). Taking inspiration from Hägerstrand (1970), we conceive that modal variability is determined by different types of spatial mobility constraints and find that reduced modal variability is predicted for having mobility difficulties, being aged over 60, being non-white, working full-time, living in smaller settlement, lower household income, having regular access to a car, having no public transport pass/season ticket and not owning a bicycle. The findings can support a change in perspective in transport policy from encouraging people to replace the use of one mode with another to encouraging people to make a change to their relative use of different transport modes.  相似文献   
This paper investigates crowding effect on the path choice of metro passengers. We show people reroute not only to avoid the delay from crowding but also to evade crowding itself. More specifically, a logit model fits best when it uses the transit delay from crowding as well as the passenger load of a connection in addition to the conventional explanatory variables. Also, we demonstrate that crowding decreases the overall welfare of metro passengers. The model is tested on the real path choice data acquired by the recent algorithm by Hong et al. (2015) known to detect the real path choice from Smart Card data in more than 90% of the cases.  相似文献   
郭亮 《上海造船》2015,(1):74-78
造船企业要在激烈的市场竞争中立足,关键是加强设计计划管理,提高核心竞争力。船舶设计计划管理主要针对项目设计计划的控制与跟踪,通过分析船舶详细设计阶段和生产设计阶段计划管理所涉及的主要问题,并详细阐述了整个设计计划管理的细节及SEM系统生成的技术流程。该计划管理流程可供同类企业参考。  相似文献   
随着中国城市群的快速发展,城际交通出行环境发生了巨大的变化,因此城际出行者也会不断地重建自己的出行习惯,这就要求建立动态模型研究城际出行者出行行为和预测城际交通需求。本文调查出行者在宁杭城际高铁开通前后两个时期的出行信息,并且引入状态依赖变量表征出行者之前选择结果对之后出行选择的影响,建立了基于面板数据的城际出行方式选择动态模型。模型结果表明,基于面板数据的动态模型比传统的基于出行者单次出行数据的模型拥有更高精度。同时本文根据宁杭城际出行背景设置三组政策变化方案预测出行分担率,结果表明,当选择环境发生变化时,传统模型会高估出行方式分担率的变化程度。以上结论能更好地服务于中国城际交通的规划。  相似文献   
为了合理编制客运站到发线运用计划,作者确定了到发线均衡性评价标准,建立了既满足到发线固定使用方案,又达到均衡使用到发线的多目标二次0-1规划模型;并以德州东站为实例,利用LINGO软件进行了求解与验证。  相似文献   
飞行安全和流量管理空管领域一个很重要的课题,通过飞行计划与航迹相关,可以直观地了解各航空器的详细飞行状态和空域中飞行流量,及时为飞行器制订合理飞行计划,保证飞行安全和空域飞行流量。因而需要对航空器飞行计划与航迹相关的一些方法和问题进行研究,以提高空管可靠性和合理选用空域资源。  相似文献   
为满足海军装备保障计划在保障单元间高效交流共享及自动化操作处理的要求,文章建立海军装备保障计划本体框架,对行动功能关联进行形式化表达,构建行动功能关联数据模型,形式化的阐述资源、能力以及它们之间的关联,扩展海军装备保障资源概念并构建资源数据模型。案例表达表明:行动功能关联和资源数据模型能够很好地表述装备保障行动序列、资源和能力。  相似文献   
分析汽车企业中技术人力资源流失的原因,浅谈人才战略选择。  相似文献   
对有机会接受高等教育的个体来说,大学是其为能够充分的适应社会积累所需资本的重要阶段,资本积累如何直接影响到个体是否能够顺利地走向社会。大学需要积累的资本很多,包括知识、能力与素质等,其中专业知识的获得也就是学习是个体必须积累的最基础的资本。因此,科学地规划大学生涯对大学生来说是至关重要的。随着部分高校实行学分制教育模式,如何指导大一学生做好学分制教育条件下的学业规划成为了高等学校教育面临的重要课题。  相似文献   
陈华 《港工技术》2021,58(2):39-43
本文结合某港散货港区智慧港口规划项目,介绍了该港南作业区智能化项目的核心在于构建一套适应现代散杂货港口发展趋势、突破传统散货港口作业模式的全新港口智能化系统.本次规划将物联网、大数据技术、AI人工智能、5G等新型基础设施与生产业务融合,创新生产作业流程及资源配置,显著提高港口的作业运营能力、物流协同能力、口岸支持能力、...  相似文献   
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