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为实现空车调配与货物列车开行方案协调优化,结合基本运行图架构与车流径路,构建货运时空服务拓展网络。考虑配空与装卸取送、集编发等环节的时间接续要求,节点与区段不对流空车要求,以重车流全程运送与空车配送等广义总费用最少为目标,建立整数规划弧路模型。针对既有算法设计局限性,结合重车或空车配空的时间接续要求,提出将不同的 k 短路重车流方案与空车配空方案相关联的改进可行解构造方法,设计混合差分进化求解算法。实例研究表明,考虑空车调配进行重车、空车流组织协调优化,能够减少空车走行费用,及时满足装车需求,有效保证作业车流配合中转车流集结编组及时挂线,提高方案可实施性。  相似文献   
随着轨迹数据可获取性及精度的持续提高,货车轨迹数据被广泛应用于公路货运系统的 规划与管理中,同时,人工智能和大数据分析技术的快速发展也为公路货运系统研究带来新的机 遇与挑战。本文全面梳理并总结了公路货运轨迹数据应用领域的相关研究,从基于轨迹数据的 货运出行信息辨识、货运系统关键特征预测、货运轨迹数据进一步应用3个方面回顾现有文献的 研究目标、主要内容和研究方法。通过文献分析发现:货运出行信息辨识研究聚焦于货运停留 点、车辆和货物、活动出行模式等热点主题,但现有辨识方法多移植于旅客出行研究,需要更多地 考虑货运出行的独特特征。在货运系统关键特征预测方面,研究者主要针对货运行程时间、空间 位置、出行需求等主题展开研究,并证明了基于轨迹数据预测货运特征的可行性,但预测时空范 围较为局限,需要根据具体的货运任务、货车司机特征和货运政策进行深入研究。此外,轨迹数 据也被应用于货运出行路径选择行为、货运停车休息行为、行驶安全、货运排放和能耗分析、货运 政策评估等研究。最后,在总结现有研究不足的基础上,本文认为未来研究应重点将货运轨迹数 据与其他多源数据相结合,从3个关键技术进行突破:一是针对货运实践个体,重点探索高效货车 驾驶员的出行特征和出行模式,并在货运系统中进行推广应用;二是针对交通运输新技术和新形 势,重点开发和优化自动驾驶技术和重大应急事件影响下的货运组织模式与策略;三是针对货运 供需关系及匹配机制,重点研究货运全流程供需状态辨识与预测,并结合深度学习等方法训练和 开发智能供需匹配模型,从而优化货运系统调度,助力社会散乱运力资源整合,提高货运系统的 综合效率。  相似文献   
为研究点汇聚系统的环境效益及减排机理,采用考虑气象条件修正后的航空器性能、燃油 流量及污染物计算模型,设计了理想条件下非高峰时刻与实际运行的高峰时刻两种场景,对比分 析了航空器在点汇聚系统与标准进场程序中污染物(即HC、CO、NOX、SOX和PM)的排放情况,并 从飞行时间、燃油消耗与排放指数3个方面分析了点汇聚系统的减排机理、识别了减排关键因素。 研究发现:在非高峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为5.79 kg与7.17 kg, 点汇聚系统较标准进场程序共减少约19.25%污染物排放,对NOX、SOX和PM减排效果显著;在高 峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为290.01 kg与406.69 kg,点汇聚系 统较标准进场程序共减少28.69%污染物排放,其中NOX减排比例最高可达48.32%。结果表明: 无论是非高峰时刻还是高峰时刻,点汇聚系统都具有良好的环境效益,可有效减少污染物的排放 总量,且对NOX减排效果最佳;较短的飞行时间、较低的燃油流量是点汇聚系统体现减排优势的 关键驱动因素。  相似文献   
从数据驱动视角出发,本文探讨收费公路资产支持证券的结构化定价方法。首先,构建反 映交通量风险特征的收费公路通行收入自回归积分滑动平均模型;其次,基于瀑布式偿付结构和 到期收益率Nelson-Siegel模型计算不同等级证券发债规模与息票利率;最后结合成渝高速和渝 蓉高速现实数据进行仿真分析。研究发现,高速公路成熟期的通行收入具有尖峰厚尾特征,成长 期的通行收入更兼具显著的波动聚集效应。数据驱动的定价模型能够刻画通行收入的风险特 征,合理估计优先级的证券融资比例,比只考虑利率风险的现金流折现法更具有优势;从发行方 式来看,合并发行的融资结构显著优于单独发行。管理启示是改变以单个高速公路项目为基础 的特许经营权融资,通过绩优绩差项目的合并发行优化融资结构。  相似文献   
Car following models have been studied with many diverse approaches for decades. Nowadays, technological advances have significantly improved our traffic data collection capabilities. Conventional car following models rely on mathematical formulas and are derived from traffic flow theory; a property that often makes them more restrictive. On the other hand, data-driven approaches are more flexible and allow the incorporation of additional information to the model; however, they may not provide as much insight into traffic flow theory as the traditional models. In this research, an innovative methodological framework based on a data-driven approach is proposed for the estimation of car-following models, suitable for incorporation into microscopic traffic simulation models. An existing technique, i.e. locally weighted regression (loess), is defined through an optimization problem and is employed in a novel way. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using data collected from a sequence of instrumented vehicles in Naples, Italy. Gipps’ model, one of the most extensively used car-following models, is calibrated against the same data and used as a reference benchmark. Optimization issues are raised in both cases. The obtained results suggest that data-driven car-following models could be a promising research direction.  相似文献   
We examine the various forces influencing the development and uptake of environmentally beneficial technical changes, focusing on airline technology. Within this context, we consider not only the nature of competition within the final market in which aircraft, an intermediate product, are sold, but also that of the product market itself, the commercial airline industry. The reasons for the gradual reduction in CO2 per seat per aircraft movement in aircraft design are examined in terms of the real costs of aviation fuel, changes in the nature of the supply industry, the movement towards carbon cap-trade policies, and endogenous technical progress in the technology of the industry. The latter being taken as an empirical proxy for the role market forms play in influencing the fuel efficiency of the types of aircraft used. The results support the existence of these latter forces on the demand for aircraft types, allowing for other influences that affect aircraft technology.  相似文献   
Traffic flow optimization and driver comfort enhancement are the main contributions of an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. If communication links are added, more safety and shorter gaps can be reached performing a Cooperative-ACC (CACC). Although shortening the inter-vehicular distances directly improves traffic flow, it can cause string unstable behavior. This paper presents fractional-order-based control algorithms to enhance the car-following and string stability performance for both ACC and CACC vehicle strings, including communication temporal delay effects. The proposed controller is compared with state-of-the-art implementations, exhibiting better performance. Simulation and real experiments have been conducted for validating the approach.  相似文献   
This paper describes a computationally efficient parallel-computing framework for mesoscopic transportation simulation on large-scale networks. By introducing an overall data structure for mesoscopic dynamic transportation simulation, we discuss a set of implementation issues for enabling flexible parallel computing on a multi-core shared memory architecture. First, we embed an event-based simulation logic to implement a simplified kinematic wave model and reduce simulation overhead. Second, we present a space-time-event computing framework to decompose simulation steps to reduce communication overhead in parallel execution and an OpenMP-based space-time-processor implementation method that is used to automate task partition tasks. According to the spatial and temporal attributes, various types of simulation events are mapped to independent logical processes that can concurrently execute their procedures while maintaining good load balance. We propose a synchronous space-parallel simulation strategy to dynamically assign the logical processes to different threads. The proposed method is then applied to simulate large-scale, real-world networks to examine the computational efficiency under different numbers of CPU threads. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the implemented parallel computing algorithm can significantly improve the computational efficiency and it can reach up to a speedup of 10 on a workstation with 32 computing threads.  相似文献   
Fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to considerably change urban mobility in the future. This study simulates potential AV operating scenarios in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, and assesses transportation system performance on a regional level. For each scenario, the base capacities of certain types of road links are modified to simulate the theoretical increase in throughput enabled by AV driving behavior. Another scenario examines driverless parking operations in downtown Toronto. Simulation results indicate that the increased attractiveness of freeways relative to other routes leads to slightly increased average travel distance as vehicles divert to access higher capacity road links. Average travel time is found to decrease by up to one-fifth at the 90% AV market penetration level. Concurrently, localized increases in congestion suggest that proactive transportation planning will be needed to mitigate negative consequences of AV adoption, especially in relation to induced demand for personal automobile travel.  相似文献   
公路运输是国民经济的基础产业,提高公路运输绩效是发展国民经济的根本途径。在构建公路运输绩效评价指标体系的基础上,利用2003年的调研统计资料,用因子分析法对全国各省市的公路运输系统绩效进行综合评价,指出影响道路运输系统绩效的主要因素,将各省的公路运输系统绩效进行比较,探索影响排名的因素,明确提高公路运输绩效的方向。  相似文献   
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