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沈永俊  王东宝 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):509-514
随着海洋石油工业技术的发展和海上油田水深的增加,水下生产系统已越来越受到世界各国的重视,并已被纳入世界各大石油公司的重要发展战略。在国内,水下生产系统的研制和开发尚仍属起步阶段,急需系统、全面的数据资料供相关人员查阅。为此,水下生产系统数据库首次被提出并实现。本数据库通过搜集汇总采油树、水下工艺设施、水下接头、控制系统、常用材料、工程公司、项目案例等7个方面的国内外最新相关数据资料,同时进行合理的编排、分类以及整理,最终以网页形式浏览查询。该数据库包含有水下生产系统的构成、各部分的技术要点、主要供应商、设计服务以及建造安装服务的专业公司、成功应用的案例以及成本预算等信息,为相关人员进行水下项目的可行性分析以及技术决策提供了全面、系统的数据支持。  相似文献   
陈建男 《路基工程》2014,(1):183-186
基于高速铁路无砟轨道结构中的CRTSⅡ型轨道板生产线方案进行可行性分析,研究了CRTSⅡ型轨道板生产线的几种方案,并从技术、生产、经济等方面对几种方案进行了对比,为CRTSⅡ型轨道板场生产线的方案选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   
将基于贝叶斯网络的概率安全评价方法引入港口生产作业安全评价中,提出了将故障树分析法转换为贝叶斯网络的步骤,建立了基于贝叶斯网络的安全评价模型。通过在贝叶斯网络模型上进行推理求解,进行前向的风险预测和后向的诊断分析。最后通过对码头前沿机损的安全评价实例说明该评价方法的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   
25Hz相敏轨道电路的断轨(断线)监督检查问题长期影响着铁路安全行车。针对25Hz相敏轨道电路的断轨(断线)监督检查问题进行分析、探讨,确定实现断轨(断线)监督检查的技术标准,并提出相应解决方案,实现断轨(断线)监督检查。  相似文献   
从多方视角介绍了日产汽车公司美国坎顿工厂的建设背景和投产情况,简要概括了坎顿工厂所采取的提高劳动生产率的生产集中化战略。  相似文献   
FPSO船典型节点疲劳强度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对浮式生产储油轮(FPSO)肋骨框架局部结构的节点进行了疲劳强度分析和计算。使用通用的有限元分析软件——ANSYS,对一个典型的局部结构节点建立了计算模型并进行参数分析。该局部结构为舷侧纵桁与腹板的连接节点。大量的调查实践证明,此处是疲劳损伤的高发区。文中选取了挪威科技大学建立的一个试验模型作为参考依据,采用美国船级社的计算规范对局部结构的两个热点应力区的疲劳强度进行了估算,并将计算结果与试验模型的结果进行了比较。结果表明:合理的补板以及腹板开口的尺寸可以提高该局部结构的疲劳寿命;疲劳损伤的定义需要根据疲劳失效后果加以确定从而给出基于风险的最佳检测和维修计划。  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate phases of carbon (DIC, DOC, POC) and nutrients (DIN, DIP, DSi, DON, DOP, PN) were investigated bimonthly from August 1999 to August 2000 to study biogeochemical dynamics of carbon and nutrients in Tapong Bay, a small semi-enclosed and hypertrophic lagoon in southwestern Taiwan. The lagoon has only a tidal inlet for exchanging water between Tapong Bay and Taiwan Strait, which may result in low water exchange rates and various oxygen-deficient conditions in bottom water of the inner bay during warm seasons. The water exchange time of Tapong Bay ranges from 7 days (summer) to 13 days (winter) with a mean of 10 days. Nutrient dynamics were largely ascribed to allochthonous inputs, biological and exported removals in the lagoon. Diffusion fluxes from sediments to overlying water accounted for only about 7.6% of annual DIN inputs and 1.0% of annual DIP inputs. High primary productivity (89 mol C m−2 year−1) supported by abundant nutrients primarily drove the lagoon into a hypertrophic condition as particulate organic matter was derived mainly from biological production. Excess of DIP appeared to occur throughout the study period in the lagoon. Temperature, solar radiation and turbidity, rather than nutrients, perhaps controlled seasonal variations of primary productivity. The net ecosystem production (NEP) derived from daily changes of DOC and POC inventories was about 6.3 mmol C m−2 day−1 that was close to 6.7 mmol C m−2 day−1 simulated from the biogeochemical modeling. Therefore, the net ecosystem production (NEP) rate of organic carbon estimated from the biogeochemical model was reliable, and the NEP was temporally variable with an annual mean of 5.8 mol C m−2 year−1, implying that Tapong Bay was an autotrophic system. Although calcification proceeded pronouncedly in warm seasons, an invasion of CO2 was significant in this system. In terms of nitrogen budget, the annual nitrogen fixation exceeded the annual denitrification with a magnitude of 1.30 mol N m−2 year−1, which may be supported by the abundance of nitrogen fixation microplanktons in the lagoon.  相似文献   
以具体事例阐述了在役舰船开展周期检测/校准的重要性,并提出以总体为龙头兼顾系统与接口及设备周期检测/校准,开展和实施在役舰船计量保证的建议,说明在役舰船计量保证势在必行。  相似文献   
Let Fbe a formation locally defined by f(p), G∈ Fand A a ZG-module, where p∈π={all primes and symbol ∞}.Then a p-main-factor U/V of G is said to be F -central in G if G/CG(U/V)∈f(p). In this paper, we have proved that: let Fbe a locally defined formation consisting of locally soluble groups, G a hyper-(cyclic or finite) locally soluble group and A an artinian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors of A being finite; if G ∈ F, f(∞) f(p), f(p)≠ for each p∈π, A has an F -decomposition.  相似文献   
针对当前交通运输行业安全教育存在的问题及产生原因,对体验式教育的特点和在安全教育中的应用进行阐述,分析如何使用体验式培训开展安全教育,提高营运车辆驾驶员素质,减少事故发生。  相似文献   
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