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In South Africa, a restructuring of the public transport system is currently under way. In the bus industry the tender for contract system is being implemented, the commuter rail sector is being recapitalised and the minibus taxi industry recapitalization programme is in its early stages. Progress with policy implementation across the modes of transport, modal split trends and issues that hamper the full development of the public transport industry are discussed in this paper. Medium to long term policy and strategy initiatives that will further inform the development of the industry are also highlighted in this chapter.  相似文献   
This paper is about distance and time as factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. It reviews the relevance of the factors, evaluates time models in practice, compares network distances and times in alternative bundling networks with geometrically varied layouts, and points out how these networks perform in terms of vehicle scale, frequency and door-to-door time. The analysis focuses on intermodal transport in Europe, especially intermodal rail transport, but is in search for generic conclusions. The paper does not incorporate the distance and time results in cost models, and draws conclusions for transport innovation, wherever this is possible without cost modelling. For instance, the feature vehicle scale, an important factor of transport costs, is analysed and discussed.Distance and time are important factors of competitiveness of intermodal transport. They generate (direct) vehicle costs and – via transport quality – indirect costs to the customers. Clearly direct costs/prices are the most important performance of the intermodal transport system. The relevance of quality performances is less clarified. Customers emphasise the importance of a good match between the transport and the logistic system. In this framework (time) reliability is valued high. Often transport time, arrival and departure times, and frequency have a lower priority. But such conclusions can hardy be generalised. The range of valuations reflects the heterogeneity of situations. Some lack of clarity is obviously due to overlapping definitions of different performance types.The following parts of the paper are about two central fields of network design, which have a large impact on transport costs and quality, namely the design of vehicle roundtrips (and acceleration of transport speed) and the choice of bundling type: do vehicles provide direct services or run in what we call complex bundling networks? An example is the hub-and-spoke network. The objective of complex bundling is to increase vehicle scale and/or transport frequency even if network volumes are restricted. Complex bundling requires intermediate nodes for the exchange of load units. Examples of complex bundling networks are the hub-and-spoke network or the line network.Roundtrip and bundling design are interrelated policy fields: an acceleration of the roundtrip speed, often desirable from the cost point of view, can often only be carried out customer friendly, if the transport frequency is increased. But often the flow size is not sufficient for a higher frequency. Then a change of bundling model can be an outcome.Complex bundling networks are known to have longer average distances and times, the latter also due to the presence of additional intermediate exchange nodes. However, this disadvantage is – inside the limits of maximal vehicle sizes – overruled by the advantage of a restricted number of network links. Therefore generally, complex bundling networks have shorter total vehicle distances and times. This expression of economies of scale implies lower vehicle costs per load unit.The last part of the paper presents door-to-door times of load units of complex bundling networks and compares them with unimodal road transport. The times of complex bundling networks are larger than that of networks with direct connections, but nevertheless competitive with unimodal road transport, except for short distances.  相似文献   
周明华  李楠 《交通与计算机》2010,28(2):65-69,73
多式联运已成为现代物流的高速公路,而信息化建设是推动多式联运快速发展的主要因素。文中介绍了多式联运协同服务(MTC)系统的架构设计和功能,实现"port to door"各环节的信息互动和协同作业要求,为货主/货代、船公司、物流企业等部门物流操作、信息跟踪及物流监管服务等提供全方位的支持。通过系统建设,全面整合各环节系统及信息资源,构筑高效联动、功能完备的集疏运服务平台,为多式联运提供全程无缝式信息一体化服务。  相似文献   
以上海市通勤人群公交使用情况问卷调查数据为依托,运用营销学领域中识别顾客忠诚度的RFM模型及相关统计学方法,从"行为忠诚"与"态度忠诚"两方面探讨乘客公交忠诚度的界定与划分,并结合公交服务质量,顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度的相关理论,重点分析上海市通勤人群公交忠诚度的分布情况,并在此基础上建立公交忠诚度影响因素分析模型.结果表明,约1/3受访者虽然目前表现出高强度的公交使用行为,但未来有向公共系统外的其他交通方式转移趋势和风险,而公交使用的态度忠诚度主要受年龄、教育背景、轨道交通票价、公交候车时间、行程时间稳定性及公交车厢拥挤程度影响.  相似文献   
李晓峰 《北方交通》2012,(6):212-213
阐述了做好危险货物运输车辆维修管理工作应采取的措施,确保安全运输,保障人民群众生命财产安全。  相似文献   
针对共享汽车运营商的油车和电车混合车队调度问题,本文将自由流动式和站点借还式两种运营模式相结合,提出考虑用户用车类型偏好的共享汽车系统优化模型。模型为油车和电车车队分别设置了自由流动式和站点借还式的运营模式,并进行运营范围决策、站点选址和车辆调度优化;运营商优先满足用户的用车类型偏好选择,对无法满足偏好的用户进行补贴。根据优化模型基本特征,设计基于梯度的启发式求解方法,对大规模非线性混合整数规划模型进行求解;针对案例区域,比较有无补贴的混合车队模式和单一车队模式的优化结果。结果表明:相比无补贴模式,有补贴模式能够鼓励偏好燃油汽车的用户更多地使用电动汽车,需求满足率从73.4%提高到78.2%,运营商利润提高了46.4%;相比单一类型车队,混合车队能够吸引更多用户使用共享汽车,用户需求数提高了40.6%。  相似文献   
建设公交都市已成为大都市缓解城市交通拥堵的发展方向。本文在公交都市建设实践及研究成果的基础上,分析了常规公交在公交都市中的地位及公交企业的使命,提出了公交企业在公交都市建设中的任务体系,对公交企业的经营管理有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市交通问题日益突出,大力发展公共交通逐渐成为公认的解决城市交通拥堵的有效途径之一。为了从城市整体层面提高公共交通服务能力和水平,提出城市综合公共交通体系的概念,并探讨该体系的若干设计内容。  相似文献   
《城市停车规划规范》(GB/T 51149—2016)(以下简称《规范》)已于2017年2月1日起实施,对其编制的技术要点及主要条文内容进行解读,有助于更好地理解和执行《规范》。首先对《规范》编制的主要目的、意义和背景进行介绍。在统一对城市停车规划认识的基础上,明确城市停车规划应包含的内容。对城市停车位供给规模及比例构成等关键技术指标进行解释和说明,支持城市可持续发展的停车规划的制定。在提出通过多种途径增加停车位供给以缓解当前停车矛盾的同时,也考虑到为支持新能源汽车的发展在规划上预留空间。  相似文献   
Separation from partner and family has been found to be one of the most significant causes of stress for seafarers, with separation from the family one of the most important ‘stress’ factors influencing a decision to reduce planned sea service. Drawing on in-depth interviews with seafarers' partners in the UK, China and India, this paper focuses on the impact of seafaring on family life, with particular attention given to the effects of differing conditions of service and the range of company support available to seafarers and their partners. The paper concludes that the negative consequences of seafaring can be minimized by such policies as shorter trips, continuous employment (rather than employment by voyage) and opportunities for partners and families to sail. Whilst these measures may have financial costs, these can be off-set by improved retention of seafarers and the avoidance of stress-related illnesses. Indeed, at a time when there is a projected shortfall of well-trained seafarers, such steps may be sound company policy  相似文献   
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