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为了合理分配引入高速和城际客运专线的铁路枢纽内客运站的接发旅客列车任务,以始发终到客流在各客运站之间的分配、始发终到和通过客流的运行路径为决策变量,以最小化枢纽内始发终到和通过旅客的费用为目标,以客运站始发终到能力和通过能力、铁路线路旅客列车通过能力、旅客运输需求为约束条件,建立了客运站分工多目标非线性混合整数规划模型.考虑铁路枢纽内运行路径少的特点,设计了基于枚举法、多最短路和线性规划的精确求解算法.算例表明,该方法能够对3个客运站的接发旅客列车数量进行定量分配,始发终到能力占用率分别为100%、64.5%和69.3%,通过能力占用率分别为78.7%、65.9%和25%.  相似文献   
本文通过典型案例分析了船员对《1972年国际海上避踫规则》相关条款的理解和应用,以及环境因素、船员素质等对船舶雾航安全的影响,提出了减少雾航事故的对策。  相似文献   
基于内部营销的星级酒店员工满意度调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从内部营销理论出发论述了星级酒店员工满意度调查研究的重要性,通过向3家样本酒店发放问卷调查表对员工满意度进行调查,利用SPSS 15.0软件进行数据分析,提取出7个影响员工满意度的主要因子并分类计算了因子得分,得出了星级酒店员工满意度状况。  相似文献   
将边坡安全稳定系数作为岩土体参数的折减系数对岩土体参数进行折减,采用有限元软件ANSYS进行动力分析,求得地震作用过程中边坡稳定性系数;通过边坡断面横向加速度位移时程曲线研究了高边坡的动力特性;结合工程算例,分析了高边坡在地震条件下的失稳破坏机理,验证了强度折减动力分析法的可行性.研究表明:强度折减动力分析法能直接评价...  相似文献   
从城市汽车节能减排的角度,以不同动力系统的低排量混合动力汽车为对象,用ADVISOR软件进行仿真分析,证明小排量的并联式混合动力汽车同时具备良好的动力性、经济性和排放特性.结合城市行驶工况特点,得出小排量并联混合动力汽车比串联混合动力汽车更适合城市汽车节能减排、环境保护要求的结论.  相似文献   
概述了枯水频率分析的研究进展,结合枯水频率分析的特点,以南运河系清漳河刘家庄水文站的枯水径流系列为研究对象,采用一种新的模型——邵氏扩展3参数BurrⅢ型分布,并与皮尔逊Ⅲ型(P3)模型进行比较.统计检验结果表明,该模型与皮尔逊Ⅲ型拟合和预测效果都比较好.特别是在处理频率曲线尾部出现水平以及较高保证率下设计值小于零的问题上,要优于P3分布.并采用极大似然法进行参数估计,为枯水频率分析提供了一条新的途径.  相似文献   
针对针摆传动中的高精度要求,给出了求最佳修形量的优化方法,在对齿廓修形产生的几何相对转角进行计算的基础上提出了弓背齿廓,进行了理论分析研究,并通过动态受力分析方法得到齿面接触力和接触应力.采用弓背齿廓修形方式计算结果表明,最佳弓背齿廓修形可以获得较小几何相对转角,有效减小回转误差,实现高精度传动,以适用于有高精度要求的针摆传动中.  相似文献   
在完成对RV-250AII型减速器实体模型建模的基础上,采用有限元分析软件Ansys,对RV传动中的关键部件曲柄轴分别进行自由边界支撑和实际边界支撑条件下的模态分析.通过对其固有频率等仿真计算结果进行分析,获得了可能引起整机共振的零件本身的固有频率范围.通过分析位移和节点变形图以获得零件上发生最大刚体位移的位置,为优化设计提供参考.提出改进建议,分别对增加曲柄轴轴颈和减少行星轮质量两种方案进行分析,验证了对改变固有频率及避免共振的影响,同时通过比较得知减轻行星轮质量的方案更优.  相似文献   
Previous researches in activities-decision have more in-depth study in context of individuals, while less work has been done within household activity decisions. The structural equation model is applied to analyze the relationship of three household activity categories on holiday using data from 2009 Jinan travel survey. Six attributes were first chosen as exogenous variables for the structural equation model. Meanwhile, six activity characteristic indexes were selected as endogenous variables including activity duration time and activity times in three kinds of activity, hereby Subsistence activity, maintenance activity and discretionary activity. respectively. Then, the paper attempted to discuss the correlation of all types of activities behavior through analyzing not only the influence of household economics and family members factors on activity but the correlation of holiday activities. The research shows that complex relationships among composition of the family, economic status, and activities-decision can be captured by the structural equation model structure. Specifically, the results show that flexibility of three categories activities will affect the activities of decision-making.  相似文献   
Transit quality service is an important factor that affects the bus split rate. This paper studies the passenger's preference of the bus service with the conjoint analysis. Through the actual survey and data analysis, the utility values of the reliability, frequency, walking time, etc. are measured. And the attributes' weights are determined through the utility values. The results show that the bus reliability is passengers' first concern, which is followed by in-bus environment, walking time and frequency. And the station environment and the price weight low. Then the bus service quality in Nanjing was investigated based on the attributes. The results show that passengers' evaluations about reliability, in-bus environment and frequency in the peak period are much lower than that in the non-peak period. And their evaluation on reliability is very low. The peak period in-bus environment and frequency also get bad evaluation.  相似文献   
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